Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Nov 2001, p. 16

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Christmas can be quite the stress-fest By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Relaxing visits with family, enjoyable tips to the mail and general merriment are just some of things associated with the holiday season. At least they are for those living in an ideal world. For others - who tend te, reside in a more heavily-populaîcd grotip - Christmas can be quite the stress-fest. Stretched budgets and seemingly endless social obligations leave many people ai their wils' end. And for tome, the anxiely can be juil too much 10 handle. F ~ To that end, the Canadian Mental Health Associaiion's Halion chapter is holding ils inaugural 'Do You Have The Holiday Blahi?' seminar in an effort to curb those Yuleîide blues. p.m. ai the Milton Seniors' Activiîy Centre, the pretenlation will focus on stress management and budgeling. Priya Rana Shoricomingi in this latter depariment can lead 10, an anxiety-rich holiday season, said Priya Rana, exec- ulive director of the Canadian Mental Hcalth Association's Halion branch. "lits important 10 know your spending limits," she said. "lî's not necessary 10 buy a really expensive gift te, show someone thai you love ihem." Chipping in for gifts wilh family members or friends; and explaining te, children that even Santa Claus has a budget, she sug- getted, are among the ways 10 avoid tuming the holidays mbt a money pis. And while il may seem outrageous 10 many, shte added thai tome people even advise againsi using credit carda for Christmas shop- ping. "Christmas doesn'i have 10 involve pulting a big hole in your Ilat should he panticularly relevant for ihose who -- due te, the recent economnic downturn - are already cash-strapped or for ihose like Milton's newesî homeowners who've already made a significant purchase this year. Agreed public education coordinator Tracey Hall, "There's other ways of celebrating the holidays than buying gifis." Owning up 10, economnic troubles, she admitted, can be difficuli - but is ofien casier when surrounded by those with similar prob- lems. While finances are no douhi the front-running stress trigger ai holiday lime, il's not the only one. Family obligations, social engagements and depression fromt cither a recent break-up or pasi traumatic experience can aIl be especially tough 10 deal wiih. "Christmas can be a depressing lime of year if you've jusi gone through a momantic break-up or have lot a loved one," said Ms Rana. "tn those circumslances, ii's important I0 know your limits and realize that you don't necessarily have 1o parlicipate in every event. Be realisiic." She and Ms Hall agreed Ihai the key is te, avoid aiming for the perfect holiday and nol try In be ail things In ail people. The holiday stress management and budgeting semninar - who Ms Hall and Doug Riding of the Invesîment Planning Counsel of Canada will co-hosi - rosis $5 ai the door, allhough pre-registra- lion can be done hy calling (905) 693-4270. Said Ms Hall, "We jusi wani people 10 know that there is sup- port and resources oui there te, help themn deal wiih disirets." Here's my 10-second course for teens on how to handie the public The lady siood in front of me ai the large fast food restaurant counler and shook her head slowly in dishelief as she waîched the teenage help struggle 10, performn a simple task. "T7hai's why t wouldn't let my kids work here," I told her. "A place lilte ihis breeds incompelence." She laughed and bold me that she would- nit lt her kids work there either. l'm no teen hasher, in faci through being in contact over the years wiih my daugh- ters' friends, l'm almosi always impressed. They're much more poised, responsible and intelligent than when I was a teenager. But recenîly ai a coffee place, oulside of Milton, 1 walked in jusi in lime te, hear a teenage girls mention quite loudly ihat she was bleeping tired. And the actual word wasn't bleeping. Nice. Ofien, the teenage help ai a loi of places aren't even looking ai you when you order. Recently, 1 can't count the number of limes I've had Io waiî unlil aller they've stopped talking te, a co-worker before ihey'd pay attention 10 me. And another trend is that thcy don't even look ai you or say anything when they give you your order or change. So. I don't say anyîhing eiiher. Sometimes, when lhcy hand back the change wiîhouî hoihering 10 look ai me, l'il move my hand slightly su that the change drops on the counler or on the ground. lit a small message, and more effective ihan saying someîhing. If I were 10 lecture ihem il wouldn't do any good. I would be characierized as a grumpy customer and laughed ai as soon as I lefi. *see 1 DON'T on page 18 Every lbisday and Wednesday ..20< Wlngs ThursdayNlight ... Uve SandNAliRequets SSabirday Nlght Rffl Party ... No Cover... 12.50OSpeclais Sianday FREE Pool Ail Day PoiIy trneh end Dinner z . - Uffl

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