6 - The Canadian Champion Saturday December 29 2001 Th CIVII VICapo, audy E NTbr 9 20 +THE CA4NADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canaien Champion, puttished eveoT Tuosday and Frday at 191 Main St E . Mion, Ot, ST 4N9 tBox 248), n one ot The Metroland Milto, On. L9 4N9 Prnting, PubIinSîOg & Dtstnibuting taI grnup ot suburbain conmparuen wtiict inctuaes: AjaxPickening News Sdventinoi, Alîton HeratiSCournet, Bartie Advance. Sarryns Bay This Week, totten Entorprino, Btampton Suardtan. (905) 7 8 -2 3 1 t tlisgton tPont. Burtington Shopping News, City Parent, City ot Tonk Suandian, ColtîoîwoodlWasaga Connction, Eaut Tork Minso, Ettn Edîtonial Fax: 905-878-4943 SAdocaionçouony Rnutms, Siobicnko Suandian, FlamSarnugh Pont. Fortee Yong, Georgetown Iniiopendont/Acton Fnoe Pions. Satn Businesn Timon. Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Surnna Business Times, Kingston Thsî Weok. L.indnay This Wooii, NianSSan Economint & Sun, MidtaoîSPenOtaginheno Mîrtot. Mitas Shoppting News, Classified: 905-875-3300 Minnînnauga BusinessTimesMisissauga Newsi,Napafl Guide, Circulation: 905-878-5947 Nornt YorkMiroin, SOtînutto Bavît, Sakuitit Shotpingt News, Sidtimors Hockey News, Stittra Today Osnawa/W.htby/Ctdington/Pnii Potoy This Ian Oliver Publisher Week Peterborough This 55eek Picton Conoy GuideRichonfd Neil Oliver Asnociaie Pubinher Tribune. Sdv roinng ns acceptod as the condition hai, sn the onînt oi a typa- Wendy Mctoab Adierti.îing Manager inaphical tror, thut portion oi toe aduontisîng spaceo ccapioti iy thi tirao Karen Smith Ediior neon item, togothor with a raoanabto atins for insignature, wîtl sot bo chainoît ion, Sut the balanceo f tho aduOriîntt witt Si pait for ai the appi- Steve Cranter Circultation Manuager cabte rate, Tthe pahtînhr ronoron the righi to cateonrn aîtuortinomonsn nr decline Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Coles Proaduuiaon Manage? The Milton Canadien Champion is a iieoyaiae Piiodaci Thanks, Milton -for ail of your generosity Milton's generosity neyer ceases to amaze us - especially around the holiday season. This time of year seems to bring out the best in everyone, and this town's residents are no exception - as was seen through our annual Christmas Bureau Fund. The Salvation Armny fundraiser topped out at a whopping $24,279. It was just a littie bit short of our $25,000 tar-get, but certainly an impressive tally and one that went a long way toward ensuring ail local families were -able to properly enjoy the festive season. We here at the newspaper donate to the fund ourselves - as well as oversee the collection campaign - but the real credit for the fund's continued success goes to area residents, businesses and organizations that strive to help those less fortuate. Christmas is a time when everyone, regardless of financial sit- uation, should have something to be thankful for. Due to the heartwarrning efforts of so rnany of you, that was definitely the case in our little corner of the world. Once again, Miltoniaris have shown how caring they truly are. I ________________i SOUR READERS WRITEr We must rediscover individualism and reason to win out over violence: reader Dear Editor: On video, Osama and friends chortle and praise Allah over the unexpected scale of destruction tbey brougbt to the World Trade Centre. How could men bave sucb disre- gard for buman life? In every century of bistory, violence bas arisen among those wbo abandon reason to accept the contradiction that is the 'after- life'. Often, non-believers must convert or die. Sucb were Mobammed's teacbings and practice: "O then slay the idolatern wberev- er you find tbem. and take theru captive and besiege theru and lie in wait for themn in every ambusb. Then if tbey repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to tbem..." (Koran, 9.5). The World Trade Centre stood as the fe tematerial expression of faitbn and ly.I m ytinm owteis exr, esino muth gnr the frau o reigin a dicoer use i-r thesopby of religion ran dividuaelpim andph capitali. esoidviuls andcaptalsm. Richard Bramwel Mliton Milton couple wants their snowman back Dear Editor: WANTED - The person wbo removed the litile snowman cbild frors 150 Wilson Dr. Kindly retumn il. The Snowman family misses ber. The Gervais' Milton You want to see 2002, right? Don't drink and drive We ail know alcohol plays a big part in the bol- bow odd). iday season. And the onles wbo get into cars witb dmunk driv- New Year's Eve just inn't the same witbout ers are equally as brain dead (figuratively and somneone spending the nigbt bugging the toilet. possibly accurately). Oh, but I understand. You Like clockwork, we know we're going 10 see were sooooo drunk, you didn't realize your drunik driving commercials on TV and bear themn friends tbrew you into the back seat (withotit a on the radio. neatbelt) until you woke up in the emergency It's been deumnmed mbt our beads - kind of rooru. Rigbt, you're the victim. like don'l bave sex without a condom for fear of And people wiII always lie about bow mucb AIDS - that if we drink, don't drive. alcobol they've consumed (always a lesser But like the repetitive sex talk, either we're not amount) t0 make it seeru that tbey are perfectly Iistening or think those tbings only bappen to capable of bandling a motor vebicle. And more other people. oflen than not, nobody will stop tbem. You don't TMat won't bappen to me. I won't gel killed by want to turu the nigbt into an afler sebool special a drunk driver. and actually take car keys away, do you? Heul no, So wby do people drink and drive'? It must be let's junt kilI a car load full of family members. because those selflsb, inconsiderate idiots are too sourds benter toi me. cbeap 10 spring the $ 10 for a cab (yet tbey bave But you don't want me to rant on and on about aIl kinds of money to spend in a bar aIl nigbt... drinking and driving. We' ve beard the name old RIDE programn, which continues until Wednesday. Unfortunately, it's flot enough to drive the mes- sage homne. And the sad thing is, I don't know w bat wilI. RXandoM According to, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Canada, four Canadians are killed each tio g t day and 125 people are seriously injured from à,.- lobdrunk drivers. Approximately 50,000 Canadians cm___ Wei_____________________ are impacted by impaired drivers annually. rour people killed eacb day. 'Mat could be you, message for years. You would rather have this your parents and a sibling. A whole family space fidled witb sometbing else, perbaps another wbipped out in the blink of an eye. picture of a Christmas nree. Maybe if you're lucky, you'II have a triend WeII too bad. wbo would rather watcb ail you drunken foois I applaud the Reduce Impaired Driving instead of participating in a nigbt full of puking, Everywbere (RIDE) program, whicb runs across drink spilling and five-minute bathroom breaks. the country. And the OPP, wbicb patrols Hwy. Sometimes il's more fun to watcb anyway. 401 tbrougb, Milton, have also bumped up their You do wanî to live to see 2002, rigbt? Have your say wîth a letter to the editor Fax letters to 878- 4943. 1 a