The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 11, 2001-25 ~wua~ Tee FrmsWB RAVE WOEK, ~tA RIGHT NOW! SLSCNUTN We ffr emoray ssgnent wthexellntpa 1 HUNT CHRYSLER JEEP j Qualiy Fresh Cut Nationwîde Company, flexible- P/T and F/T hours. ly s avoulable NOW. aCihIandidates must be high e rgself starter who Pin- aa - a-ieamA&raseraePir Ali f -xn sa 1f.A. ro èelt4 Wreath, Roping, Boughs Plus Christmas Crafts Open 9:00 - 9:00 7 Weekdays 9:00 - 5:00 Weekenda s ( Came visit u at eý 2291 Kllbrldie St., KIIbride ATTENTION INTERNET U SERS Unlîaited Accesu only $15.95, great local uervice and su ppari truan SURF THE NET. 905-873-2602 KIDS, Kids, Kids, Agnu wifb DZ icenue wanted. 2+ wanted for TV & Tri/auto & tuedemîoaxol. Movie Jobs! Nn Fees/i Clean abutract a must. Men/ Wumen 10-65 Phuo 905-564-4734 pars needed fursan. FRE E training. Drive 4 NO extraus. Parents cati Uu. Sch u rvr (416 2213829 Wanted. Cai (905) 877- 4448. Laîdlaw ix an eqal opportunity Cum- pany. SNOWPLOW Oper a- Aenat.tors requîred fnr cintr 2Foaling Atnas.maîntonceo nrations in Eniserience ru an auxet Milton - Missîxsuua bat not necesoary. area. Must have validi Hnrse experience is re- clasu DZ drivers ticenue quired. Job #1 Sunday and curront drivers ab- Ibrough , Wednendap stract prior lx startîng. night. Job #2 Thursday Must ho wiliing 10 work fbrough Safurday night. oh/ff work fhruughoaf Please cati for appoint- minfer season. Previeun ment. 905-854-9991 plocingî aandiug ex- ACCESS to a comput- pertence ae asuet. Cal er? Morte ait home on- Gord t 905693-1439 line $500 - $1500 pur THE Dickeens os seekinc mentis part lime, a nigist tian dio pet $3000+ fuiltfimo. Look soin. Appty in pension to for the Holiday fer. Roger or Stan ut 189 www.reachablIesu Mil Street, Milton 1-888-37-Mf 8503 WANTED AZ diîvers AUTO Clean Lubei F/at hod work fou Southern Onnario anc tequines fll lime, partý Michigan, oxperionce lime Latbu Techiscians preferrect. homo woo/v and Auto Delailers. o nds. Cai Beut Trunufo Apply cithîn, 925 Main, /519) 053-5773 ont. 6 o Street. n1ff00-62-1470 ext, 6 con Reuirements: Have access lu reliable transportation & must ho ai least 16 years of uge. Cali for interview (M0)>335-48 or visdt us at: I720 O.aiph Lima, Salle LL107, Ialuaa Mania,, Basamba 1711t 10..4pm WE8IM MENIrMY SERVIC Are you an energeie persos, PFH wanting to work in a last (EH L paced environmeni? W e are i carres ly accepting applica- tions for the fuoie Fuel Bar Cashier Wre pnide anrse vcs as a fainsy sas bsiness die prvkies, -Fleydble heurs tnmpelii waI $$lea0 lu. *Able toi chedtule arnund l5"ey re*SlasOrlin No experience necessary Appiy in person: Fifih Wheel Truck Stop 40 Chishoim Dr., Milton Building suppiy yard requires *DZ DRIVERS IIav lifting involved. Driver-, must provide curreni drivers license with boom truck experi- re an asset. Wr provîde a compreitive starting wagr and company henefits. Patene Building Supplies ld. 7449 Trafalgar Rud/ Auburn Ruad (seuth nf 401), Hernby (905) 875-0279 We are eopýanding af FT Prepf1 Bakery Oppor unitiea High energy ieam pl iers availabie f0 work flexible hours, will train. Individuels wiih a great attitude, entf1osiasm and uirong 1 cusiomer service skilis. Requîes ta: 500 Laurier Ave - Milton Atfenti n: John IMMEDIATE 20 DRIVERS /CAR MO VERS *Temp. F/T Tues. Ibru Sut a Wages $tlt-$12/hr * Clous"G'lic.rertxired el1yr drîvîntexp. * Drivers abstract *Aulx. & stick shift exp a Fluent Fvglish * 2 work rofereoces reqxired aI interview Cmii 519-944-100 or fax: 519-544-2075 orsameil: wiad»re@aP«uflCOI 0v/ny thone qoa/ified wli Ire cxvtaced WAREHOUSE SORTERS for Oakille client. ALSIT Must have safvty boots F - / & be able to cork a day shift, 6:30am-3pm. Oan car on ossot. Ultimato Staftlng Fax905-528-8840 emoil: rosxrnes@ evecu-shore.comCirifd 124 James SI.S., #230 Hamilton, ON L8P 2Z4 v / . f Personel Commnitîre iv seekîng a part-cime Christian, professionai administralor wieh as leasi twv years esperience to play a Key role os thse pastoral staff servîng var growing congrega- lion. lIn addition tv strong administralive skilis and Microsoft office compuOîng comoprlency, tisis faniction reqaires attributes of sensîtiviiy, confidentiaiiy, and a strong desîre tv serve tise needs of tise congregation. Additional information can bu obtained by cuntacting the Senior Pastur aI (905) 878-5664. Applicants shuuld vend a restiue lu Dean Martin, Chairman Personnel Committee by eîther e- mail (dmartin@ista.cii) or fax (905) 854-3405 hv flerember llth. 2001. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Microsoft Word, Excel and PP roquîred. DATA ENTY OPERATOR Candidate must have 1+i pears ut experionce. RECEPTIONIST Candidates must have 1+ peurs ut eeperience. Phonos, filing & cortespondenco for hectic office. Cotc stdyfrmure detaîlsi Ph: 905-331-0456 Fu: 905-319-2095I 5575 North Service Road, Burloglon, ON L7L 6M1 Vali usa@wwwofficêteam.comj National Distribution company located vn Stoney Creek, has an opening for ACCOUNTS RECEVABLE SPECIALISTS To bu elîgible lor conuideration, pou must have excel- lent communication skîlîs yod wxrk welI in a txam envirooment. Ysx must sîso be diligent and analyical in your apprxach to projeclo and requesîs. Dotait oni enlod, the ability lx wxrk wîth minimal direction and the ability lx prionîtîxe and moiti lask are your baill marks. Prevîxun exp iv A/R collectixns an assel. pour strong communicatixn skills wilI enable yo0010 aoswer cootomer quories regarding oxlstanding accounts and invoices. s wxrking knowlvdge of vvcel is required. expenience aithin o manufacturing or distribution compafly is an axxet. Plesv fax pour resomne and sa/ary engectationu lx the gainerai Manager ut 905-574-0759 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK & ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Our accountirg depadtment is grocîngi We are currentl uoking for bufb an A/P Clerk & ar A/R Clerk. 1+yrs. evperience; detail-oriented: good communica- lion okilîs; familiar with Excel, Word & Accountivg software. Mon-Fni, lam-4pm. Pleaxe forward resmme with salary expectatiors, spncifying the position for whicb pou are app/ping, lx: Alla: 1H... Ruaoaorcas MOUEY8 MUSHROOM LTIE RO0. Box 190, 7345 Guaiph Un Cfflahilia, ON LOPi1M Fax: (905) 878-7897 Wo thaok a/il app/îcavts, however o/y thooe nelectvd fur vo interview wî// re, covfacted SPOTLESS DRY CLEANERS raquires COOKKEEPERIADMINISTRAT R Must have computer skîlls witIr Simply Accxunting, Excel, and Microoft Office. Requirements, paya- bles, receivables, and payrx/l ax ce/I as other ad- ministrative dulies. Mut be colt xrganioed and able to work in a fast paced environment. Lxoking for long term applicants. Fax resume lx: Domenic 905-333-6374. ALSO REQUIRFO CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS. Fax resume to: Kathy Vailincxurt 905-333-6374 Cierical Position (il Mo. Contraci) Immediafe eppvrfunity for a hrgbly mvtivaie indixidual with rece ptian/xwitcIboard and payable! receixables experience. Yvu wilf bu computer literate, possexo an oye for dolait, bave weii-deveoped people skif s and an excellent telephene manner. A taut-paced work enniroment thal tests yaar ability ta prioritize sE yaur ideal. We uffer an excellent mari enviruement witb hasts 8 am - 5 pm Monday tc Tharsday and 8 am -2 pai Fridsys. Forward reoumes fa: TECKMARK LABEL SYSTEMS INC. 850 Legion Rond, #23 Burllngton, ON L7S 1T5 Fax: 905-681-7072 LOOKING for a caroer? Control peu income? VI Production Management requires lthe right indinid ai te soit print tu a prnvided ciont base. Own vehic and local traveling roqluired. Cntact: Miko Terz Ur caI 905-693-9312 CCTF, A Division of Emca Limitai, bras ai immediafe npeeing in aur Oakvitie facitity fer ai Inside Sales Trainee Fult training is providied fer ttris eelry-lenE position. Encollent oppertueity for adoancemen for an energetic individuat willing te tearo th pipe and lifting business. Candidates ment b computer titerate, and bu a bigh scisool and/e college gradeale. Plasa fax rallumes la: 905-842-1466 No Clophante cats please are ner seii uiig ucs MuI ae: aiDies ies MeHabve aloainrsicnSes iec W. l 0 toir potain OMunlimie Lcisin vie amer patny Carlmie omiso Cone y sdhCaenef Wiii Train Please Cati: (905>876-2580 Or Fax: (905>876-0297 Or E-mail: hufltltd@cogeco.flt Your Resume ta: WES OLSEN I4UECLEANING Available ocheduled - special iaccasions. Great Prices. Day or Eveninga. Cai 905- 805-0204. Free Consultation. T.N.T. Huusn Cleaning, Cai Dobbîe 905-876-1795, Honest, Retioblo r e r r