The Canadien Champion, Fnday, December 7, 2001-S- Thieves targvet home on Lorne Scots Dr. *Fine Oak ~Tn s* A Lomne Scots Drive home was broken .011111,RITRECA PBL mnto Monday between 8:30 am and12:30 1)..UAL OA 1!...f 7)1.OF,..a - p.m. Suspects smashed the glass of a slidmng back door and stole computers and jewel- ry. The value of the items wasn't known at press time. Golf bag taken A golf bag was stolen from a Evans Terrace home last Friday. At about 9 a.m., the resident entered his home through the garage door and lefs it open. Three hours later, he noticed bis golf bag, containing clubs and balis, was miùss- ing. The lots totalled $4,000. Watches stolen Bomar Bargain Barn was broken int November 28 between 3 and 10:30 a.m. Suspects cul the telephone lines, disaran- ing thse alarm, system. Suspects then entered thse store and took an undetermined amount of watches from a glass dispîay l-uce mwoiter case. The value of the watches as esttmnated at $300. Man arrested A 25-year-old Milton man was arrested November 22 after complaints of someone banging repeatedly on a door ai a Denry Road residence. At 11:30 p.m., police were called te the home and discovered two wooden panels by the door were broken. The suspect was charged with bemng mntoxicated in a public place. He spent the night in custody and was released in the mormng. Rudolph missing Two reindeer omaments were stolen from thse front lawn of a Wifliams Avenue home between November 28 and 29. The remndeers are valued at $185. How to protect yourself Wsth a recent rash of thefts from and have one. Keep the garage door locked. thefts of vehlicles, Halton Regional Police e Don't leave ownership or driver's are offering a series of lips people can use licence documents in your veblicle. They 10, protect themselves. can be used 10 obtain faIte identification in e Always lock your vehicle when you thse register owner's narne. leave il unattended and neyer leave the - Don't leave property in view. Lock it in keys mnside. the trunk. e Neyer leave your vehicle with the e Consider purchasmng anti-theft devices, engine running. it only takes a second to such as ignition kill switches, fuel kill steal a car. switches, steering wheel lock, gearshift ePark your car mnside a garage if you lock, steering column collar or alarins. Huge selection of salid aak dining romr suites Mission & French Country Mix & Match tables & chairs ta create your awn setting, many stains ta choose tram w-om a* Z (1 1f îI NI el Nil1 Assartment for entertainment centres ta fit al size TV'sr several stains ta choase framn. 6)49 100/,rAN1SH AD SOID A UNT Visi u es t w..i:rine-g c ii IEsergy cost aaingsare basai upor a comparison of a sew high eSfICIency furnace and exhetlsg 60% efllclency lursace. Cannot b.e combinn i tl any oiSer osfer. tublect ta approved credIt Installation extra. Terme and conditions appl. E. a. & E.j Mai WENA SFEt. SM<95 assises ýNwMýý SOUTHERN ONTARIO IS COMING HOME TO FINE OAK THINGS