Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Nov 2001, p. 24

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24-The Canadian Champion. Fniday. November 30. 2001 Spartans (from lefI) Chris Guard, Malt Knock and Adam Baxter proudly display the gold medals they won during season-opening competition in Hageraville Saturday. '/Wrestlers off to strong start E.C. Druiy High School wrestlrrs camne flying ouI of Uic slarting gale ini Hagersville Saturday 10 handily win the Haldimand Classic/Central Western Ontario Championship. The Spantans out-poited runner-up Lakeshore of Port Credit 59-32 for the trami tille. More than 200 wrrstlers from Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba parlici- paird aI Uic event. Leading the way wiîh golden perforiiances wrre a lro of local grapplers including Chris Guaard and Mint Knock, both of whom went 3-0 for their firsl open-clasa championsbip win. Adam Baxter also turnrd back ail Ibrer of bis oppo- nents 10 rrach the top of Uic podium. Striking silver were Jesse Ronan, Rob Petherick and Jeif Roberge, who bowed ouI t0 Guard i the final. Roberge and Petherick - as the top Central Western Ontario (CWO) juvenile-age finishrrs i dhie weighl classes - earned regional serds for Uic provincial championships i Frbruary. Ben Beech and cadet Adam Smith rounded oui Uic hardware haul with Uiird-place efforts. For Berch, il was bis finIt open medal. Smith, Uic top CWO wrestler i bis division, eamned Uic regional qualifying spot for nexl spring's Ontario Winter Games. Kevin Tyrer took fourth while fifth-place fmnishes wenî t0 Carl Chan, Mint Mantin, Geoif Morgan, Tyler Saliba and Kyle SmiUih. HALTON REGION NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE No. 1 Guelph Lin. (Regional Road 1) Improvements Cîasa Envîronmental Assessment Study Between 15 Side Road & 20 Side Road (Town of Milton) The Regional'Municipality of I-aiton has initiated a Class Environniental Assesament to study transportation operational issues in the Guelphi Line Corridor, from 15 Side Road (Regionai Road 15) northerly 10 20 Side Road (Regional Road 34) in the Town of Milton (see map below). To address operational deficiencies associated with this segment of Guelph LUne, a number of road improvement alternatives will be examinad as part of the study. These include road reconstruction, cross-section elements, intersectionldrnveway improvements, over-al operations and the impact of such improvements on the social and natural environnients. The study wilI be conducted in complianoe with Schedule C of the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Claxs Environmental Asses.sment (June 2000). A Public Information Centre (PIC) is planned 10 provide further information to the public and interested stakeholders and 10 receive input and feedback on the study 10 date. The PIC is to be heîd: Tuesday December 4th, 2001 Naasagaweya Communlty Contre (BrookvlIle Hall) 11264 Guelph Lin. (ut Cameron Drive), Milton Open House 5:30 - 8:00 PM, Presentatlofi - 7:00 PM Those attending the PIC will have an opportunity Ici meet the Pro]ect Teani, review the study scope, and 10 discuss the issues related 10 the project including alternative solutions, Ienvironniental conaiderations and the evaluation of alternative solutions. if you require further information, please contact: Mr. Mati Krusto Project Manage Regionai Municipaiiy of Haiton 1151 Bronle Roed Oakvtie. Ontario LBM 3L1 Phone: 905-825-6161, Ext. 7225 Toit Free: 1-666-442-5866 (l1-866-4HAI.TON) Fax: 905-825-8822 Email: krustom(&rrepio.hiton.n.ca Mr. Jira Horion, P. Eng. lTrans Consuiling tiec. 100 York Botieverd, Suite 608 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1J8 Phone: 1-W05-62-4100 Fax: 1-905-82-1557 Emait: ihorto (&,ilsnae0iiS5ting.com This notie firai issued 2e, November. 2001 Suect A a B 1. www.region.hatol.Ofl.cappwIroads year with CBC races Mohawk Racetrack wrapprd up ils 2001 I I., h L season Saturday night ai the country's pre- mier two and thrre-year-olds were featured in eight Canadian Breeders Championship races. More than $1.1 million was on thc line and Ihere was plenty of local connections t0 the wianrers. 'Mr following 10 a brief overview of each division Two Year OId FiIIy Trot Wre opener for two-year-old trotting fil- lies featued just five starters and Pepi Laver, the 4-5 favourite, left little doubt as t0 her superiority in thc $129,550 event. Owned by Campbellvillr's Glengate Farms and Parkhill Stud Farm, Uic John Bax-îrained, Paul MacDonîl-driven daughtrr of Me. Lave shot 10 Uic lead and drlivrred a six-length victory over Early Secret in 1:58.4. Two Year Old FilIy Pare Delivering a second quarter move to grab the lead with Milton driver Steve Condren, Precinus Drlight capped a spec- tacular 11l-for-t 11 year by rdging Pasieami Hanover at the wirr to win Uic $183,406 final. Two Year OId Colt Pace Iflhadyourluck hadn't had much luck at aIl trying to beat the division's best dhi year enterirtg the $188,156 race, but thii aIl changed in a matter of seconds. Under Trevor Ritchie's encouragement, Uic slick striding son of Camluck followed pacesetter Pacifie Titan for most of the mile before finally wearing him down deep in Uic stretch 10 secure an impressive 1:52 victory. Two Year Old Colt Trot Lockkerper easily defeated favourile Semper Fi Hall by four-and-thrre-quarter lengths 10 take Uic lion's share of the $148,912 purse in a carrer mark and stakes Irecord of 1: 58. 1. ROUER NOCK(EY IS COMNGTOMItION! j TME FWSES? INDOOr SPOirT 1l MVOito AMER/CA1 Is afe lo Ito TOWN tir 20021 PRESE1NTING THE "HILTON MISI" O ItliHOCKEY ADVENTURE ýH+ AN IFEAGUES ;0 tATE APRIL TO JULY 2002 LMUSIC 4, N D OPEN, FAST PACED! ,ME PE El~ WEEKNIGHTS ONLY LES 0 NPRACTIVES (FUN, FUN, FUN) .1 0(M ÇLUS CHAMPIONSHIPS GA A T ON MEMORIAL ARENA PONf 4tR5 AWESOME TOURNEYS) FiOR %, $1611F1 YOU REGISTER PRION~ !TO EC. 3MT 2004 ($175, 'EGIS RTION DAY AT ,SPORTSCLrHEK -3fPM, SAT P C. 8, 2001, wuni"o I ris W I'TIONE TONELLI ARENA AND MILTON MEMORIAL ARENA For more information cai Date Conacher @ 905-464-6683 or entait: deonacberl@cogeco.Ca I III care of Milton's Ron Waples sice mid- October when he was lefi behind by Don Swick after flot qualifying for the fmnal of the Breeders Crown. Three Year Old FiIly Trot Delivening her lOth wmn in 17 starts this yeae, Donven Promise waited for clearance before taking the top, then was simply too strong through the balance of the race. She outdistanced Gypsy Balance by one- artd-a-balf lengths in a track record-equal- ing 1:55.2 in the $93.134 showcase. Three Year OId FilIy Pare Run Around Jate took advantage of an inside joumey courtesy of Milton driver Mike Saftîc to capture tie $107,817 race over Fake Is Real ini a 1:52.3 mile. The Run The Table miss - who fmnally prevailed ini a major event - saved ground by slipping up the rail to win by tbrer-quar- ters of a length. Three Year OId Colt Trot After struggling early in the year, Northemn Bailey caught fire through thr stretch mun and punctuated bis year with a third straighl victory in the $133.537 cbampionship. He was absoluiely dominant for driver Dave Wall - winning by seven lengths in a stakes and carrer record of 1:54.4. Three Vear OId Colt Pare Dayton Trooper hadt bis biggest career payday in winning the $131,267 final turning back alI challengers in a new stakes benchmark of 1:51.4. Thr victoiy put him at $249,445, after making a measly $2,500 as a freshman. Aftrr getting away fifth, driver Doug Brown moved Daylon Trooper to the front in the second quarter and eventually won by a whopping eight-and-three-qflartr lengths. ___________

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