4-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, December 21, 2001 Council approves Region's $276 million budget Taxpayers will see 3.] per cent rise in regional taxes next year By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Halton residents can expect a 3.1 per cent jump on their regional tax bils next year. Regional council spproved Use increase during budget finaliza- tion discussions Wednesday. -Mhs is a responsible budget," Regional Chair Joyce Savoline told The Champion. "Nobody likes to tee an increase in taxes, but staff and coundil handled il (budget discussions) well. If Usere waa anyshing cisc 10 take out, it would have been donc." However, support of Use $276 million budget wasn't tsnsnimous. Burlington Councillor Jack Dennisos voted against is, suggessing with a few changes Use increase could be lcssened or eliminated. "WiUs Use difficult economic times, t thissk we should have taken a harder line on lrying to ges Usose nsîmbers (taxes) doNm," hie told klay Season, froni onday, Decembler 4th, 2001I unt nda"&, asday, Jauuey 2n&202 at g.30 arn. For a Town, of Mit.., T7he Corporation of the Town of Milton counci'. At the budget review commrittee meeting Monday, Mr. Dennison recommended taking a private sector-style approach to debenturing construction costs related to the Burlington long- term-care facility budgeted for 2002. Under the approved schedule, construction coss Win be deben- tured over 10 years, showmg tse facility so operate ai a loss for Use flrst several years. If Use fscitity were privasely ownedloperated, the cost would be debentured over 20 or 25 years, Mr. Dennison said, receiving the support of fellow Burtington Councillor Mike Wallace. "Mhe private sector makes a profit on it (long-tenn-care facili- fies). Why are we doing it and losing money?" he questioned Regional staff. Stretching Use debenturing reduces flexibility for future projects. said Dave Birken, Halton's director of budget and fiscal policy services. WiUs Use extended debt, Usere's less money available to build additionsl long-tern care facilities - somnethmng Usat will likely be needed because of Use agmng population, Mr. Birkett said. Police get extra $4 million Mr. Dennison's recommendation aside, several contributing fac- tors have lead to Use tax increse - not Use lest of which is an additional $4 million for Halton Regional Police. WiUssa budget of $56.6 million - which includes Use $4 million boost - Use foree will be able so hire 12 new officers, somrething Chief Ean Algar said is "vesy necessary." The 2002 Regional budget also, mcludes a consmngency for more Usan $2 million in subsidy shortfalls from Use provincial govem- ment. Subsidies for several programns - most noticeably $1 .6 million for ambulance services - bave yet to be collecteil fromn Use Province. According to Mr. Birkett, Use consingency is needed to ensure adequate service levels are maintained. A new waase collection contract is also a driving factor for increaaed taxes. Since Use cuiTent contract waa signed six years ago, collection coss have risen 40 per cens. The new contract will begin in February. For Use average homneowner - wiUs a current value aasessment of $220,000 - Use end result of Use approved budget is a $34.88 boost in Regional taxes. The Town of Milton is cssrrently looking as mainsaining a zero increase in municipal taxes. Councillors are scheduled so formslly address Use master Janssary 7. GAMBLING PROBLEM? If you or someone you know needs help with a gambling problen, please cali the Ontario Problem Gambling Heipline as 1-888-230-3505, or in yosr community: ADAPT Alcohol, Drug & Gambling Assessment Prevention & Treatment Services Burlington 905-639-6537 Halton His 905-873-2993 Milton 905-693-4250 OakviIe 905-847-6547 Ail services are f ree and confidiential mfheII G A M 8 L9 N G muu.a-