8--The Canadian Champion, Friday. November 23, 2001i DATELI1NE DRURY E.C. DRURY Bleu SCHGOL Fomwrly Scanni xa w eg @cdog~ Everyday Low Prices eFrendy Service # Locally Owned 905-875-374C 701 Main Ste En fi Molîk Muslah .Ieft Vandevalk EmiIy Willoughby MILTON DISTRICT H1U3 SCUGOL It s timefor anther Muastang Mennemngernrîî I The News With the Holiday Season fasat approachîng, we nhould also realize that exams are coming upon us. Standents should take note of ahese important detaits surrounding exama. Examn witt run Jaasuary 24" - 30nî and exaun pick up day lu on January 31 " fton 9:OOam - t1 1:00aan ONLY. Examn are compulsory. A med- ical certificate is required if you miss an exana due ae, illness. Students who fait to, comply will receive a zero for the exam.' Please do flot p an vacations during examt lime. In case of inctement weather the schedule will be altered and exama witt flot be differed for vacations. Have yoau bought your yearbook yea? lf you have not, Tuesday, November 27"' witt be the LAST day of sales. Vearbooka cost $30, or y(5u can up-grade and get youu's personatized for $3 more or paurchase a Newes inserts for $3 as wett, Also, don't for- get au boy a raffle ticket from the yearbook team. au hetp make the yearbook better. We woutd tike to thank everyone who contributed to the 'Sigisi for Sore Eyett' canspaign. Altugis we duo flot have a final cousit at this tinte, we neilI let you know how many glasses we received ins next week's edition. Again, we are astounded by the generosity of MDHS when it canies tus campaigns like ahis one. WAY TO C6O STANGS!!! Do you like saunagen and pancakes for breakfast in tise morfi- ing, but your parents neonat make them for you, and you donat neana an, go au ail abat effort yourselt? Welt, during TAP on November 28"', there neilI be a pancake and saunage breakfast. Tickets wilît cosa $3 for 2 naunages, 2 pancakes and a drink. You can buy tickets in the school store before Wednesday. su Student Counicil can have numbers for food. No tickets neilI be sold on PJ day. Sojuat roll oua of bed on Wednenday and comne au nchool in those Pjn and enjoy a pancake menal! Sport Centre The Milton District Hockey team did flot go down nithout a figisa againit T.A. Blakelock. Despite a mediocre first two peri- ods tise boys canne alive in tise third period and nhowed tonn of hostie and heart nehile representing our scisool. Girls VoIIeybaIl and Boys Basketbail aryout.s are itill uusderway and tise neasori will commence in tise coming weeks. We hope for a mont suc- cesifaul season in botiheef ne sports. We hope you ail have a great weekend anudjoin us next week toi find out more about tise happenings at MDHS! ! ISHOP REDINO DIeu SCHOOLM 1 Mark Ryan Lafra.bois. Pyns Royal Report By Mar# Laframbolse and Ryan Pyne With the end of the faîl athletic season, the winter sports teams are busy preparing. In exhibition play, the Girls' Hockey Team faced Acton High School recently, Nicole Gooding had a great performance with 2 goals in the 4-2 victory, Kim Standing and Erica Ercolani also contributed 1 goal each. Good work ladies. Join the Bishop Reding Cosmetology department as they present their 2nd Annual Hair Show, "The Evolution of flair.. A Look Through Time." It will be held on Thursday, November 29th from 7 to, 9 PM. Tickets are being sold for $5 in the piazza during lunch. They will be available that evening for $6. Door prizes will be available and Joico hair products will be on sale. The Students of Living Life (S.O.L.L.) is a group of students who are dedicated to helping out our school and the surrounding communities. They wilI be hold- ing their annual coffee house on Tuesday, December il from 7 to 9:30 PM. The evening will present a variety of music, art and speakers. The Bishop Reding Drama department is partici- pating in thîs year's Sears Drama Festival. Congratulations to; Alexandra Bruno, Adrianne Carney, Ashley Codner, Kaylyn Dorland, Alison Dwyer, Joanne Haughîe, Greg Myers, Kaitlin McDonald and Jordan Scarlett who were selected as this years cast members. If you are still interested in helping with this year's production please see Ms. File or Miss. Phy. Attention graduates planning to attend an Ontario college next year. Application presentations are being held periods 2 and 5 on Tuesday, November 27tb. Signup is in Student Services. "No one should think himself or herself a zero, and think hie can do nothing about the state of the world." -Bernard M. Baruch Megan Douer Lyndsey Joues Rob rarKer Welcome toi yet mnotheredîtion of Dateline Drry! We ie Io keep thmngs tnesb and enjoy- aible for oor radets. so titis mccl, wc am esing Otti a trem format -entoy! Grctings attd mcli met, enlightened teaders! Wetcome Io the Archmay o Academia wherc you shal het tntormd upor the events that transpire withtn tte academic rmainmot EC Dr>. Prpanattons are undermay for the annual holiday gala, which shail talc place or lhe ese of Occember the t tth. Come; eti our ethereat ensembles esconi you to a musical stctgh oide thtmaglt a hannontoas hîitiday expenience.M flc stool Reactt team wtll btc gallantly ledl trta ihe lmay nexr week by tlreir ever handsire and sqylishr 'igureheads Mt. Keane and Mr. Menka. The teamt wiii ttc the epitme of mental destcniy. as bhey lrthely pounice apor tttetr banners. Tmuly, nue otght ta pity thetr opponients. Okay rearai, gather 'round! HeresN the lira-dowr mîth ttte Sparins Spis happenings so lister ap or gîmme imeniv! 'Me girls' satîcybail ceari hase heen gîsîng tl the'ir ail - 1104 and prîrîîng once and liii aIl, ibers no "I' in "TEAM"* as the teams riase yeen toade and aie slasrring fori srine action. lIn thc ice, irail d d hockeysitars are rcady tir smac k tîteir ippirneit air agzatis the bîsads darîng the apcîrming scasîra. The lnrr reain anîtihilatcd rrs ti rivsais Miltîon District ast àeelk 4-0 in ibeir tînti exhibriion game ol the seision. Ttte "'Seings" dîdoti stand a chtance agaînsi these, passîîînate nîttîctes The girls' hoickey icari ir.ietledl ail ttc may ta Actîon an Wednesday ir play treir sers tîrsi esxhibrtion gatie. Wîît a sîrîng lrre'ap and a dedîcated ream, ttcse girls are briard and deterrffned ir maie ibis scason gir dîonîin hisinry -Gise 'cor bell girls! ittetaîls miii ttc asaîlabte nesi mccii There icamrs mrent the only ares shawng npime grai hastie aroard hi re irier tttc 'bas mcci ttc SAS tank tte initiatise Ica pet ajainp-sturi an hclping the less lî)rnsnatc chldn inwarsincken crits. This totalled ruer $121)(Y Once again SAS, yîa' se mrade Drary scry pnnad. Psst . Hey .. Hey yon! Yc'ah, lin 51kmi' tir yna! Yîra dirai marna mati tttnîigb the "Arbmay"! Not reatly inia ie wbale "Sparn Scene"' Dontl knîu mhat irdo abter scbmri mwel yau'sc conme Ir the nglrr "kamer" -ibis is abere me "*kinsptre" ta ire diffèrent. Yîî, gai a ning?! Aryn mba nndcred a scbaai ring 8 mecks agi) shnald Ire gctting tteirs ta thc mail by the rime ibis publication bits the sireets -bat bey. il ya donti like the ne ya gar'! No prablemo! Jour sdil il far proft and nonone's thc miser... lBai bey, il anybady asks! Ya didn't hemr il frinme . (laps rasc'l 1 kn ail about yau, mbai yaa itu ofbi ti te "Koirspifitir" yna tim l'M a punk! Ynu tilu l'a %lime! Hcy ano marocs -i agare mîlb ya. bat t am'i as slîmy as mbai ment n in thebocker boy on Wcduesday - gallons of gelarîn mysrcnîmsly uppemed in the lock- er bay an Wcdnesduy. Ynurs trly meut in for a dloser lol and made aif miib sorme otri delictoan grern and yellom goirp. This rime, borre naiiy marri rata forr anr ... Il >oa catch my daift . .. Bat ther mas, hîrmeser, plenty of mnt Cfir cheer, mhicb thc cbecrtcad- ing sqaad spread mrrh grai cffcctiscuess Ir ulmosi made mie mant tir gise up thc "Kanspiracy bîdness"* knam mbart 1mcm'! Anymays, l'a mnia bore for nîrm .. Remember: ilcy're ail nul tai get you, su sruy lom anrd l'il sec ynu nexr mccl. Wc hope you cnjuryed aur ncm foamai. Camne back nent mcci and me hope you base alaun- lillcd and exciting mcckend!