4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 18, 2001 ýýFood hank gets lots of donations buteontributions to Salvation Army ketties are substantialiy down By FANNIE SUtISHINE The Champion If cash donations don't start picking up this week, the Salvation Army's Christmas Kettie Campaigu might be in hot water. As of Thursday, $7,000 had been collected - $21,000 short of its goal. Last year, $26,000 was sralseti through lie camnpaign. "It's b.en very slow - this is not usual," said Laurie Good, famnily service worker for the Milton branch of the Salvation Arrmy. "The cause could b. anythiug. We've had a hard time getting volunteers 10 stand on the ket- îles. Mayb. people have donated to someplace tise. Mayb. a lot of people sent money to New York after tht terrorist attacks, maybe that's why donations are so down." A similar situation bas been reported in other areas, like Oakville, where kettie donations are also way down. In Milton, tht kettles are set up aI Loblaws, Milton Malt and tht beer and tiquor stores. "I believe it will ail work ouI in the end. This close 10 Christmas the donations shoutd really starI 10 corne in." Although the monetary side of donations may b. down, food donations are on thse rise. So far, about nime tonnes of food has been donated to the local Salvation Armny branch, which should bring smites 10 die faces of 130 famnilies registered for the food hank. "We just seemn to b. slow in cash right now," Ms Good said. h tr twn.mirn.orca NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY PROVIDED, pursuant 10 Section 5(3) of The Cemeteries Aci (Revî,ted) THAT the. Council of the. Corporation. of thse Town of Milton, at tiseir meeting iselti on Monday, Deoember 101h, 2001, gave fimal approval to an application by the. Milton Evergreen Ceusetery, ta allow 'for tse establiasment of a cremsatorium ai 200 Ontario Street Souths, legally deribed us Pant of Lot 12 anti 13, Conession 2 (Trafalgar), Town of anl interet Oserefi nay wstin tnten 4 i D) aays airer pusoncatton or uns notice, refer thse decision of tise municipality to the. Ontario Municipal Boart for a isearisg, I)ATED) at tiie Town of Milton, Ibis llth day of December, 2001. Helen iasi, Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Milton MILTON TRANSIT HOLIDAY SERVICE PIeuse b., sdvised lier. will be n Dial-A-Bus, Go Feeder, snd Physically Disableti Transit Servces on the. followîng dates: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Tuesday, January 1, 2002 GO FEEDER SERVICE: Ans mm"iioa Early Home Milton Transit Bus wiil depart front the. Milton Go Station on December 21, 2001 @ 2:22 p.m. Regular aflernoon schedule wil1 continue to operate. GO0 Feedeir Bus service for December 24 and 31 departing froin the Milton GO station wiil b. us foilws: Moning service - No Oeuge Afiareon and Evening Service from Milton GO Tramn Station: Dupsare:, 1:22 pm 2:ý2 pin 3:37 pin 5:22 pin 6:22 Pm pieuse ceck your boardlng Station for holiay deparur seheduler to Milton. Fçr yeur copavniessi. tlis agess correapond witls Holiday GO Train 3geice tffvoal5%Mlton taion, t ____________________________________________________________________________ M u i£ u l fM kb J wl iu e Hours for the Holiday Season Pieus note liat tise Municipal Offices wiil b. cloaed for the. Holiday Seasomn, frons Mondy, Dcembe 241h, 2001 until Tusday, January It 2002. lise Municipal Offces will re-open on Wednesday, Janusry 2nd, 2002 aI 8:,30 &m. For aq lies« of Mon Opeantadu Servie Ergau7e dstvig ihi dim ple. Ctan 9(15-78-7141. Pieuse note tisai tise administration for tise Fire Departsent wil b.e closeti for tise Holiday Seusen frons Monday, Decensier 24tis, 2001 until Ttsesday, January lis, 2 002. Tise admtinistration for tie Fire Depariet will re-open on Wednesday, January 2nd, 2002 at 8:30 amn. For Pire Sarvie Ri.asgendapkaf. ea 911. Pieus aote tisai tise ULAie Centre, bita Toneli ASena anti Milton Memal Arrisa wli bc closeti for tie Holiday Pieuse note dhit tise Seniors Activity Centre will b. closed for the. Holiday Season fromi Monday, December 24, 2001 until Tuesday, Jsnuary lat, 2002. The. Centre will re-open on Wedsseaay, Jasuary 2nd, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. For furher information or to finti out more about our New Year's Ev. event, plea. contact the Seniors' Activity centre at 905-875-1681. Mayor Krantz, Members of Cowscil and tihe Staff wouid Mie ta take 0h0e opportuaity t0 wish ail the realdents of Milton, a holiday blessed with peace, prosperity, health and happinesa and hast wishes for the upcoming yeor. Are you interested, concerned and community oriented? Appointments t0 various local boards and/or citizen advisory comînittees provides an opportunity to ail residersis of Milton to volunteer their skills and contribute t0 our municipiuity. BOARD & COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Applications are now being accepted by thse Town Clerk for appoiments to thse following Bourda andi Comnittees: HERITAGE MILTON LACAC (Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Comn ittee) (members requfred for a three year term) Hertage Milton is comprised of privat. citizens, electeti representaive anti munilpal staf Tie mandate oftidu eona- mittee iu to provide ativite anti ussiatance ta Milton Council, tise Department of Plann i Developmnn anm privai. property ownes's on niatte relating ta tb. conuevation of tie commnsity'a isiatric building and ar.ltilectwl lier- iage. .Tise succe1safùl upplicant must b. a resident of Milton,. or an owner or tenant of land in thse mtasicipality. or tie apoma of suei anti owner or tenant b. a minissumi of eWgite years of age on tise date of appolislaent; or employees of a business locateti in tise inunicipality or studeats ateaýg a seisool locateti in tise Town of Milton. P1eaie apply in writig, satinsg your qualificatons antior interest. Applications will b. accepteti until 4:30 pan. on Jaay 111, 20012. Fusilier delails inay b. obtainet by contacting tise Cle*'a Deparimniet ai 905-878-7211. Helen Lias, Town Cleic TrS Corpraio of tise Town M Milton THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MILTON 1 TTY: 905-878-1657 905-878-7211