Woman orrlered to stand trial in village fraud case By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion A Campbellville woman co-charged with swindling a Mississauga man out of $35,000 in a business deal will go to trial in March. Justice D. S. Sharpe ruled Tuesday sufficient evidence exiat- ed in thse cave ansd ordered Oriena Curise to stand tral. T'he ruling in Ontario Court (provincial division) in Milton fol- lowed the preliminaay bearing of Ms Cornie, who's cbarged wvith fraud over $5,000. I the bearing Tucsday, Petre Caragioiu told the court hie started to wonry about bis Village Pine Shoppe fumiture investirent aftcr Ms Currie told bim the items andi rooney werc bers. Me. Caragioiu tcstified in October he met Charles Cornie, Ms Currie's son, while doing time in Maplehurst. He told the court Mr. Cornie said bis mother would post bis bail if he would pus up $35,000 60 invest in thic Caniphdilville business. Ms Cornie difi post bail, Mr. Caragioiu said, and he wrote a cheque for $35,000 fromn bis line of credit and gave it to Ms Cornie. He clairned flic thee were supposed to aplit thse profits froin flic flurniture solfi. Peter McWiliarns, representing Ms Corrne, asked M. Caragioiu if flic deal was put in writing, to which be answered no. "Dîid you clraw up a parlncrtbip agreement?" Mr. McWilliarns questionied. Again, Mr. Caragioiu said no. I Marcb, he told thse court, hie met Dan Gosse, a tenant rcnting on flic sarnie property as the Village Pine Shoppe. "I told Dan t was feeling scammed. 1 rcalized 1 had to get out of there." Tbe following montb, Mr. Caragioiu, Mr. Gosse and bis brotber Rob rernovcd wbat Mr. Caragioiu believed was bis fumni- turc by truck froro thse Village Pine Shoppe, Mr. Caragioiu told thse court. "Dan said he would scîl (thse fur- niture) by auction," Mr. Caragioiu said. Mr. McWilliams askcd Mr. Caragioiu if be checked witb Mr. or Ms Currie before removing tbe fur- noture. "Tbey broke flic deal, 1 didn't bave to aok anything," lie said. Ms Cornie tcstificd sbe offered to, act as a surety for M. Caragioiu as a favour O ber son and denied slse wau to split flic profits witb thse two men. He and Cbarles were to be partners in fise furniture venture. 1 was to act as thc wbolesaler (for flic foarnifure) and Petre and Cbarles were o split flic net profit." Sbc also testified M. Caragioiu kasew be wasn't going o be direct- ly involved witb selling tbe fourni- turc, tlsat it would be solfi by Ms Cornie and Sberi Duif, M. Curric's common-law wife. On flic oiglit tbc Gosses and M. Caragioiu loadcd up flic furniture, Ms Cornie told thse court, sbe tricd to stop tbe men and pboncd Halton Regional Police. "1 askcd Petre wby be was bav- ing tbese men take thse ftarniturc but be ran down into thec basemrent. 1 told Dan and Rob tbey didn't bave permission o go onto my property. Thcy took 84 picces valucd as a retailed price of $52,000." During cross examination, Crown Attorney Andrcw Goodman suggcstcd Ms Corrne rait the Village Pine Shoppe wvitb ber son. "I operate tbe bank accounts," Ms Cornie said, adding she owns the Village Pine Sboppe. When M. Goodman qucstiosscd who tbe ultimate boss of flic sbop was, Ms Cornie said it was citber ber son or daughtcr-in-law. "It wasn't me." obe said. "1 prefer to watcb tIse kids and let Cbarles and Sberi run fise store." Me. Corrne is alan cbargcd in flic allcged fraud, but cbose not to bave a preliirnary bearing, and will stand trial along witb bis motber in Superior Court in Marcb. The Canadian Champion, Fniday, December 21, 2001-"S Susan Palijan Milton's Canadian Tire Employee of the Year *NORTHEND NISSANIS UNWRAP., THE HOLIDAY S'VNS VN * ALLNEW ATHFINDER CfflLffflT "CHILKOOT. EDITION". WITH AUTOMATIC "&ALL-MODE" 4-WHEEL DRIVE Lease for Iny For 48 months, only 64,600 clown. Startlng et 635,9001 3 8 8 /lmo Or choos. 2.10o Financlng. Includes over $2,100 in additional value-added options. .4-speed automatic with overdrive. Al Mode 4-wheel drive (auto 4-aheel drive selector dia>' Ch ikoot Editvon tombered 'aqe.Upgadedr 150 att Booe CD sudi voytern with o -daoh 6-diOc autochanger - 8-way ad uotubte driver's Seata 'au l sd-tpfis tei relmutduicnri-prceneirm -nqe hlotdto ape atoipo and rear ttgate decal à mEu~ ME F E -:m ~ ~V1VUm V4Jh NORTrH END NISSANl 6 10 MARTIN ST. (905)878m4137 Celebrati'ng our 40Onnt*ivers~ary eSmart peuple always read the tare pnint. And they alarays aruar theux Seat heits. 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