- ý'PFrniture store cusçtomcrs Ltestify they get rnaon By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion A witness told Burlington court T1uesday tisat tihe man sise bougisi furniture fromn at tie Village Pine Sisoppe in Campiseilville told her ise wasn't responsible for refunding her money after hier items failed to be delivered. Dr. Melanie Quartermain took tise stand in tise ongomng fraud trial of Charles Currie, 43, of Campbellville. Sise told tise court se purcisased a buffet and isuteis ftom, tise fumniture store in September, 1999 and deait witis Mr. Currie. She testilled ase paid tise ful amnount of $799 by Mastercard and was promnised a delivery date of six to eigist weeka by Mr. Cumre. "After eigist weeks isad gone by, 1 ttarted to pisone tise sisop to see wisat was isappening and Cisarles waa offering excuse after excuse," sise said. "He said tse fumiture was com- to fax tise company to tee wisere tise fumniture wat. Just before Chitmas ise said the fumiture was in and needed two days to be stained. 1 kept pisuning isim (to sec if tise pieces were ready) but ise neyer pisoned back." Is February, Dr. Quartennain tes- tified, ase spoke witis Mr. Currie's common-law wife Siseri Duif and told liser tse wanted to cancel liser order and ge iser money back. "Sise said tie only way to reverse tise order would be tisrougis Mattercard, but 1 tisougist ie (Mr. Currse) was responaible for revers- ing it." Dr. Qaaermain said wisen ase spoke to Mr. Currie about revers- ing tise order, ise said ie was only an employee of tise Village Pine Sisoppe. "He said ise was just a sales per- son," sise said. "He taid tie store was owned by several parties but wouldn't provide tiseir namnes." Dr. Qsoartersnain saisi sise eventu- ally received a ciseque ins tise amount of $799 from Oriena Cumre, MW. Currie's motiser, and casises it at a local bank. Steve Miller testifiesi ie pur- cisased fum-iture from tise sisop in October, 1999 and pald $2,700 by VISA. "He (Mr. Curre) tolsi me tise fur- niture would be delivered in six to eight weeks," ise sald. "Wisen it didn't arrive 1 started calling tise sisop but 1 always got an answering macisine." Mr. Miller said Mr Cumre tolsi isim tise store isad experienced computer problemts, the delivery truck was late and tise fumniture was ready but isas to be stainesi. In April, Mr. Miller sald, ie visit- cd thse store witis tise mtent of get- ting ist money back. "Oriena was tisere. I told iser 1 wanted tise money put back on my Mastercard and sise told me ase isas no money." Mr. Miller testifiesi tisat wisen ie spoke with Mr. Currie, ie sald ie didn't bave any money from Mr Miller and didn't know about any funiture tisat isas to bse deliveresi. "He sald if tisere was furniture to be deliveresi ie would deliver it, but tisere waan't any. Now I knew somnetising was definitely wrong." Cisarles Cornie, 43, is cisargesi witis 25 counts of fraud under $5,000 and one count of fraud over $5,000. The trial continuesi yesterday and today in Oakville court. The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 16, 2001-65 Jw jor F irmers t'o x hoop it tip Music andi lasgbter will be heard cm-,. in fram Cffly H te Pif r Onstario bonis thse 'Sissg Swing cooepetitiom'. o nsa rmntl vocal andi dancing n~e park as open tothe gencral pusblic betweeao 9.&m. and 4p.m. whils>dgn occsw& ItsWad nTeaieR d L at iVe s to be ceeatbWM of e of it. 0 M tON M aE i l TOTA 9 O ntarlo StL, .CM S. Pj 93C2 O HIuge OffULase Compter BIowoutr. Lapt1ops moios des1dops~ 0 Coff m " 1naa592 17" *iF12 P233 MMY, 1 32 Meg Ram, 64 Me% Ramn, $59999 fmim 2 Gig Hard DMr, 3 Gig Hiard DOrme, ïi MIndudes keyboard, 17Tr sren, 6kmodm, $120bg99 mouse, CD Rom, S CD Rom. Roppy USB $1599 e Comfaq Ainhaa 1700 15 19 Pli 233, MoutonnM indudol 64 MogRam, $799 4 Gig Hard DMv, I1 d 12.1 'TFr, 56k modem, CD Rom, $ 9 9 M Roppy, US13 1 L~ ~ ~ ~~o M,,.F,,d 9309na IlAiIA9EUI t T Su 3 -+-----OB st U~ UbUý U Uî U N-5 Si.,gu0o~o I i , +0V Mr mq -