The Canadien Champion, Saturday, December 29, 2001-21 DI. Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The column isaeveilable to local community groupa f0 assist in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups mey use this service. We cen only guarantee one issue of publicity closest f0 the date of the occurrence aîfhough more insertions are possi- ble if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in et the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, fexed to (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed f0 miltoned@ The final deedline is noon Fridey for Tuesdey's edition and noon Wednesdeay for Fridey's edifion. Deteline items will not be eccepted by telephone. Monday Dec. 31 Celebrate New Year's Eve ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. Enjoy an evening of sociali7ing, card games and a sing-a- long ai 8 p.rn. Watch the countdown from Times Square in New York City on TV. Tickets cost $8. For more information, catI (905) 875-1681. Miltonians are învited t0 Victoria Park Square for tbe annual New Year's Eve Bell Ringing Ceremony. Galber around the bell ai 11:45 p.rn. to ring in the New Year witb Fatber Mark Curtis and Mayor Gord Krantz. Tuesday Jan. 1 Mayor Gord Krantz. members of town council and tbe Milton Historical Society hosts the New Year's Levee ai Town Hall. Tbe event takes place fromn 1:30 10 3:30 p.m. Residents are invited to visit witb council members and vîew displays from Waldie's Blacksmitb Sbop. Light refresbments to be served. Thursday Jan. 3 'Me Milton Seniors' Activily Centre botds a public foot care clinic from 1to o4 p.m. To book an appoîntment or for more infor- mation, catI (905) 875-1681. Winter can be a hazardous season for many seniors Halton's health department offe'jrs tips to minimize risk of accidents Winter is a hazardous lime for anyone wbo watks outdoors, but it's especiatly bazardous for seniors, warns tbe Hatton Region Health Department. Slippery roads, snow and ice and cold temperatures create unsafe conditions that can lead to a faIt. The health department says poor balance, arthritis in the knees and poor vision, combined witb boots witb womn soles and icy sidewalks, can att conspire to cause slips and trips for older per- sons. Try to follow these safety tips The fottowing are some tipi fromn tbe heatth department to hetp seniors stop a winter faIt betore if happens: " Wear well finting bouts and overshoes with a deep tread " If you use a cane, antacb an ice pick to if " Keep att walkways and stepi clear of snow and ice. Have a shovel and tee ter on hand - Watch ouf for ice when you are walking. Wearing sunglasses can reduce glaire - If you absolutely must watk on ice, slow down and take smal stepi " Carry parcels by your side so you can watch your step " Take a taxi home from a shopping trip when conditions are unsafe. The money you spend is weIt worth it if you can avoid fatling and hurting yoursetf - If your balance is not good, stay indoors on icy days. Be active inside your home and wait untit the weather improves For more information regarding faIts prevention, catI the Hatton Region Health Depaetment's tinjury Prevention Programn ai (905) 825-6060, ext. 7113. UINE servi ce ~~UIU ~IULTON cnr Spsciaîzing in. - FUEL INJECTION -AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGING - AUTO AND TRAILER WIRING SYSTEMS - DELCO BATTERIES TUNE-UP & EMISSION CONTROLS - BRAKE SERVICE AUTO AIR CONOITIONING *SAFETY INSPECTIONS 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 8c787221 liii! ~IFOMUIIIAL collision & paint .9 AR 1W8 RAIL mwIauCELghVwd Cal Steve Boers 706 Main Stree, East Mlton, ON t..a V&1110 il7 1777ela'acafa Milton SIENTINEL import Car Centre AUTOMOTIVE *Major & Minor Repaira - Tune Ups - Air Conditionîng Brakes - Engines * Exhaust - 4x4 *VOLKSWAGEN & AIJDI il ISED CAR SALES & SERVICE' Safety Inspections.- Towing - Marine Repaira Authrlzd BSCH ervce Emiasion Repair &Preteating Specialist In: AuhrzdBSHsrie Hq-éhService zit O(J-FashIioned V1aî'ue IMPORT & OOMESTIC - FUEL INJECTION & DIESELS 342 Bronte St. South, AIR CONDITIONING -ALIGNMENT Units 12 & 13, Milton 583 Main St., Milton <905) 878-5330 1878-8066 Don't Let Winter Freeà&àUze Your Car In Its Trucks (MS) -A car thai won't start is alms worse than nu car at ail. That's why yen want tu be sire yoar vehicie is wintir-ready. Cuid temperatarri, steet asd snow present unique prubiei ihat cao handicap the perfurmance uf yosr car or track and interfere with your plans. Pruperly preparing yoar vebicte Sur wîsîer helps yu avuîd annoying boeakdowns, delsys and unsecessary expenses. It's a fact of life that cils and greases become thieker as temperatures drup. Tests have shows that ap te 40 percent ef aIl engise wear eccars dur- ing culd starts. tn uther wurds, darisg wisîer. yuur car seeds aIl the pro- tectiun it can get. In extreme temperatures, conveniiosai petroieumn mutur uiis beume nearly sulid, whereas somne synthetie mutur euls can cernais flaid and effective te more than 70 degrees beiew zeru. If ihe oit sn the engise is tue thick. it will slow tihe starting rpm and resiiet the amunt of oit flowiîîg te engîse cumponesîs. Slaggish oil in s culd engise can iscrease the wear on bearngi and rings, decreasîng engise life. Thick oit can also iscrease the bardes on an atteady-uvernaxrd start- ing system, te, the point wheoe your vebicle won't stant wiîhuut s block heater orsa squint of starter flaid. For aIl of these tessons, iii important to bc sait your tubricants ste thse right uses for your operating conditions, Trire Sales & service _____ 555 Main St. E. 876-4788 SERVICIIE CENTRme a GM SRECIALISTS e EXPRESS LUBE SERVICE a COMPREHENSIVE DIAGNOSTICS & REPAIRS 801 MAIN ST. E. 905-878-2355 I WINTER'S JUST AROUND THE CORNER anti your car naads ail the protection it can gei. Synthetie matar ails can heip preveni annoy- ing breakdaowns, deiays and unnecessary expensea. Many drivers with coscents shut their car's teliabiity and easy wîsîer stins have discovered that synthetie mutur oi are the wsy te, go. elote wister sirikes, ream the coid, bard facti. For lfre information os the coid- weather benefits of synthetie muter oil. yoa msy cati AMSOIL lac. at (800) 777-8491. Complete Inferlor & Exterlor Shampoo & Wax "Always lookcs botter on the way outi" 905-876-2277 705 Main Sf. E., Milton HME lSA SENtIS HOUAS Serving Milton For m ýse 'eam-8 Mon hF sawiç Over 3 Generations FSiay &Iri55 Tus kiapm Satva1e anpe Satay 9ans- RIOEARSON O I CEMOLjqfOsNOB III.