22-The Canadian Champion, Tueoday, November 27, 2001 Milton knocks oif Butfaàlo to secure its hold -on fourth * front MACIANTfS on ~ag m Hlaaitn"s goals wer delivered by Bobby Naylor, Steve Ellis snd Byan R=ekwald. Tlse following nigiu in Buffalo, Mfilton pushed its wmnnîn sfteak to seven gainses by doubling op te isu-place Ligistnin 4-2. Sma Saniuel was between tise pipes and tuned back about two dozen shots for his sevents sein waa a Mfeochant. Méloeise's sisortlstnded goal in tise second period - nutber 16 ou te year for tise dependable rook- je - iseped seal tise deal wisile also hldhing thse lanip were supportissg casu members Dan Carillo, Brandon Valeiste and Warren Wiseeler lise Mercbanta; tallied twioetIn periods one and two to keep tiseir rnid-seaaon revival going. Now tied for fouertis su 14-11-1, Miluon eould juenp into third place witls a win tonigsu in Bratialea. Gane frne la 7:45 p.m. Merehalot nts: Milton lias secured au lest one point in 10 of its su 1l ganes including, with a 9- 2 loss te Hamnilton repreenting tiseir only regula- tbon ie losa ... Keviniruda, Trevar Battaglia and David Ovcjak shSüud ait be isek in tise lineup witis- ini tise next tdure weeks. Battaglia and Ovcjak are now praeuacing and Aniiaos expected to join tisent tisis week ... Ex-Mercisants coachs Rick Rince wiil make his return to Menionial Mena Friday as tise newly appoiisted skipper of tie Streetsville Derbys - one of time teans te undergo coacises changes mi tise Western ConferSoce this fail. Milton Hydro Distribution Inc. Pue Milton Hydro DistributionInc. bas awarded tise Tree Trimming Contract for tise Central Mcea of Milton to Colonial Tree Service. The tritnming of treco will commence Decemiser 1, 2001 and will be completed on or about April 30, 2002. Please caîl our Engineering Department if you bave any concerna. 'AA pcpc catr gold in Stoney Creek Winterhawks clinch titie with dynamite defense The AA major peewees would not be defense. Said head coach Ken Hartwick. denied gold a second straight tinte. "Our defense has been pretty solid A year. After a semnifinal lous at ito first tourna- but it and our goaltending was juot out- ment in Peterborougb, Milton went thc dis- standing ini the toumamnent." tance earlier tdus monUi to take top bonours Milton put itacîf in Uic finals isy ubading at Stoney Creek's Tournament of Etoisicoke 2-1. Brown sank isoth goals in Cbampions. the semifonal clasb wbile backstopping Uic Tbe Hydro One Winterbawks delivered local lads to victory was Dcvon Plater. dynamte defense tbmougisout the weekend Before Uiat, Uie eventual cbamips won sbowcase, particularly in die finals wisere two of tbree round robin contesta - wiUi Uiey clincbed the titie isy wbitewasising tbeir only blemisb coming in an overtime Wbitby 2-0. sbootout against Grous Pointe. Brendan Duke's 14-save performance Tbe Winterbawku got down tu a one-on- bigbligbted tbe victory wbule inspired one wiUi no goalies situation before Uiey efforts were offered up and down tbe lime- were finally vanquisbed 2-1. Brown made up. the lone deposit. Milton's gaine winner came tbree-and-a- Thsis defeat was sandwicbed by narrow balf minutes into Uic game, wben Connor decisions over Osbawa (4-3) and Mitcbell split tise defense and connected on Misoissauga (2-1). Brown tallied twice in a isottom-sbelf deposit. Uie fonrmer game wbile Mitcell lit Uic Feeding bini a nifty lead paso to initiate lamp once in isoUi tilts. Uic pîay was Lue Hartwick. MeLean aasisted on ecdi of Brown's Tisen Jeremy Brown - Milton's stand- seven toumament goals and scored once out souper - put Uic finisbing touches on a bimself againot Oshawa wbile doing so seven-goal weekend early in Uic tisird peri- versus Mfississauga was Brian Evans. od, burying Andrew McLean's doorstep Tise major peewces' defense and goal- Ieftovers for a little insurance. tending bave been quite dependable in Tise Winterbawku surrendered juot seven league play as well and bave belped Uiem goals in four gamnes en route to Uic cbam- put togeUier a solid 8-6-1 record tbrougb pionsbîp, Uianks to Uhir reliaily sturdy Uic firot balf of Uic season. Midgets eamn split on road - ~j f The AA midgets' shortstaffed ranks Milton enjoyed a productive second period 3 R»0 "~~. could only manage a two-game split dur- en route to winning 5-2. Three goals in the Li - LAui hnu fot h itnTooa i hsoe ZI EEES . ~ L'~ 7ing their latest road trip last week. middle stanza proved to be the difference z a4 SiOROD, ~ Winterhawks were neutralized offensivety Kyle Burrell and Ryas Pilarczyk- 2oeo ~ for much of Thursday's encounter in who's been a regular on gaine summaries _ ~~- Guetph and were toppled 3-1. as of late - each tallied twice wbile chip- ~ f - )12fti~~-<' -b. Jason Strong's 27-save per-formance kept ping in with a single was Frintenburg. - Ithings tight wbule making the lone deposit Kyle Goertz tumed back two dozen shots for the visitors - drawing bis oeamn within for thse victory. I 3 M ilton Hydro Distribution Inc. one down the streteis - was Lee The split pusbed Uic midgets' record t 55 Thommson Road South Picking up Uic assist was minor midget Milton isegan a home-and-home series Moio, 1nt89 (905) 876-4611i call-up Mark Wilson. witb Georgetown last night and wrap it up MilonOnUgoOne niglit eanlier in Flamborougs, toniglit at Gordan Alcott Memorial Arena. soo ùne later fi itel ifmm ~g TMP4 Fat TdatF hlU a qt lsrpop Ça»ssMraWqp Holdings, ioc. ds gssçal taMs TM. Owrsr Soc*8 des produits ttesé. Loeriso Nestê Car"t M.Pus ýx Fora limited tintooty AI pstdptng stoe Wfile sopphes LW.