Local. husinesses ready for last-minute Christmas rush By FANNIE SUNSHINE Thse Champion With Christmas a week away, shoppers are swarm- ing mails and shops trying to fmd those perfect gifts for the people they love. And although the real Christmas rush has yet to begin, stores have already basked from the benefits of early holiday shoppers. "Christmas-related decorations are a huge seller this year," said David Shuvera, general manager of Milton's Canadian Tire. Automotive tools, toys, house- hold appliances and electronics are also sellmng nicely, hie said. "lt's a littie challenging because a month ago, we normslly would have had s big snow fail. The snow-related items are a littie slow getting off the shelves, but we know the snow will come and we're well stocked." Because of the lack of snow, sales are about even with ibis timne st year, Mr. Shuvera added.. "I haven't seen a panic of shop- pers yet," hie joked. "We're hoping to have another great Chrismias season.1 Scott Weir, manager of thec town'a Zellers store, said ibis pass week bas seen a big jurnp in sales. "Last year with tse cold weather, we sold more snow items, like shovels and windshield washer fluid, mita and bats. (Sales) are a littie down ini that departmient but everyshing else is up." Popular Christmas gifla ibis year isselude Holiday Barbie, toys, closhing, Christmas decorations and electronics. "XBOX, Pîsytation 2, movies, DVD players and DVDs are fly- ing," hie sald. "We realize we're one of the only major retailers in Milton and we really tsy to please our customers. We want thera to, keep shopping here in town, we don't want to send ibemn away." XBOX popular And what was popular st year might not be thc cat's meow ibis year. "Scooters were popular last year. This year is's XBOX. The Holiday Barbie and Hot Whcels always do well year afier year." Although sales are up fromn last year, is would be even better if thc weaiber would 'cool down, Mr. Weir said. For Fions Kennedy, owner of Naturc's Fire on Main Street, Christmsas is a big drne of year for Uic children's store. "For Uic girls, Uic Groovy Girls lie is popular. The boys like Thomas Uic Trsin." On moat occasions, parents will come into Uic store wiib ibeir chil- dren to make ibeir Christmnas list and come back another day to buy it without the kids, she sald. "My store doesn't deal in fad items," Ms Kennedy said. "I like classica, something kids have to use ibeir imagination for. lt's Uic neatest feeling when kids say, 'Momn, this is the cooleat store'." Since the beginning of the monib, Uic store has been busy with eager Christinas shoppers. "I think between now and next week Uic rush will start," she said. "It's nice to sec a lot of Milton peu- ple shopping locally. A lot of peo- ple living in Uic ncw developments are checkisg out the stores in town." And people aren't only shopping for toys, clothing and vidco games. "Engagement rings are always popular," said Anita Mangotich, owncr of Halton Hilîs Fine Jewellcry (formcrly Uic Gold Connection). "This year, our leaiber jewchry boxes are poptilar. We extcnded our lime fromn st ycar and Uiey'vc been seling weli." Along wiib rings, diamond stud carringa, watchcs and pewter orna- ments; are selling well ibis Urne of year, she sald. "Most people are buying for ibeir significant oibcr. People usually have an idea of what Uicy want, but Uicy don't have anything specifle in mmýd." fav Luchat* The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, December 18, 2001-3 WALL6ACE's Holiday n ment ZUE 8 ZUE moiess Guaranteed $500 An TOu MAT WIN TOUR VEHICLE* Financing OVER J51OO NEW UNITS ,IN-mSTOCK! 0THE SOONER YOU LOOK UNDER THE STREE THE BETTER VOUR CHANCE TO GET THE GIFT YOU WANT YOU CAN STILL LEASE WITH RATES AS LOW AS 1.9% E