Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Dec 2001, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, December 7, 2001 THE CA NAD1 IN Cji"vIoN Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadian Champion, publistted evena Tuesday anti Friday an 191 Main St. E., Miltton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), la one of The Metrotanti Milton, Ont. L9T. 4N9 Prîntîng, Publishing & Distributîng Lti. groant af suburnian companlno wnach d~1u ~ Ad inctudes: Aax/Pickering News Ativerisen. Attiston Henald/Courlnn, Bannie 1I1~M Atiane, Banna's Bay Thto Week, Ballon Eateepnone, Brampton Soantian, (905)8 8 -2 3 4 Banlingnon Paont, Bontingian Shopping Newa, Cita Panent, City ot Tank GSuandian, Collingwoati/Waoona Cannectian, Eaon Tank Mînnan, Ern Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 AiioocanelCounna Routes. Etobicoke Suandian. Ftambanaagh Posl. Faneven Young, Georgeton lndependeno/Actan Free Pness, Hataln Business Times. Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Huonia Busineso Times, Kingson Tala Weet. Lindisaa This Week. Mankaam Ecanamisi & Son, Milant/Penetangaîseene Mînnon, Mîton Shoapping Nes, Classified: 905-875-3300 Mississauga Business Times, Misoisoaoga News, Napanee Guida. Naosagaweaa News, NnwmanketiAnana Ira-Bannen, Northumberlandi News, Circulation: 905-878-5947 Nanah Tank Minnon, O.akilte BBavBn, Sakitoite Shopping News, Ottimers Hocnkea News, Onilia Tada, Oshawa/WhilBOaCtaninmtnnPoat PBnn( Toto Ian Oliver Publisher Week, Petenbonough This WeBk, Picta.n Caunna Guide, Richondi HiItfoannitNaai Lîhenat. ScanbonaugO Mînnan, StoliittefUxbnitige Neil Oliver Ausociaae Pubhusher Tibune, Adveeaîoîag os accepteti an the condition tOat, in the avent ot a typo- Wlendy McNab Advertising Manager anaphîcal ernan, that portion of the advaenioing opace accupiad ba the enno- Karen Smith Edmnor neous item, togeaen witit a neasanable attonance ton signature, wîtl non b changati tan, but thte balance of the aitoagisemant wîii nie paiti fotai the appti- Steve Crnzier Circulation Manager cabte tata. TOn pubtîshne nesenvea the right ta categonîna aiveOtisameato on Teri Casa Office Manager dectîne. Tim Coles Production Manager lie Mio Canadien Champfxe is a %cyclable Peedt e' The best gifts corne in small packages The holiday season is a challenging time for Canada's blood system. Increased travel on icy roads combmned wîth traumas associated with wmnter activities, keeps the demand for blood high at this trne of year. To help deal with the demand, Canadian Blood Services (CBS) has kicked off its national holiday campaign, which runs until December 31. The theme is 'Sometimes the Best Gifts Corne in Small Packages' because for someone needing blood, the best gift they receive over the holidays could be a blood donation. The national goal is to collect 105,000 blood donations In South Central Ontario (Milton's area), CBS needs to collect 9,359 units. 'Me 'Best Gifts' campaign encourages Canadians to give blood or plasma during the holidays or request an information package for the Bone Marrow Registry. Milton's donor clinic will be held Thursday, Dec. 20 from 1:30 to 8 p.m. at the Milton Sesiors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. Cail 1-888-2-Donate (1-888-236-6283) to book an appomntment to donate blood or plasma this holiday season. It's unfortunate but a reality that personal tragedies happen every minute of every day in every community - even during the holidays. OUR READERS WRITE Family physician has hectic schedule but i5 neyer too busy for his patients, says reader Dear Editor: Last week 1 had to, see my fanily doctor in Milton but was unable Fo get an appointment. He was booked solid for the Test of the day. 1 was disappointed but flot upset because 1 know my doctor is extremely busy between his own practice and at Milton District Hospital where he works several dayo a week. Anad, I know there are tumes when he bas fit one of my young sons or myseif in ait the end of his regular Clay- 1 was prepared to go t0 the Emergency Departnient at the boa- pitl (where I have always had wonderful care), when the doctors' receptioniot mentioned a new walk- im-clinic was open that evening. lit tumned out to, be in the saine build- ing as my own doctor so it wao going to, be easy te, find. When 1 arrived with my son at the clinic, who should be on duty? It was my own doctor. After a fuit day in bis own prac- tice he waa working several more hours to assiot people. And, it tumos out, he was one of the doctors in town who got the walk-in-clici going in the firot place. His dedication to the health and welfare of bis Milton patienta is without question. 1 knew this already, but this aci-is truly rernark- able. Yes, our health care syste ilus in crions. Underfunding and over- worked are words constantly tossed around 10 descnibe iFs present statle. But, that doesn't mean we don't get quality care from our bealth pro- fessionals. Ail of us should feel blessed 10, have such wonderful, caring physi- cians working ian our Milton coin- munaty. Next tinie you visit your doctor, don't forget to say a siancere thanka for all they do for you. 1 did, and wilI do so again here. Thaoko, Dr. Chung Syd Reaci RR1, Moffat Ifyourfeat is notable enough, lIlI write about it It's that tume of year again. Early Deceniber marks Uic bcginning of your local sports scribe's sojoumn back into Uie past year's issues of The Champion - as 1 revisil local teani and individual successes on Uic play- ing field in an effort to put togeUier a year in review. Il's a task I look forward to, glossing over back issues Uiat provide an ongoing reminiler of jual how many inipressive aUiletes Uiis falrly smnal comniunity - although not for much longer, eh? - lruly bas. However, The Champion's sports year in review also presenta a quesion Uiat's nos quile so enjoyable 10 deal with - nanely, Dîd sonnethiaag get missed over the pasE year? Thal's neyer easy 10 answer. 0f course not every sJingle sporting event can make il into The Chaion. Tflire janat ian't cnougb moom. Nevertheless, it'a my job F0, try F0 ensure Fhat anlyFhing notable makes it te, peint - and thaF's where you cornte in. Sure t'm aware of moot thingo going on in loca sporling circles but knowing everything is F0 s the least a daunsling challenge, and F0i say the nios inipossible. Many of the atonies 1 write throughout the year start froni out-of-the-blue phone calis froin i di- viduals - or their loved ones - comnpcting n 1 Fortunately, they realize Uiat there's more 10 a Aond thi aporta section Uian juat hockey or basebail. An - who,a athleFic activity docsn'l have tobe weil known by deiveay t everyone to get ink. If an acconiplishment is I sureh notable enough -ilI write about it. if you ha That's my one wish for the fast-approaching free to oh new year, that local residenta are neyer reluctant Anad if to approach me wiUi a possible sports story. Thereh Up. fron t aincludes ail you ncwcomners as weil as I urtderstand, have recently joined our :overage area. ope you're enjoying The Champion and ce an inleresting story toi tel you'll feel are il wiUi Uic rest of us. you do, please don'l delay. lave been timiles wben I've had to say no F0 a sports aloi-y requeot and often itos because Uic event is juot too daled. People don't want to read about - juot as a couple of randoni exaniples -a skier's succeos- es in Uic middle of May or a baseball tennis chanipionship win in Noveniber. Sure not every sports event can bit Uic paper Uic second it's over, but Uic moot recent il is the belter chance îî'Il have of getting ink - and being enjoyed by Uic comniunity at large. And dont td"a you've got to do Uic work (Uirough lengthy type-written reports) juot because you have a aloi-y 1, teli. A simple phone cail or viait to our office at 191 Main St. E wilI do. After ail, you're Uic ones making Uic sports ncws and i'm tbe one that's suppose 10, report lit. Anyway, that's about aIl for now sports fans. See you in diestands. i 1 t 1

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