4Lo caà1 s shi ne at Skates Alive Milton s katers sbiued e the recent Skates Alive Comepetitioi e Menm moiea Ile comepetition dew hun- dreds of participanets frot more dms a dozen comenunities. flh fottoweng are reessit of how ftee event hosto fared: Opena Freeakate Illg 1 - Tieffany Richmond, Ist; Jaim Nashe, 4th Open Freeslkate FIL. 2 - Sabrina Moran-Grant, 1tee; Suzanne Koeo, 7th; Alena Petie, 8th Jr. Silver Ladies Freesicate FIt. 2 - Angela Schrempf, lot Sr. Bronuze Freeskate FIt. 2 - Kaylyn McGilloway, teei Sr. Bronze Freeskate Ft 3- Lia Petrie, 1tee Jr. Bronze Freckate Fit. 1 - Melanie Koso, 2nd Jr. Bronze Freescate FIL. 2 - Loauis Rose, 7th Jr. Brunme Freeskate Fit 3 - Laura Stratton, 2nd; Emma liamson, 3rd Jr. Bronze Frecekate Fit 4 - Sarah Witliams, 4th Prellnolnary Ladies Freeskate Fit. 2 - Rebecca Tomison, 6th Prelloalnry Ladies Freeakate Fit 3 - Jasseice CasmU, 3n1 Prelanlosry Ladies Freeskate Fit. 4 - Sar" McDuffe, 1tee; Laur Wilson, 2nd Prelminaury Ladies Freeskate FIL. 5 - Kaielyn Teuruda. 6th Preliminar Ladies Freeskate Fit 6 - Rachel Nadalin, 3rd; Melista Kiabinec, 7th pre.Prellelsary 2 Freeekate Fit 2 - Roselyn Schultz, lot pr-Preânlnasr 2 Freeskate Fit 3 - Dantielie Clarke, lot Pre-Predmiuna~r 2 Freeaate FIt. 4- SarsIs Goncz, 5th Pae-PelamW 2 Vrueskate Fît. 5- Sarah Kerwin, 4th Pre-I'telim"ir 1 Frunskate Fit 1 - Julia Cenedese, 1 et; Emily willialm, ý4db Pse-Premnslnary 1 Freeote Fit 2 - Sabrina Loeprech. 7th Pre-PrelionlnrY 1 Freeskate Fit 3 - Jennifer Strank, 61h Pre-F'ellnenary 1 Freeskat Fit 5 - Leanne Ritchie, 71h Pite-Premma7 1 Freeskate Fit.9 - Aeeaesda Austens, d» OpeM Solo Damc - Sabrina Moros-Grat, teei Sr. Sllvr Solo Damc - Alana Ptrie, 811e Jr. Silver Solo Dano Fit 1 - Metanie Kms, 4th; Usa petrie, 7th Jr. aiver Solo Dance Fit 2 - Sarahe Wellieen, 6th; Me&"s Kubinec, 8th Jr. Silver Solo Donc Fit 3 - Kaytyn mcciioway, ilsi; Emma Wfiiaffmit, 8tIs Sr. Bromie Solo Dance FIt. 1 - Ashley Cupples, teei; Lauratatto, 2nd Sr. Bronze Solo Dance Flit 2 - Rachel Naduli, 31d; Rebecca, Tomlinson. 4th Sr. Bronze Solo Dasec FIL 3 - Lauis Ross, 7th; Danielle Clarke 10tb jr. Bronze Solo Dance Fit 1 - Sarah Gonez, 1ist Jr. Brnze Solo Dnc Fit 2 - Sarah Kerormn, 2nd jr. Bronze Solo Dance Fit. 3 - Kaielyn Tsunsda, 3rd Jr. Bronze Solo Dmance FIL. 4 - Amanda Austen, 6th pre-prelenary Solo Dance FIL. 1 - Hugh Ritchie, 7th Pres-Preliminary Solo Danece FIt. 2 - Seephanie Beaulieu, 411e Pre-Preinîlsary Solo Dance Fit. 3 - Julia Cenedese, 2nd Pre-Prellisinary Solo Dance FIL. 4 - Leasesa Ritchie, 4th Pre.PemlnarY Solo Dance FIt. 5 - Emùly'Wiliames, 2nd Open Temn Elemeeses - Sabrina Moran-Grant & Jessica* Brake (Acton), 1 si Aaegela Schrempf & Suzanne Koso, 2nd; Janine Nash & Tiffany Richmond, 4th Sr. Bronme Teain Elleseents - Kaylyn McGilloway & Aehley Cupples, 1 se Jr. Bronze Tean Elemtents - Laura Rose & Melanie Koso, t; Leura Sratton & Emma Wlfiamsson, 3rd- Melanie Koso & Sarah ifliames, 44h prellnary Tenon Eleonents Fiight 1 - Kaielyn Teuruda & Danielle Clarke, iest Laura WfIlson & Sarah McDuffe, 9th peiqyTein Eluomnats Fit.2 - Rebecca Tooseinson & Racheel Nadatin, 4th Pre-Premmnay 1 Teins Elenients Fit I - Sabrinat Loepech & Jeifer Stroik Sth Pre- pmelnslnar 1 Team Flenums Filgbo 2 - Eily Williamns & Julia Ceseedese, MtI Pre-Pre*lmr 111Te1ns1 Ekements FiWgbt3 - Alannath Campbsell & Cassaseda Pateon, 9eh Pre-Prelunnry 2 Teins Eleenes Fliglt 1 - Roastyn Scholtz & Sarah Kerwir, 2nd Pne-Prelhnlnay 2 Tesso Elosenats RlWs 2 - Sarahe Goncz & Amanda Austen,. 41h Causskte Orainge Tein Ehmnents flegt 2 - Courtney Whethae & Corie Pobgee, 7db Canakate Red Teans NEln - Brise RodesebunB & Almsa Ramsden, 4tIs; Paige Howe & JasmiS Beasalicu, 6th Canakate Bisse Teins Elleinents - jesen Welson & Caîtlynd Thofspoon, I lob Casseate yeIlow Tean Elemees - Store Bfrgoyese & Paige Pattereon, 9tb Jr. galver, Staowvaa - Ashiey Copples, 2ed, Angela Scbrempf. 6th Jr. Bronze Showcase - Sarahe Wsllams. 3rd ptuilnar Sbowcaa - Rachal Nadalin, lot, Jaiee Caiseel, 3rd pFSprenh5Ilnalry sbowe - Saah Gonier, 4th The Canadian Champion, Tueday, Dorombor 11, 2001-23 4Vlerchant alumni shine in NCAA S orce lk Ille 1k'1,1. Former Merchant Kevin O'Flaherty the shamrock-totting good luck charmn of the 1997/98 AII-Ontario championship squad - enjoyed some bragging rights during a battle againse his mose talented ex- teammate Friday. Clarkson's Ieading scorer, O'Flaherty collected three assiste including one on the game-winning deposit to nuedistance Darren (Mini> Haydar's New Hampshire Wildcats 8-5. The high-scoring viceory was to say the least as upset, as UNH headed into week- end competition ranked fourth nationally. Haydar le the driving force hehind that lotty standing with 13 goals and 20 assises, whnch place him first amnong ail poine-get- ters je the country. He added to hie sizeable account with a goal and two assises againse Clarkson Friday plus ewo goals and an assist during Saturday*s 5-4 decision over Se. Lawrence. Netting ehree helpers for the losing side was former Merchant Richard Peverley - Georgetown Raider star Stace Page. While Haydar - as always -repre- senes the biggest succese seory among ex- Merchants in the NCAA. hie je jut one of several this season. Three others cursent lylead their team in scoring, including O'Flahesty - who has five goals and eight assises in 14 games with Clarkson. Meanwhile, Ed McGrane leads UMase in 14 games. Among hus biggest points eo date was an assist on a gamne winning goal to beat Clarkeon 3-2 Saturday. At Union, ex-Merchants Nathan Gillies and Jeif Hutchins continue to battie it out for the team Iead. Gillies took over top spot this pase weekend, drawing an assiet to help shade Princeton 3-1 Friday. Gillies has eight points white Hutchins has seven. DRIVES CANADA We at Ford want ta help keep Canadians moving through the hslîdays with sur Hol i1aptT PLUS Get 0% factory financing PLUS a $500 Holiday Bonus on the purchase of MOST new in-stock 2001 and 2002 Grand Marquis, Cougar, Mustang, Explorer, Expedition, Excursion, Ranger and Lincoln. 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F 10104 e 8 O r Me'451»1M1am15foyer,/A 3141 8 S f Mn ae,4S<1u, ý,Ws rible oe, W399S! f 1.15, q5i2955$3146'f ,Na'es21 y rWr fi, 25555mfljýeý t2534555555514fll'04l <5445551 ehM454 fteetS0/P YSY$tl5555555-Ce im 20~4402 o fXla sý,&à .5150514W 05 f ,u135W 9 14)1ý1 , e',2F :C _1 's s3sIJj, bb 0 8e'o S Pa>T le' lo îtk'mlttzal=po's fneuýie VIA1MA 5lofý4* fn 541,,e 0ffas Qy 551)e5 ,55 e55 1 e1 1 <a),s51saI 1'C ,rf1 sî53» 15ie54nt lxolCIqI 31s4 S& Sa1'k1 -e 'ss535APO u 05sOW& )Mno t65,54 MILTON MINOR HOCKEY has openings for Pre-Beginners born 199510o 1996 for more information & registration please cali (905) 878-4769