E- 26--The Canadien Champion, Friday. December 21, 2001 FClassil'i ed MONDAY TO FRIDAY A Casfe d 9:00AM -5:00PM MLLCInnsir A I BIRIHDAY "Ha*vBi rth&dy Grasnny! RlFTIRlFMFNT NosSmgle- reverse rnttfameW5 a uLoe fo&inl Bappliance 905-59-192 o 416 Manger Sae pédta auva ApI, art of Centuemen ofl lassaihel inorato ta do 9584-56 SACOS1,2 MITaON aNw Sipndgole, NON ua edom. rs buvesies r tm 1-0- C yscn foroe panebigt os $150.5 8W 9, bedron full aet- treen.ubgo McalWn okr menthl aprndudn t tuno-erflas olNo pets . ail l 5-00 t Ma 905-333-9846, OFFICE ~ ~ la epc forlmst quietm aplan in ambelvile.Ap 2bdsg, nydort- ed dr brik bung pro. 50 .f (05)85- aoie i 90-875-498 Clos $9500 4tlte bnedror 905919 $150000.Manaferso COZYbrigh. 2 ir Se d Pef ralae Apt, ar o C t R oy Cal i.Pge RE GOVENMEN - Frmhose, A s ie 19s05 905-878-4 Fund $$ rans an Feb 0102, 925 101y ýý 1IRTHDAY ,FN(C &.EMUFNT ed de Ree Ruth Afts vard Hall ce tihe November 1611 their children& Pi Sceot MILTON, niew Mattarsy townhouse. 1575 sq.ff. Fireplace, garage, 2 1/2 bathraoms, 3 bed- rouas, blinda, applianc- es. $1300/manth plus utilitiea. Available March 1. Caîl Stan 905-693- 8727 TOWNMOUSE for rent. 3 bedroors 1 1/2 bath- roama. Garage. Cal" Heinz 905-827-5151 gam-6pm, 905-878- 5070 afler 6prs. TOWNMOUSE for FIent. Fusat & last reqsired. 3 bedrooma plus finished rec roors. Garage. $1 '100 plus utilities. Childa Drive. 905-878- 5245 BUITRDAY CLM I3R ENGAGEMENT PRESTON, James Henr Peacefully, ai Mountainview Residence, on December 19, 2001, James Preston of Hornby in bis 75th year. Beloved busband of the laie Mac Prestos. Loving father of Barbara and bier busband Kevin Powell of Milton. Debby Renaud of Burlington. Sandy and ber busband Greg Munday of Wingbam, and Jim and bis wife Cbristine of Georgetown. Also loved by bis grandebilde Jason, Amaada, Louis, Bris, Stepbanie, Gregory, Derek. Micbael and Mattbew. Predeceased by bis sister Ruth Smitb and brotber William Edward Prestos. At James' requst, cremation bas taken place. Prienda will be received at tbe J. Scott Early Peseral Home, 21 James St., Milton on Friday, December 2lst from 7-9 pmn. A private inter- ment will follow at a lter date. As expressions of sympatby. donations to, tbe Canadian Liver Foundation would be appreciated by tbe family. BRADING, Marnas <Brade) nr 10ving memory of Our dear brother-in-lw who passeri away 2 years ago Decomber 19,1999. Forever Iovad and renemnbarad BrIan, David and Sharyn In lovyn Do o a Dear Wite wha passed away Decomber 24, 2000. - A sadness still comas over me, Tears in silence offen flo0w, Memory keepa you ever near me, Thougb you died ose yesr aga. You ara atways in my Ihoughta Mike anad Judy Grlmwood ofMlton From your Muaband Peter and Gerda Crubb of St. Catharines _______________ I are happy te annuunce the enaeent of S Gefrandekg - Congratulations & love frors your famdy! LOST- BlackaTn shepr Fesaie. time Posai- bly injured S nce Dec.15. Call 905- 8-5269 rn - 8 -6 FT~I1SEASONS Creefînga fromn aur bous ta yours. 2L10 IOOM for FIent. SharedHap oLys itchen and bathroar .o9èpy17tt.Jî able incleded. Non- ~ 4 L fom I moker. Close to mail. 100/ week. 905-878.î c mio MtutLA PHNUIUUI,3b - bALt It H~1 ALb 0 Broast Pumps s Baby Scalea , Broast Feeding Praducts 2Bet Living Home Health Care Inc. 25BCommercial Street, Milton 905-875-2458 MARRIS John and Michelle (ses Fisher) are thrilled ta announce the arrivai aI their first child Emity Mary on Deoember 17, 2001. Emily is welcomed by proud grandpas Brsce Harris of Actos and David Fiaher of Perth Road and wilI be walched oser by ber stie grandmoîhers Patricia Harris and Gerry Fisher. Thank you to Dr. Sharma and ail the OB nurses ai OTMH. Msa» your Wy w h e werfld t. place yens tuhth aaa.uaoe.mt rr ai i I I~I~ ,l I III ,_?GLADYS WILSON At anOpen House To Celebrate Her 95th Birthday Sunday, December 23, 2001 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM 268 Elmwood Cres. Miflton BEST WSE NLY& %ýLAGONeF *New in town? *Getting marne-d in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? -Estabishîng a new business? PLEASE GALL US Communlty WeIcome Linda 905-854-1563 Donis 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 Baby Tracy 905-876-4330 Bridai Jaice 905-8,3541 Lin 905-854-4100 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. anawering service Phone i1-800-891-M82 1-51983&1522 CARPET t bave severa 1,000 yrds. of sew Slainmaser & 1 00r/ ny- Ioni carpet. Will do living- room & hall for $349. sn- dludea caipel, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 IRECTIV Vewer Acfti- vation software keepisg you down? Wide open privaie HU software, with support avadlable, will swap and deliver, dealers welcome. 905- 617-0608 FANTASTIC Savingal No GST' Love your fur- niture, hate your co- lours? Sofa & matching chair rors $788. Love- seata froir $488. Chairs frors $190. Senior dia- count. Free Estirsates. Fields Quaity Custors Upbolstery, 9-9 <905) 875-4427 FRlEE Estimafea... Gol wobbly or brokes chairs? Weak sofa or chair SpIng? Soft foars? tedlooking wood finishes?... Then cal Fields for al farsi- tare repairs and castors wood refinishing. 9-9 dlaiily, (905)875-4427 r-Don't look like1 these gsiys this holîday sea.son! WHY NOT SELL YOUR UNUSED 5TUFF TO EARN SOME EXTRA HOIDAY CASH? CALI C LASSItFIE OS! PLots of Lovefrom (you didn7erhink to~ looi the 1,ýo-,,