28--The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December il, 2001 HEATHER SOUE, Agent 300e Derry Rd. W., Suite 204 fAc A o the 5 HaO*ta5 90".93-1400 heather.eollejfstatearm.eam Renters Insurance: Why you need it Thete are two big mythe about rentons mosuronne. One is that if's too expensive and tire ottrer is tiret 's flot needed. Not having rentons insurance isa prtoy big gambie considering that withoat it. y00 face the cost of repiacing pour pensonal helongîngs arner an avent suc h as tie or theft. What's more, y00 coulai face tire prospect ot defending poursett in a lawsuit because of sonne accidont ton airicir you migirt ho heid Iegaiip nesponsible, whether tl happened whena pou lino on elsewhere. n mary cases, lot less thon a coopta Pondront dollats a year you car, proteut pOur naluobtes, like yout tonnitune, and ciotires, troon loss hp tere, tiret wîrd ard wotot damage et othen nocerent hazants. But mary remtets stili don't holiene they red such mosutonne. A sure conducted by Cambridge Reports mnc. ton the Insunance Information Institute tount that tomer than thnee out of every t0 rentons punchose rentons imouronne. Mary tentets mistakenly ieee thir lontierd's insurnce will noua' thonr own belongings. In tact, tl moult ho eotremeiy rare totoa landierds poinp ta ecterd to ton art's pnoperty. To dotermine hem munh insurance covorage peuhI rend, taeoa cempete innantery ot yeur porsenai items. An mosuronne agent car help wilh luis ir estimafing tire tefui value cf yeur pneperty. You'Ii aise rnd te denide mirether te ept fr deprenîoted or lmimed replacement coslnenverage. Dopneciolnd noeeage is tho cool te ropaîr or replace pour irelengingo minus depre- niation. Lots say pou hought a qeoly sofao euh an enpected usefel lite of 10 yeats. If ito nom rive years cit and mculd cool about $1t000 le replace, pcu could ecpect te reneive ahout $500O (leos dnductiblol if pour sofa eau tesnoed by tire. N'eu moult pop slightiy more for lirnitnd replacement ot noverage, but yee nouid eopect te neceive $1 .000 fer yeur sofa minus pour dnduntîbie. N'eu shouit aise keep in mind mhal insutanne noeoage for sonne types ot penserai property is lmmtd in toms of dollars. Rentors insuranno aise gînos peu persenal logai liaiolity noverogo ont mndcai pop- monts te eCers mire are accîdentally inîurnd whîte in peur home or apartmont or elseehere if tho injuries are cousnd hp yoor actions. Art, d peu are fernnd te lice elseehere irenauset onnaage te peur resîdenne due to a conrd loss, tentons insoronce ceners additienal living eopeeses. Rememirr, yumay neteownthe bilding inehih yu ive, irueu stili neOd to Pane insurance te promeut peur propooy in the nase of lire, theft on errer Panards. Carpet: Vinyl -Ceramies -Hardwood Paint -Walicoverings Sohwroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL leraldlne Hesketh 845 Mail i. I. Mikie gos.I7S.42@ Happy Holidays Everyone Comfi Interiors Joe (yes there is a Joe!), Norah, Mike, Trevor, Dave & me - Gerry would lilce to say THANK YOU! It's been a fun year & number 4 is going to be greater stili. We can't believe how nice you have all been & we've had some laughs too!! Keep reading "Ask The Pros". Hopefully we'11 have some interesting decorating tips in 2002. Here're somne Christmas tipis: 1) Don't use turkey legs for faux finishing your walls. The meat tends to cling to the glaze! -0 Christmas Bureau Fund for The Salvation Army There are a few theories as to how massage therapy helpe to reduce muscle pain. A muscle may become tight or ohortened for a prolonged period of time due go stress or overuoe. ibis shortening or increased forne causes a decreaoe in the circulation to the muocle as well as a build up of metabolie waste such as carbun dioxide and lactie acid. Together, thia decrease in fresh oxygen and increase in carbon dioxîde and other wastes causeo a drop in the pH within the muscle tissue. This low pH and shortenecl stage of the muscle irritates nerve endingo and results in that burning, aching, tired feeling typically experienced around thse neck and shoulders during times of stress (Christmas shopping?). Massage therapy, application of heat and stretching are alI effective ways to relax a muscle and increase local blood flow. Ibis increased circulation allows fresh oxygen to enter Use tissue and irritating carbon dioxide and metabolie waste to leave the tissue, therefore resulting in a decrease in muscular discomfofl. Regular massage therapy treat- mente and following a stretching programt will help to.pre- vent and retieve muscle pain due to stress and overexer- tion. For further questions regarding massage therapy please cal Ryan Weaver or Jillian Guard and The Milton Therapeutic Massage Clinic, 878-0800. The Canadian Champion offici is now accepting donations at 191 MAN ST,ý MILTON 'Make this Christmas special z1jt litia S0 M M I W The Canadian Champion