The Canadien Champion, Friday, December 21, 2001-7 Wnnipeg MP Joseph Martin*o RED SWRT visits former hometown of Milton and catis on seve rai old frîends during brie f stay 'Canadians should be embarrassed,'sy rp-ed4or in rio-nnncào tM Lfttor hv flan Me,,'ii 'Tinie Capsules' are genss of inforniation extractedfrom past issues of Thse Canadian Chamipion and otiser publications to pro- vide a window into Multons past. Explanatory coniment is sonietines pro- vided to place the situation in context. Marcb 1894 Hon. Joseph Martin, M.P. for Winnipeg does flot forge bis native town. He stopped off bere onNTesday moming on bis way to Ottawa and called on a number of bis old frienda. Hon. Joseph Martin's viait. The weather was wet, and Uie roads almot impassable bot Uiere was a large tuenout to, bear Uic speech of Uic Hon. Joseph Martin, M.P. for Winnipeg. He was met at Uic C.PR. station (Court Street N.) by a deputation of young Liberals and by a number of old friends wbo cscorted bim to, bis quartera at Uic Wallace House, (later Uic Milton Inn, o demolisbed) beaded by Uie band. Duriisg Uie evening several speakers pre- cedcd biro. Secretaey Dick read an address of welcomc. Hon. Joseph Martin recailed Uiat Milton was bis native town and it was almost 30 years since bie bad left Uic town - Uic last 12 being spent in Manitoba. He was scarcely in Uic province a year before bie had been retumced to tbe Legisiture. Later in Uic evening a banquet was given to, Mr. Martin aithUi Wallace House. A number of promiinent Liberals and tome'of Mr. Martin's old fricnds were present. The spread was an excellent one and speakers followed cacb oUier until about midnigbt. lhere was a bazaar on Eaatcr Monday at Grace Cburcb. The patron was His Honor Judge Snider and Uic object was Uic build- ing of a new church. With Uic amount contributed at Uic Eaater day services there was already over $500 in Uic fund. Ex Mayor Dice sad bie bad known dus parias and ita needa for a long Urne and Uic present edifice bie knew to bave been built about 43 years ago. I bis opinion Uic present congregation sbould bave an edifice more in keeping; with Uic oUier places of worsbip in town. Judge Snidcr, on opening Uic bazaar, Milton Time Capsules remarked that one of bis first thoughts upon entering the present church was that it waa flot at ail in harmony with the town or witb the residences of the people who worship there. He tbought that a congregation, coin- posed as it waa, of so many influential and well-to-do people, should have a mucb more beautiful church and hie believed that by practicing economy and procuning suit- able plans there would be no need of a great expenditur in erecting such a build- ing. The amnount reaiized at the bazaar was about $150. April 1894 At the Grace Cburcb Vestry meeting, officiais were appointed. Judge Snider, S. Young, V. Cbisbolm, E.W. Boyd, John Hunter and J.J. Daiton were appointed to a speciai committee to procure plans, speci- fications and estiniates for tic erection of a new atone churcb witb a seating capacity of 300. Altogetber the meeting was a moat satis- factory one. It is boped tbat thc foundation atone of the new churcb will be laid within the next year or two since thc congregation is increasing and the seating capacity of thc old cbtsrch, wbicb bas for some years been insufficient, is being found more and more so. Dr Freeman went to Caropbeilville yes- terday in a cutter. He says Uiat once over 40) years ago bie traveled by thc saine kind of conveyanee in Uiis neighbourhood on Uic 10Ui of April and Uiat yesterday's sleigbing was Uic latest on record bere in bis recol- lection. The snow was mise incbes deep on Uic level. This material is assembledl on behal of thse Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilîs, chair of research, who can be reached by e-nmail at jdills@idirect. com. Dear Editor: Mr. McGill, Canadians sbould be embarraascd. So Uic federai Conservatives are jumping ail over Canada's prime minister to launcb their campaign for Uic ncxt federai ciection. On September il our nationai embar- rasament Jean Chretien and bis Liberals found Uiemselves in a panic trying to fmnd a hole to bide in wbile sbifting Uic biame for Uieir role in Canada's non-existent immigration control policies. Accustomed to pies in Uic face warfare, Uic magnitude of Uic tcr- rorist sntacks stusmed Uiem, into wide-eycd wondement, fear and inaction. Dan McGiIl, president of the Halton PC Federal Riding Association, was overly kind so Mr.ý Chretien's leadersbip abilities in bis letter to 'Me Champion. So embarrassed are we Uiat we now fmnd it necessary to loudiy applaud ourselves for giving information to Uic United States. Mr. McGill's views rcgarding the helicopter deai bcing the main rea- son for Canada's bcdl dragging is arguable. The demise of the Canadian Armed Forces startcd long before 1993 whcn Mr. Chretien used bis arrogance to, impress naive leadcr-hungry Canadians and rose to Uic position of priime mmnister. During Pierre Elliott Trudeau's tenure, bie bad an opportunity to cbange Uie direction but hie blew it. Then along came Brian Mulroncy's eigbs years. Why did Uic helicopter conceru wait until Uic end of bis reign? Tlhen Uic kiisg of teflon - who is suddenly very sticky. Ai of Uiese seif-serving leaders, controlled by greed and wiUi utter disdain for grassroots people, were and stili are heil-bent nn deficit spending. Counting on Uic migbt of our neigbbours to Uic souUi for protec- tion, our prime ministers made decisions Uiat cbanged Uic face of our Canadian Armcd Forces from figbter to peacekeeper. Our prime ministers feit Uiat peacekeepers do flot nced sopbisticated wcaponry and traiising and tbis change would allow Uiem to impose severe cut- backs on manpower and equipment with the savings going toward financing and increasing deficit spending. Mr. McGil's contention that Canadians owe it to military per- sonnel and a boss of oUiers to cleet a new govemment is uittle more Uian a pics for votes and insulting at best. Terrorism is flot a venue for politicking. The reai problcm is Uiat we, in Uic great nation, don't bave enough competent people in out goveenent ranks at any level. Voting is Uic ultimate expression of trust. Canadians shouid be cmbarrassed as we continuaiiy vote incompetence into power and immediately bide bcbind our infa- mous war cry, "NoUiing 1 can do about it, dude." Our options are minimal in every election and Pud I'SrA'ZMD R CH Mo YETI PAD? :9eI wes changing Uic govemment~s party banner docs very iittIe. Insanity is doing Uic saine Uiing expecting différent resuits. But whcn there's no choice because no one is wiliing to do anytbing embarrassment is and should be a strong option. We need to eliminate patronizasion and stars running govemment like a business - wiUi duiy qualified people in decision making positions. We need people wbo are nlot only responsible but aiso aecountable, and most of ail we need goveru- ment levels Uiat work cobesively in Uic best interest of Uic people. Other Uian Uieir own revenue, govemments seldom control any- Uiing - Uiey simply introduce and let Uic cbips fali wbeoe Uiey may. Change needs to, start iocaly. Multon's Councillor Mr. Challinor recently proposed to establish a policy ailowing com- munity groups t0 obtain funding for legai action up to $25,000 of taxpayers' money providcd the group's vicws compiment Uiose of Multon's town council. lIs oUier words, Uic Milton tax- payer will fund and guarantec pay- ment tenexperts and legai represen- tatives if Uiey join wiUi a conimu- nity group and jump on Uic Town of Miiton's bandwagon regarding planning issues. How big wili Uic old boy's club become? Ken Cyr Mlton by Steve Nease 7 1 11 L \N ( 1 1110,, Aj pcer SWE ME 14KE-THAT, e.