Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Dec 2001, p. 30

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30-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 11, 2001 .Da telin e I . Bked IPasta wlth dueSe, fresh splnach "*Dinner roll * Tossed Salad a Your choice of 355 i pop < Alou dinners are prepared in st ofingredients without using anyF ou o odcounster for ail yoi *eGrIllkd Bondles Chkken Dest on a Bun Smotbered with roast- * ed peppers and provolone cheese : our choice of rice or Mes You choîce of 355 ml pop oz. home mbrger i t eWIth *ddar cheeonaàfresh= ae Large homemade fries made with *fresh baking ptatoes a Your Choice of pop e $4~ir ore by Rosa. We use only the freshest preservatives. Corne la and check out adinner needs. 6«off A--,t Notices for Dateline sbould be handed in at Uic office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to, PO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed to (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed to milfoned@halton- search.com. Tuesday Dec. 11 Improve communication and leadership skifla with the Milton Tosasmasters. Everyone is wel- come to attend Uic Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. (upper level), as 7:30 p.m. For more infor- mation, cati Brenda Stephenson as (905) 854-7227. Do you bave a new baby? Calling New Parents, a free pro- gram for parents and babies six monihs and younger, meefa wiUi a public heaiUi nurse to, discusa par- enting and infant care. The group meets at Uic Milton Cormmunity Resouree Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., fromn 1:30 50, 3:30 p.m. For more information, cail (905) 693- 4242, ext. 7899. HleIp for Parenta, a parent sup- port group, meeft aI Pinelands Preshyterian Church, 5270 New Sf., in Buriingfon. This non- denominafional self-tupport group helpa parents of children who are in trouble as home, atsachool or wiUi the law or who are abusive or taking druga. For more informa- tion, cail 1-800-488-5666. The Peel North branch of fthe Retired Women Teachera of Ontario meef s as Emmanuel United Churcb, 420 Balmorsl Dr., in Bramaica at 10:30 arn. Ail retired teachers are weicome. For more information, cati Karin as (905) 796-2146. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre's Lunch Bunch meets at a local eatery at noon. For more information, cail (905) 875-1681. A Cappella Showcase performs Chrisfsnas songs as Milton Mail at 7:45 p.m. Wednesday Dec. 12 Ronnie Robertson presents Writer'a Night at The Nascar, 370 Main St., fromn 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Mike Trebilcock performs. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds tbe Evening Euchre Party as 7:30 p.m. Admission costs $2. For more information, cail (905) 875-1681. Thursday Dec. 13 Tbe Burlington chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario meets as Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Dr. (in thc library), as 7 p.m. For more infor- mation, cail (905) 634-6797. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holda Seniors' Cinemas at 1:30 p.m. Admission cos $ 1.For the feafure performance or more information, cail (905) 875-1681. The Halton Hands ln Motion Knitting and Crocheting Guild meets at Georgetown Higb School (in tbe staff dining room) from 7 to, 9 p.m. Admission for non-memn- bers cosfs $5. For more informa- tion about tbe program, cal Diane at (905) 877-152 1. Friday Dec. 14 The Halton Sportsmen's annual Turkey Shoot runs from, 9 arn. to 1 p.m. at 5155 Steeles Ave. Ail shootera are welcome. The Halton Federal PC Riding Association bolds ifs annual Christmsas dinner and dance af the Halfon Country Inn, 9196 Sixth Lmne. Cocktails are served at 7 p.m., followed by dinner at 8 p.m. Tickets cost $50 for adulta and $35 for youtbs. For more information, cail Dan at (905) 878-8588. The Milton Youth Chorus per- formns its annual Christmsas con- cert, 'The Sweef Sounds of Cbristmas', at Knox Presbyterian Church at 7 p.m. The concert is foi- iowed by a bake sale. Tickets cosf $10 for aduita and $5 for youth aged 6 to, 17 years. Children under the age of 5 years are admitted frec. For more information, cati L.on-aine at (905) 876-0407. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre hoids ifs annuai Christmas concert, 'A Christtnas Cabaret', at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $5. For more information. cail (905) 875-1681. ici my "ar. CoGECOOhmgmup.s la as high speed phone SAVE $120 over six months To fieel the rush of High Seed- lntemet cati 1-888-6-COGECO visit cogeco.com ,Keeplng you tMd oe.<mo jab nuay 31. 2002. oo d speed based ond-noe speoo of 2 M.iso for COGECO vs 1 5Mbps for high-sPeed Phono SVN for osew custnm oery idncoonec >90 dffys> Reohdolta b.,v, ofiy. Not uonlale in aH am SSwn restrtifon maYY OPPlo

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