12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 18, 2001 Release of indv i s.oo testing resuits is -put on hold * CrIIIed I en ,u :fes on Made fresh in-store from Rosa's a Freh lu. Topped with roasted : kitchen Lasana wlth Meat or peppers and provokrne cheese * heeu. e Vour choice ofFrench Fnies made :*Tossed Salad from Fresh Potatoes or Rice seFresh Dinner Roll c oast Und ton& a Jre r e Streloin Steak on a frshnTopped e Your choice of French Fries * wilh marinated vegetables made from fresh potatoes *Your choice ofFrench Fries made from or Rice * Fresh Potatoes or Rice Ail our dinners are prepared in store by Rosa. We use only thse freshet of ingredlients without using any preservatives. Conte ln and check out our ht food counter for ail your dinner needs. ;p --. - LJ 1' iped il Il I By TIM WHITNELL Special ta The Champion 'Me anticipated release of scbool-by-school statistics for the most recent round of elementary student testing is being delayed indefinitely by thse Halton District School Board. Board officiais had annowsced in November that Friday waa the tar- get date for releasing ail grades 3 and 6 provincial test resulta on an individual school baais. However, the top administrator as the board told trustees at their last board meeting that missing data for some schools Iocaily, and how that may have affrcted provin- ciaily-assigned achievement levels, is causing bim concern. Education Director Dusty Papke said it appears some data for 18 public elementary achools in Halton is misaing. He doesn't know if it's demnographic or test data, or both, but hie said bis con- cern is that for some students it might have resulted in a mark of zero or incomplete for part of thse testa. "We don't know what's misaing, whether it's (entire work) bookleta or due to faulty scanning (of resuits)." He said thse bottomn line is the data isn't accurate. "It would have lest impact on the larger board but more on a school or an individual student. What if part of a test wasn't scanned prop- erly and a quarter of a test wasn't entered. You might go to a child's parents and tell themn their kid achieved only as Level 1 when that score migjst be wrong due to mnac- curate data." For that reason Mr. Papke said grades 3 and 6 test results for mndi- vidual students aren't beirtg sent to school councils, parents or the media from, the achools affected until the board is confident their numbers are complete. "This is not opposition to the test. We just want any data (made pub- lic) used responsibly," bie said. However, M. Papke noted test resulta for pupils froin the majority of unaffected schools have begun to be dissemninated to the usuai sources. A superintendent with the Haiton Catholic board said they have sim- ilar problema. "We are aiso experiencing some delays around tomne individual stu- dent reports and we have stme gender and contextuai data (con- cemns) as well, which is holding up thse process," said board Superintendent Elaine Hine. From the public board's perspec- tive, *M. Papke noted that resuits from thse first grade 9 provincial math test may have bren compro- mited as weil and tlsat board offi- cials were looking into thse situa- tion before releasing those school- by-school statistics. "Wr have some concems about accuracy fromn other boards so we're going to look as our data closrly." Thse Education Quality and Accountability Office, an agency operating at arm's lengIs fromn tIse Ontario govemnmens, received data fromn the Haiton public board for 3,052 grade 3 students and 3,107 grade 6s who wrote tests covering reading, writing and mathematics. About 140,000 grade 3 pupils and another 140,000 grade 6s wrote thse tests acroas the province in May. An officiai with thse EQAO said grades 3 and 6 testing data is incomplete for tomie school boards but denird recent media reports stating about 2,000 tests were miss- ing acroas the province. "No tests wr lost, no booklets are missing. It was a screening dif- ficulty with student answer sheets on thse multiple choice grad& 3 and 6 tests," said Dano Spooner, senior communications officer with the EQAO in Toronto. Ms Spooner said in reviewing the grades 3 and 6 test data for Halton's public and Catholic boards, in hier opinion it's "quite accurate" with "lest than one per cent' incomplete for both. DRAW DATE <DECEMBER 21 - 12 NOONJ FOR OUR THREE GREAT PRIZES: 1 ST PRIZE $ 500.00 ON MILTON MALL GIFT CERTIFICATES 2ND PRIZE RCA DVD PLAYER, ASSORTED DVD'S COURTESY 0F ZELLERS 3RD PRIZE NAKAMUR BICYCLE, COURTESY 0F SPORT CHEK SEE OUR STORES FOR BALLOTS, AVNILABLE IN OUJR CHRISTMAS CHEER BROCHURE ln hopes that St. Nicholas soon would. be there Good tahngs corne In small packages friendly &familiar Escarpment Country,' Tourismn Patiner --- ------- . Shopping Hours: Mon. to Fni. 9:30 arn. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:30 arn. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday Noon to 5:00 p.m. Corner of Main & Ontario Extended Nours: Npw In Effectl 905-878-3900