Court dcl y problem cle*red UP A Metroland Comimumty Newspaper Vol. 142 No. 77 to both boards of education Protect Your Investment àuIe & wbM. pedig ln residential drrlproperties ;Auto Business 878-7217 14800413-5701 Mouag m aIme tam Tuesday, December 11, 2001 4 4 Pages $ 1.00 (GST included) Decked out in 8,000 Christmas lghts wvith a host of Canadian entertainers aboard, the CP Rail Holiday Train rolled into town Saturday night. Here, Beverley Mahood entertains 1he crowd of about 1,500 wlth Christmas sangs durlng the traln's one-hour stop at the Milton Go Station. Hundreds of pounda of food waa collected from spectators for the local food bank. 1 Photos by GRAHAM PAINE -/Crematorium to be buit at cemetery r*f By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Creation of a crematorium at Evergreen Cemetery on Onto'rio Street received the go-ahead December 3 from the Milton administration and planninig committee. "We bave reviewed the application in respect to the Provincial Policy Statement Plan and to Use Regionai Officiai Plan. We are prepared to recom- mend to you Use approval of Use application," Director of Planning and Public Works Mel tovio told Use commnittee. "A site plan is been subnsitted to staff and all the issues have been resolved." The concept of building a crematorium on the site bas been in the works for more than two years, Jiro Diils, a member of tise cemetery board and chairman of the crematorium committee told The Champion. -Trends in thse grieving industry are definitely increasingly in the cremation area. More and more - 1 th"n around 40 per cent - deaths mnvolve cremation. There is a community need. Sbould thse necessary approvals be granted, thse current worka garage at thse rear of thse property would be converted into tise crematorium. A new worka garage would be constructed beisind the cur- rent building, M. Dils added. "Tise site proposed is not one wisicis will ever be acceptable for burial purposes." AT J9IL.Eý4ýe Town council and site plan approvals are both Comment .......5 prs ie itn oni xet~e e d oress Business ....... 10 Recause additional approvals are stiil required, M ea ine .......... 2 NU. Dills said there isn't a timeline for building the Classitied..24-26 crematorium. Construction costs won't cornte from the Cemetery Board's existing trust fonds, he contin- "The fonds will be advanced to the cemetery by Li rill an independent group that wiil ultimately operate Hardr to stay it (crematorium) on a lease basis. M l1Wm la 11uruc daim "It will be operated by fully-trained profession- ais who are accredited crematorium operators." n rique Frame + 9rt -'SRVE 50%o RA# mOutNME fl mm FR4M M New Pefnt 0u SO nY lb * Câtffie Uflf * Doff Lak - LA~RE AME, MILTO Pdf »/Al aboard! MILTON PUBLiC LiiBFRARY M -,