Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Jan 2002, p. 18

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18-Tise Canadien Chamolon. Tueudav. Januarv 1S.2002 il you have any questions tnese professionals can answer, please write to: 'Ask Ihe Prolessios-sals do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 8784943 Se. TANNINO SPA~ 5Oontu~f.~ (005)878-2324 ~SO6UpporVIiIsRd.,kwm~t. (005) 335-5@~ Q How did indoortanning onginate? A: The roots 0f indoor tanning actually began n physicians' laboratories. Early in the ast century physicians and scientists used artificial ultraviolet Iight sources to combat certain skin disorders and bone density deficiencies. They found that limited exposure to certain UV wavelengths helped with pso- nasis, eczema and acne. Also, t was discovered that when working during daylight hours, underground miners did flot receive regular UV exposure and this was having an adverse affect on their health. Artificial UV Iight sources were deployed in the mines to give the workers the needed vitamin D for calcium absorption helping bone density problems such as osteoporosis. Today's technology has improved upon those ea~y artificial Iight sources and has provided us with mod- em indoor tanning equipment. Sun Ha van Tanning Spa... Iheevolulion of tannîng. CHIROPRACTIC (905) 878-4994 BARROW FAMILY 180 Ontarjo St. S. Milton èIj~ Asgelaearvsm Fax:(905) 878-4485 I Ernail' angebarrowdc@hotmail.com Bac DC How Are Commutera Effectine Yonar Children? A: Recent literature is advasing against the ovenase of computera for childeen. "What's good for bis/ber education may flot be good for bis/ber growing body. Poor posture, repetitive motion and other barinful usage patterna cati lead to aches and pains an the short term, and possibly more sertous effects an the long." The Canadian Pediatrir Society has found that "63% of ebjidren between the ages tif 6 and h aren't getting enough exercise." There are cbanges that cati be matie to tise workstation to make it more coan- fortable, but cbildren stiU need to get "at least an bour of exercise eacb day." 'rbis generanon of cbildren bas become sedentary and parents need to be more proactive about doing pbysical exercise as a family. Altisough tecbnology bas its obyjous advantages it comes with some lesa apparent negative effecta. The fact tbat tbe average Canadian child watcbes between 4-7 boues tif TV or videti games a day is utibelievable. This sedentary lifestyle bas iminediate and long-term health effecte. The buman body is flot designed to sit for many boum a day, especiaily in less than optimal postures. For cbil- dren wbose bodies are stili developang this cati have a tremendous impact on their healtb. Chiropractie is concemed with the structure of the spine and tbe function of tIse nervous system. The nervous system is tise master conteol hi tise body and changes hi function of the nervous systean leada to cbanges ha your bealtb. Moat of these cbanges are suent and asymptomatic as tise body goes through a proceas tif disease (out tif balance) before disease and symptoms occur. The tbree main causes of nerve disturbance or subluxaflons are pbysical, chemical and emotional. Hours spent at a computer especaally at poor workstations causes postural changes tises affecting the uer- vous systens. As a fanslly chiropractor, I feel it is essential that parents make the effort to ensure their cbildren are pbysically active. Healtby Ilfestyle factora hicluding exereise, diet, sleep and regular chiropractie adjustsnents are very important to belp you Tel: (905) 876-0940 Fia: (905) 876-2934 420 Main Streot Emat, Mîlton, Ontarlo L9T 1P9 ~ Q: What RRSP chaires doco Money Concepts offer? A: Money Concepts sets as a broker. We work fsr ose clients and pro- vide a onide selectiso of RRSP isvestment options ranging fron cosservative to aggressive Laboar Sponsored Investatent Fando and RRSP Isans. We sbop tht market and offer competitive OIC rates froat teveral major Canadian financial institutions. Our iegrtgated fuad sspplien offer our clients creditsr protection and future valse guarantees. There are over 3,500 mutual fundi availahie in Canada. Mots financial institutions only sdi Iheir own "hi bouse" brand of mott- ai fonds. Money Concepts offert ail tht fonda from tht top nattai fund fanrilies in Canada. Wr make ose recommendations based spon ose clients needo and tht seleetion tif nattai fonds that me believe heot address these needa. Labour Sponiored Invesîment Fonds are a special risk category which meet tome clients invetisent and tax oteaîegy needt hy offering t~ 1035% i5 tas credits. At Money Concepts me forts upon tht desigo of your estire RRSP investmett portfolio. A melI diversifard portfolio employs astet allocation strategies to help reduce risk aod volatility while seek- ing a higher, consistent rate tif relura over tht long term. Our RRSP muttal fusd suppliera offer RRSP invealment pro- gramo fron $50 per month or a $300 initial iovesîmetst. RRSP invealment louas at competitîve rates are avaîlable loti %EGON. Denier Servicea Canada mc f HEATHER SCUE, Agent 3006 Deny Rd. W., Suite 204 larmes fui. a. Ha~î 905.693-1400 h.ather.aollejfajOatatefamm.caas Shopping for auto insurance Wbethar you'ra a firat tino buyor tif auto inauranco or alroady hava if but ara looking for a baller demI, you ahouîd ba asking noverai queutiona. Firat, la the peraon f rom whom you'ra buying (your agant) a viaible, eatabliahad mambar 0f your communuty nomeone you know and triaut? Second, la the company from whom you'ra buying mal known? What a ta raputation? What about praca? Bacauae thara are hundreda tif rompanian compating for your buaineas, pracaa vary - aomatimas a lot. Be aura me pramiuma you're quoted ara for equal amounta 0f covarage. How about aarvice? Prica a important but aaving money mont moan much unlaun you gat tise aarvica you naad - misen you need t. Hoon about aoivancy? la tha company you'ra conaadaring la atili going 10 be n buainaaa when you fila your daim? Once you've decidad on a company and an agent, mare are more queutiona 10 ask. How mucis coverage do you need? Tise required minimum amounta 0f liability coverage may not be enougis for y ou. Conaider your n~da n ligist ofyour assets and incoma. How mucis can you afford 10 pay if therea a big judgement againat you bacauae csf an accident? What about deductiblea? Sisould you carry collialon and com- prehensive coverage? Au your cara value dacreaaea, you migist conaider dropping meae covaragea and pockating me aavlnga on premiuma. But conaldar t me anvanga are anougis 10 offuet me riak tsf repairlng or replacing your car. Auto inaurance la nota genenc commodity. St la a product mat ahoulti be taiiorad 10 eacis indMdual. Vour agent cati help you anamer meae queutions and mereby help you tailor your auto inaurance 10 your apecific and unique neada Elayne BA., B.S.W., M.S.Va Counselling Milton (905) f M. Tanner t., R.S.W., OlP. SOC. ADM. & Psychotherapy 854-0801 Ellyne M. Tanner I neyer seem toges anything dont on lime. I always leave il until the lasI minute and then rush thrsugh il. What rua Sdn ta change Ibis? A.: h sotnds like yoa ares classie procrastinutor. Proerastîoatiot is sonitltting s me ail do tome tif tht lime bst for some people r s a wuy tif life. There are dif- a feresi WSf s 10 procrastisate such as: I. I fudaelianial If il canool hi perfect I milI cor do il ai ait - yoo cant fait if you do nos try. 2. Ihei$~auier Wtsaî mut happes if I eannoî do il right? What if I do do t right and peopît expert more tif me? Bst...l What if...? 3 J:k.Dtnti Whyshostdlhaveîodoiî.nooneconmthemedoit. 11140 t mheo t arn ady 4 IhtCriaiaMaluee This son needs to hi right sp againat a deadîme 10 hi mottvated 10 actos. Tht .sdreoalite rtsh serves as a high. 5. Iht teamer A dreamer 0f greas dros hsl nos foetstd eoosgh to follow îhrosgh. 6. Iht an~ues Ose who cassot lime manage. Thty cannot 555 'nrf mheo îhey shosld and îhey try o accomplmsh loti moch n order 10 keep every- hody happy. In cososelling we moold deteantot tehat is holding yos hart. You may netd htlp n ltammg lv sti realîstir avd masageahle goats. or yos mighî have difft cully v breaktng tasks dotes rnIs sîeps. vo that yos are sot ovtrmhelmed. If yoo arr prorrastixatiof. whaî techoîqor are yoo osiog anal why are yoo dotng il? Onet we dîscover tht tehat ard tht why Wr mort os tht hote hote 10 change tht palteros. Belote long you tetîl mal that yoo art accomplîshîng yosr goals io a timely masser. Elayne Tanner & Associates. mc. With my ussoeaaîes, Ian uNe te offert eariety o! servacco macludang media- tins, eruap, seminues aad uceeso un a luwyer ami legal nervieeo. Conlidentiality guaranterd. Supporting iradependent lifestyles & worry-free household maintenance -87-4oe1.6~i.2O6.7OP DAWN cASE mliii iUiAWqt5SaItUULif 15 Q if totry stmssgmeachyeanes dasewmehigmthtetuaelkmatnetdto tItan sp top otite, archive flits, asd so on. sol will stan tht New Year nght. To do il myseif mdlot o hase my stslT meohir do iv aery rmtty md is ceOuialy 551 tht heat use oS mymies tisse. Do ym hast my auggesîioss se haw Ibis cm hi dont efficiesaly ami coal effeeiiatly? A. Pmaastiog s tighl. Il cm hi very sîtesafsl o face tir "Amuit Otite CItas-up. File Archive. t3et Rndy for hi Nes Year anal Te Retsto tines!" tnt reeemly releaseal Nîtonal Sîudy. hi anoans o! lIme people spent ut tht oftlre etrh weet rose rot toron sf43 hatro from ander 41 Tht prople talîng sort lomejarrqsed 1052 per tee froto 31 pet test So. dons t mate my sesse o adi lx ihose bouts for yom otite tItan tp on stese of ittose tiher titse.comumog admisisasitar ta.sts? Ahsololtly son! Here att a fes ssggtslîons thal may help: * tariolitot Consider tht tmpsotsct 0f conpletisg thise lasta sîth regard 10 yonr personal md profes. atonal goals. * Sehedule hi Tasts Set Ihe lime aside 10 complete tht bats. Focua 10 gel thejtbdert. * Do Not Procrasieute Whatiseasyts s sorosysoltodo. Tastslhatwedonotes ywesmnttiaespatoff .Consi~tmo Howmsebtimesonldyos 5h51 memhtrneedioselastdetogotihejohdate? Wr ut laiting aimaI dedeattal, snîoaros~Oed hans 10 cmnphle ut tht 1mb. * CalculaIt de CosI bm mach silI il cml tht Cmnpmy n alaif auges. yoan aaluy md lotI emtnner on sain tint (if contpltiog Isats dosng regulan wmt haurs?) le suie 10 aid irait tht a~md espensea. asch as. hisefils rosIs. Et md CFP. *Ossonrcellse led r ym hast cons aIl tht hoans md calculateal tht cml. yon nay hi snptrsed. Ym may dîscoser Il wottld hi rime hiseliciai 10 conaraci sesenre loconiplele tht genjeeî hi yon. if yon have lot complotai tht isouat ramI yeî. Ittere tai goml chante titi thîs wiil essumue 10 weighonyonrmoai Wtdltnowthosethangtthaiweighonsarnmdarndioteepmîetspn. thacliat. Tht heotadake 1cm gîve s thîs "Do plut ,ea dobeuoadMegieth. ena!"

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