The Canadian Champion, Saturday, December 29, 2001- 17 SPORTS Merchant goalie Trevor Battaglia keeps his eye on the puck white (inset) defencemnan Justin Nattress looks ta clear the zone dur- ing year-endlng league play in Georgetown test Saturday. Milton gave up two late short- handed goals and dropped their filth atraight road gamne - losing 5-2 ta the Raiders. ./Merchants deliver pre-holiday weekend split Stili undefeated at home but road woes continue with a subpar effort in Georgetown By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The Merchants were severely shortsîaffed for year- ending league play in Georgetown las( Saturday. Unfortuuately, Iheir btîsts were alsti short oft btliday generuîsîty. That proved 10 be a costly combinalion four the ttefendîug ctomi fereuce champs -whose under-manned ranks cougbed up a pair utisborlhanded gtals dcîwn tbe sîretcb en route to being bunîbled 5-2. Even wiîb Tristan Senior, Michel Botnd and Rick Janico on tbe sidelines with illuess and iujury.' Milton should bave had enougb 10 more eIfectively challenge their regional rivais. However. a nîid-eveuiug melc resulied in early ejeetions for veteran defencemnen Pal Devliii and Chris Krieg -leaving the visilors'blueline extremely vuluerable. 'Me Raiders spent lte balance of the uighl exptoiling their short- staffed guesîs, colleeting four uuanswered goals 10, pull themsetves mbt a fiflt-place lie with the 18-15-2-1 Merchants. Milton bias uow dropped ils lasI fîve road games and hasnlt scored more tItan Iwo goals in ils lasl lhree -îroubting trends for a teani thal in ail likelihood won'l be enjoyiug homne-ice advanlage for firsl round playotf action. TiJ. Trevelyan led tbe victors witb a bai trick -puneluaiing bis seoring surge wiîb botb sliortbanded goals îtree mtinutes apartinu the finaI traîne -wbile cltippiîîg it sintgles were Marco Divoita and Noab Hamttlton. Replyîîtg ftor tbe Meretanîs were Davidl Ove Jak andu îteweorier Cbris Brussa-Toi, a veterait rigl winger receîttly acquireut it a cash deal wîtb bhe f)akville Blattes. Merchants lacklustre Mulitonmi ad tcw qualiiy scoring chtantces on tîte niglîl. due ni large liart to ils inability [o create trallic it frontt ofth îe opp<tsitg itet. 'MIe Raiders* win ivas pamicutarly saiisfy- ing f'or heatî coacb MiAc Kalapaca antd assistanit D)an Sales. bilth t irecl as assistants wiîb tbe Merctanis a inîtî iîtotihie seasonm. 'lie t irsi mîeetimng witî iteir itît teani stlvet nutiig -eîîding iii a 2-2 staleiale. GJeorgetownt bonoureti tormter torittwit standoul Mike Kuîoepfli ai lerst imîierrrission by reliring bis #21 jersey. At Meinimal Arena Decemither 21, Milton exîeîîded uls undu. feaied bttne slretcb Io nine games by lriîsmîîting te Mîssîss iuga Chargers 5-4. lu front of a healtby bomelowîî crowd tbat îneluded mtiiy reluruing alunîni on biatus from NCAA competition tbe Mercbanîs seored three limes in the tird period 10 add to ibrir long series of one-goal vietories ibis season. Rick Carriere sank tbe game-winner inside tbe final tiv. mtinutes of play 10 cap a tbree-poinl performance while rtokic Ricb Melochie tallied twice and added a pair of belpers 10 pull witbin one of the half-ceniury point mark. Senior also bad a tour-point nigbt, scoring onue marker andi assisting on tbree mlore, while the local juniors' otber miarksrnan was freshiman rearguard Sbawîî Mole. Trevoi Battaglia tmcd hack 39 'bois t'or the wîmt -bis sixth as a Mercliant andti trd since rcturmtng front a scîîaraied sîtoulcter iiijury. Milton itcw sits eigit points behiitd tfiulh- place ()aks'ille and wîll tie ltard-pressed to mîtake up the clîlleremîce wîtb just I i gaies iemaining. iîtclutîng sevemi Oit lte roart wbeie Ittcy'vc buei rallier iîtconssemt as of laie. Merchant notes: l-leatiiîg ini the aitrîal Newiîiarket Sltcwcase Thum sday lv'bicî ran heyoîtc te weekentt teadliie). Miultont was still looking t beet up ils deten- sîve ranks for tbe season's stretcb run.. Goaltenîcer Ryan McManius wrapped up bis tive- gatne gross ntîsconttuct suspension in Geotrgetownî_ Veleraît defenceman Vince Guittucci. wbt's been in and out ot sîck Iîay ail season loîng, reitaiiîed on tbe imjury reserve lisi bead- îîtg itito tbe Newmarkei Showcase, as did caplain Kevîn Armuda ... Tbe Merebaîts bave a rnake-up game in Mîssissauga Wednesday. ian. 2 aIt 11:3(0 a.mtt. at lceland Arena. Tbey relum 10 Memorial Arena Friday. ian. 4 ioi tost basenient-dwelling Buffalo ... Milton litas just four games remaining againsl leams above them in the standings ickets sf111 available cst/ New Year's Eve Party I YOOP'S Eve Bash 905-854-2277 j, SDECEMBER 31, 2001 Grand Buffet Dinner & DJ Dance j J- RK * Main Dining Room Champagne Toast at iP'i}IWiJ44 fini * Open f rom 6-9 pm midnight Mnove than ea gr-eat eoveernite stay (rinr Buiffet 094 q5/nerson $40 Hwy 401 & Guelph Line Il Milton/Campbellville 1g--Inainc - .. . . ..ex oawi..o * ]-fil, CANADIAN CHAMPION SATURDAY DECENIBFR 29,2001 (plus taxes & gratuities)