Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Dec 2001, p. 26

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M -___ a - 26-The Canadian Champion, Tuenday, December il, 2001 protessionsis can Illsvs et" pit2r3se St 1't tt. 'Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion .191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 nr Fax to: 878-4943 EDRUG MA"" ýOpen la midnlght, 7 days a week Carniage Square, 265 Main St. E. 905-878-3311 THORNTON Q: Why dol need to take vitamins when I'm plan- ning a pregnancy - even before l'm pregnant? A: Women who take vitamins containing folic acid before becoming pregnant have a lower riak of having a baby with a neural tube defect. Neural tube defects are birth defecta that occur in 2 to 4 of every 1000 babies bon in Canada. Tbey occur when sometbing interfhres with the growth and devel- opment of the spine, akull or brain. The two moat coin- mon neural tube defects are apina bifida and arien- cephaly. These defecta occur 25-29 daya after a anoman becomea pregnant - often before abe iv even aware that she iv pregnant. Because these defecta form vo early it is recommended tbat women begin taking folic acid 3 montha before tbey become pregnant and preferably as soon as tbey stop using birth control. The recommended dose of folic acid for moat women in 0.4 mg daily. It ivs available on its own or as part of a multivitamin or prenatal vitamrn. Women witb epilepsy, diabetles, a family bistory of neural tube defects or a previous pregnancy affeeted by a neural tube defeet sbould take 5 mg of foîje acid daily. 5 mg tablets are available on prescription from your doctor. Neural tube defeetu can be prevented. Ask your doctor or phannacist to recommend a folie acid supplement for you and give your baby a bealtby start! roi: (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934. 204-420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1P9LuOnIkCPRU Q: What is the best thing in do right nom? A: At ibis rame ai yearibe ncs tbug ira do as Ior tetebrate living W4~ C cm% 44a«L. Dem 44d#. Afilhiaied mith N.F. Insurance Agency Inc. %eàEGONO Dealer Services Canadalne. Dr. Tongj Wan'R A SToloth la1 Towne Dental Group Tony H. Wan Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. E <.cDDS 905) 876-1188E Teething tots - whiat's normal, what's flot Teehin ca strt s erlýas 3naanlbs and caontinue aiait a cbatd' r bard hirhda. Tpiail bLwen tbe ages rît4 and 7 aanibts. yau asi noîte yourchid'sfirs toth ubang tbrraagb tbe Lumline. Marri thidiren tarat al2ofte rn bmr bet y tbe baird birtbdai. Wheee orcidde begain teeitarng. il gerreraty as rî be r paanttsr proessniakedby ncest ariraatg aid tire de'rare tas cbe\ an ian aga Teetingas arule d ai otcaure bagb reset, darrbea. arr rteep prarbienar Il yur abydocsdevlopa tesvet durana She ietiarr phbase. aras praîbabît due o snnehinglis an or itbld's dsîtar sbautd bcarnîarttd. Ht te as rame advate tIo parents ta ease tbe dist'arnrtrisatîeeîang: *Wape yoar baby's faee often ait ra ai t eta trternaire tbe driai. Tbis keepr iashes traîna deseaapang. *Gare >aiur baby raarnetbaaag ira ce ara. Make suie arrs big caaugb rai abat sbe ean't rmattaa il. A met arbttrt ptaccd an tbe freezer tan 311 lorn- ares makes a handy tecting aid taris bc rare ara mas il aIrer eaeb use. Teetbrug rings are aira grand. bot aroid the oves A rab tiqard isrde. lfaber break. the tiqurd rnay nari bc rate, tf yau are a plastit teetbang rang. be sure ta take ir onisai the frezer belote ia becaares rock-bard -yaa damat aant ta braise abrase aiready-martien garnts! *Neyer tie a aeeahing ring around a baby's ueck. sauce tl toutd get caagbt ou sarnething and straugie the baby. *Il yaar baby sems irable, gise ber acerarninophen (sueb as chidreu's Tyteualî. If yraur cbitd as ander b rnonîbs, cauisait yoar cbatd's docior. 1laesI 'V ses for tka ÀA4ottàLo Zý-«n sj Sme. TANNINOi SPiù sso oallst t mou (MA5) 878-M34 3505 Uu MddsRL,*miu- (905) 335-505 Q: Are regular bulb changes in tanning equipment important? A:- Regular bulb changes are very important. Tanning bulbs have a limited life. The performance of tanning equipment is greatly affected if bulbs are allowed to be over used. The tanner simply won't get the resuits they should in the prescribed session time. Also there is a risk element if bulbs are not changed routinely. Tanners are apt 10 lengthen their session to compen- sate for rrweak bulbs", then when the facility finally changes their bulbs, the longer session could burn an unaware tanner. Bulb changes are very costly ($800 to $2400 depend- ing on the size of the bed) and unfortunlately to lower costs, some tanning facilities may not change otten enough. At Sun Haven we change our bulbs at the haîf point of the bulbs expected life, assuring we provide the best and safest resuits for our clients. Th1e besi tannîng bulbis, changed more often; enjoy your ultimate tanning expenience ai Sun Haven. B.A., B.S.W. M.S.W., R.S.W., DtP. SOC. ADM. À& Counselling & Psychotherapy 11084, 5th Line, Milton, Ontario (905) 854-0801 layne M. Tanner Q:Why dol1 keep flnding myseîf in the salie kind of relationships? A: People tend ta leant the way ta b a part of a relationship very early ta lite. We rnay learo. for instance, that when rnorn is depressed, she likes tl if we cornte up and give her a hug and the rnay even gîve as a hug in retrr. Or we rnight learu that the only time me get positive attentton is when we produce sornething, sncb as a gond grade, a piece of art work or a bnilding project. la these situations, what have me iearned abont relattonshtps and ont place in them? We have dtscovered that the way ta get our needa met is ta gise ta others. We migbt need positive attention at ather ttmes. bat me have learned that the best may ta pet it ta ta anticipate the other personas needs aad fulfdll them. If this iv the case, mhat type of persan are yoa gotng ta feel mUai loved and manted by? Liklcey, by someone mho ta needy. sorneone yau feel miii need yon. You may be a rescuer, the persan mho feels îhey cao help tihe loat soal. Bat after yearv of giving, yoar atttude. anrd yoar pantneras attitude may seem different. You rnay feet very uaed by ibis persan, and yoar pantner rnay bave groma ta expeci yon ta meet ail needa. This iv juat one enaanple af tbe "dance" that me do in relationahipa. Some other examptes are the persan mho tikes ta be in contrai findiug the maie mho believea that îhey are incompetent; or the persan mho aiwaya ta very ernotionat finding a panner wha dans not talk ai ail. Hom do me change this? We mark on narselves. We change the pattern af aur dance sa that we are not attracted ta people mha help us sîay stack. The beai may that I know of daing thinga iv ta mork with a qualifted therapisi who wiii help as recagnize aur patterns and ihen guide as in changing them. At thia tirne, I mîsh yoa ail a happy. heaithy and peaceful holiday sea- EtayoeTanneris a Regiuimed membraf the Cuikge of Professinai Scalu Wan'keai. eth maoyypars of prfessiunatexperiene in idiidnnlfamiy & marlcoansiinU. Hr office je tacated in Hibau in oprivaie rualnteiio minuteîfro the doaeniuo ra FaOther questions settono- cati (905) 854.0801 Confideniialiy guaranieed. Supporting independent lifestyles & worry-free n.. u,,k.in. household ustop.oOs.is maintenance ho-e..M-dkn.na. 905-876-4999 or 1-877-206-7084 DAWN CASE website ýenlnstura.u Accandtng ao Macicui\s magazane. -Nrnelî pet ceai ai eldenc.ae ta Canada is prostd- cd bi tamily members. and b0 percent af baose caregiseir are aamen.* Tbe stmaggle ta kecp up atthe demand ton senior caretis grou ing. Wtb carnlinarng Provtnctal and Federai garemment cstbaekr ta as no sonder Uc, as canegivers, mari tank ta otber sources ta betp us. Nonetbeless, ualait asng bornes cannot lark atter bhe vst majany and gnaa mg nambeir ai sentis. Sa abat ta tbe arser? Embracang qualtiy bomecane bhai cor aller sncb services trorn sekty boasekeeptng ta regalar rcbednied vstt ta a personal crnk, cao brang peace o) mmnd ta tbe senior and reduce tbe stress fan tbe caregasci. There as aiso anorber groupaIf Cantadana bai as gowrng in iambers..tbase bhai are lirrng borneatone. Sometanies. bey reed aaîaîde resoroaierta ake cane aI base harpa ibar bhey are luiso goad ai doang ai bhey tuai do nat base the lime ta do il ibemseises. Reroarcea do Carat and bhe%, aie graarag tas assisi tamaties inrail areas of tare need- ed. Check îbemn aut ibea mas bave tbe exat sensices bhal os and tour lamit are taakang fait. Wbale aaak-tle siessea cotinne ta deplere ont raime tieedorri., ibere are appartnaa ,le ira delegute rme of the routine Sanie arid lesta le cbores Io raeie ap taa presiarar tante arr arnianga. ranCis. and bolbies. rosira doa naît elo Iisan tbesbutille Bîrîh itenarias are issue, thaltioatb ereir'ol ii onýaa r antotter. Sa. l is ampor- tarît aaota taise a look ai Abat tata are doaune arAtS roui laime acb day. Yaru mort schedule rime lai touireit. \oui fami and tar tun. lia Se a healtier. bapprer y) . Tbis baladai rear i nae ranîseli ae tarai "Lit" sahedute rime ast ai eacb dat. eaen ifil is anit a balf-Sani. jutar laita Wrte dowî the scbeduled limae ru your iar. aor viimer an a note addnessed an ru ibai yon cm place an plain aiea. ltaoui be a daiti temander ta aaiasett and everynne lise...rbn yaa are off limita framnt ta. Ian tai an She Manks. Empty Neit woatd take ta ae ibis appontunary au -wiîh ail aur clients and ta all of yau and yourfamiie. pence, happiness and iiefur you.ius holiday sean and alwa.yi!

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