HaIton preparcd ini ciase of emeirgency: Region officiais By KIM ARNOrr jSpecial ta The Champion From an ice storm to an anthrax outbreak to a train derailment - Halton is pre- pared. That was the message organizers of a public forum on emergency planning passed along to a small audience last week. *"I can assure you that Halton had ils emergency plans in place long before September 11," said Wayne Gould, the Region's emergency planning coordinator. He said tie Region is capable of "I au assure you that Haltes, had its emergency plan in place long before September 11 deahing with a variety of possible disasters, and bas a coordinated network of professionals ready to work togetiier sbould any catastro- phe bit. te BEa-L Halton's emergency plan pro- vides detsiled instructions for key personnel, outtines the rotes of var- ious officiais and provides for communmication atrategies, said Mr. Gould. "The plan complemens and sup- ports the municipal emergency plans already in place ai the local levels," lac added. Over the pass year, thse regional emergency plan has been updated, revised and tested in two mock dis- asters. Il bas been activated twice this year - Once as a result of a suspicious package early in thc year, and again on September 11, *e mBOOK on page 19 The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 30. 2001-3 L I7 Selection Quality Reputation Pricing Service Centre Close to 300 Used Vehicies of al Makes and Modes. Strict re-conditioning standards ensures a quaity vehicle 2nd to none. Repeat customers and referrals from previous customers are the bench- mark of success in any business. We constantly have a high number of both. Always more than competitive. If we weren't, we wouldn't sel1 over 1000 cars per year. Clearly the #1 top seli- ing dealer in Halton Region. Voted #1 in a recent Milton Survey, Our skilied Iicensed technicians have the training and experience ta serv- ice al makes. Warraty's Not ail warranties are created equal. Warraty's Our OWN (No Cost) programs were introduced years ago and stili more thon stand the test of time. Guarantees Exchange Program Financing & Leasing We take the risk out of buying a used car. Our vehicles guarantee proper and dlean titie, odometer accuracy - and free from major accidents. If we wouidn't personally buy if, we won't seil it. Sure eliminates the risk 0f a wrong decision. No Hassie and No Charge. Ail kinds of options inciuding most Bank plans and Our Own Leasing-al at competitive rates. Fast Approvas. COMIMENT TO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION While we are flot perfect, satisfying eus- tamners has, and wilI continue to be at the heart of everything we do. Should we make a mistake, we will do everything in aur power ta make things right. AUTO "WHY IS" Gorrud's Auto Group, Halton Region's Largest Pre-Owned Vehicle Dealership, and one of the most respectect vehicle dealers in Ontario??? Experienced the Difference!!l 7CRUDES 1001/410 Steeles Avenue, Milton t0-75-2277 905-875-1700 ýYOTA fww gorrudsautog~~~, corn www rnlltontovota com XLV SNO GST* NO GST*