Tho Coeiadiân Chamolon. TUeSday, December il, 2001-29 Vibt our Eve£r trim anid Tree 5hor for ai, YOur ChriatmaE5 indoor & panoutdoor cicoratîflo. Reacy To Go Feetive Arran~ e %owood eRed H L3oughe s White ine e PouoIat, Fir e 5G Cedlar wreath0s - A variety of and stylesto choee f rom. ?,op"e & Garland -Cedar, LbaIeam, pine, mbwÀe ropee Ontarlo Grown Chdotmao Tre 6-8 ft Nmtsam FAr fmmr *29.99 6-8 ft Frael6 Fir ~fmmr 5M9 Have ani Mk fabhiomed Chrietmab ib year Mth a ral tree. Custom Pecorate PaoUeÀ poin6mewe aýrramgemenit6 includinq andl febtive omamemt. Corne To Our Toee & THm5bhop ~ Ai Hangine Omamente & Floral Pilo 40% OFF TermaGf fctvna TEMR WATERPOW amGOfOHS8 W* $ M o.wIna E*(O~l1 r7rMIRAP eIU fi/I