8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December il, 2001 I ,Dedicated hospita volunteers are honoured Halton Healthcare Services (HHS) unveiled a lasting tribute to its vol- unteers Wednesday as part of the International Year of the Volunteer. HHS president and CEO John Oliver unveiled a founitain at Milton District Hospital (MDH) t0 commnemorate the important con- tribution of volunteers. "Orvolunteers have always been, and will continue to be, an integral part of the everyday operation of our hospitals," Mr. Oliver said. "They continue to amaze us with their eagemess to take on more services, to fundraise for our capital needs and t0 make our hospitals a more caring place for our com- munities.", MIDH benefits from the efforts of several volunteer groups. The Milton District Hospital Auxiliary provides support t0 HHS programs, performing a variety of tanks includmng giving directions, delivering books and magazines, managing the gift shop, trains- portmng patients, helping in various outpatient programs, comforting patients on the nursing units, selling tickets, attaching items to psy cheques and munning errands. ConnectCare volunteers provide support to seniors living independently in the communi- ty and pastoral volunteers provide spiritual and emotional support 10 MDH patients and staff. Certificates were presented 10 each of the major volunteering groupa in the hospital as well as the HHS Board of Directors and the MDH Foundation Board of Directors. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE From leif, Barbara Burton, chair of the Halton Healthcare Services Board of Directors; Michael Beaver of the Milton District Hospital Board of Directors; Kathy Powell, pastoral visitors co-ordinator for Milton District Hospital; and Rose Barrow, Milton District Hospital Auxillary president, accept their certificates. Local young achiever earns national JA award By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion M ilton's Christina Hutchison has won the Seymour Schulich Award for Entrepreneurship from the Junior Achievement program. The award was presented 10 Ms Hutchison at the Canadian National Junior Achievement Conference held in Calgary Uiis past August. Students from across Uic country involved in the Company Program, JA Student Venture, JA Business Game or Globe were efigible t0 apply for one of six scholarships being offered by Mr. Schlich. j Applicants were 10 present a 500-word essay on what skills and knowledge they leamned in Junior Achievement will assist in plans to becomne an entrepre- nieur. 1I kinda didn't believe il. I thought, did they say the wrong name or something?' Ms Hutchison said of Christina Hutchison winning the award. 1I was shocked but happy. lt's nice 10 be recognired." She and ber company sold first aid kits and Avon omraments in town. Ms Hutchison, a graduating achiever fromn thc Company Program of Junior Achievement of Halton, spent four years as an achiever in various capacities in the Company Progrsm such as vice- president of administration and president. "A dedicated, comminted person would be interested in joining the program," Ms Hutchison said. "'Me number one thing it taught me was not to quit and to work through situa- tions -you leamn more from failing than from achieving. It also taught me leadership and peo- ple skills." During ber four years with Junior Achievement, she sat on the programs' commit- tee, participated in in-school recmuiting activities, was thc president of the Achiever's Association and was involved with thc Future Unliniited Banquet comnimittee for two years. Ms Hutchison, who attended both Bishop Reding Secondary School and E.C. Drury High School, currently attends the University of' Waterloo, where she plans to antain a BA iii Honour Arts and is double majoring in bistory and drama. After university she plans to pursue various aspects of theatre, including live theatre and voice acting before becoming a secondary school teacher. "I think il's a great opportunity for students to compete at the national level," said Sue Suess, president of Junior Achievement of Halton. "Being singled out from across Canada is pretty exciting." Junior Achievement of Canada is a national organization offering seven business education programs for elementary and high school stu- dents. Junior Achievement of Halton serves Milton, Oakville, Halton Hilîs and Burlington. COGECO 14 Programming Schedule - December llth - December 1 7h, 2001. km. Piqgloi - kmi PIuale!'- kmi PMW li- 5pm, 4mih:i4m 8IqIe lmi - klm PkgoM ! i- Kepg111181 Mandayia lOUq118am TtaikIli 10Y 0111am wieUiRiiy 121çsm "q mWok 1 Mkm Smmyknom 21 Main Street North, km,; ec 3dU D11 s*lp kAId Driu1mu Adtos, ON L7J 1V9 jaH*~#~"iau (519) 853-4700 Fétr hsWeek: RokodChristmas Paaeo ihs-Monday, 80p ou