Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Nov 2001, p. 29

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HAIRSTLISSWN MILTON & WATERD)OWNL'OCATi NS -Top Psy Gusrsxteed i Starting @ $9.Ihr + commission & bonuses for qualifying stylists * Excellent Benef if Package -Exjsipment provided I No clienfele reqsired -Advanced updatixg -Fr & P/T, flexible wxrk hours Culi Robert or Brenda ai (905) 319-3155 L ------------------ Work white your kids are in school! F000 SERVICE PROVIDER IN OakvilIe, Milton & Acton High Schools requires: GENERAL WORKERS Full and part-time - Benefits Plan Uniform supplied * Competitive mage Osîl for interview 416-255-6131 Ext. 491 cleo SEAMSTRESS/ TAILOR/ CUSTOMER SERVICE Part-lime searxxtress/ trailxrs pxsitixns reqxired fxr alteratixxx buxixesses ixcateri in xxr Sheridax Mali., Shxppers Wxrld & the M0W Diox Mail locatioxn, Bramptox & Mixxixsaxga, ON. Osa exexing & wee- kenri hxxrs. Ouf ies include cash desk and cusîsmer service. Tx sppiy call Brends sf 416-236-3425 We sre sx equal xppxrtxxily employer TRUCK & MNIM- VAN OWVN]ERSmk WLTHTMIR OVIN CREV OFHfE LPERS to distribute telephone directones to Burlington, Dundss, Grimsby & Hamilton. Distributions wiil start on Novenober 22, 2001 The candidates must be available during the day. For more info, please cati 1-86&-52"4930 (Ref-M72) StiPPERRCEIVERt- MAfERJIL CONTROLLER Expaxdixg Halfen bssed mIter. xl alumixam traxs- portatiox prsdxcfs bas an exîry-level posifixx fxr a shipper/receiver-lxxexISîy cenfrel porsox. In Ibis demsxndixg pxsition, and cxxplest wifb yssr sfrxng xrgaxizafixxal skilis, ysx wiii be respxnsible for the maintenance and hxxsekeepixg xf sur lnxenfxry Csntrxl and Shipping & Receixixg dept. Yxxr Previxus expeniexce wifbix a cxmpxîerized lxxextxry environ- ment and Iamiliarily with dxmneslic and Ixreign sbip- pixg documents wxuld be an assel. The initial Iask of Ibis position shaîl be lx lxfally restructure the invenîx- ry storage. Lift truck certification a prerequixile. If yxx are mxîixaled, ressîts drivex, Iask xriexlext, and wxxld lîke Ix jxix xxr grxaing and excilingtIesm, pleaxe xxbmit yxxr rexume quxtîng lile#-.HRCO Ix: The Iuwllqten Pouf, Box# 1881, 2321 Falrvlew St., Iuinbao 0N L7R 2E8 ob Opuprtnlties Whalessla DlIfrlhutlon Company Dow hirino Material Handiers Osys: Mxx-Fri. Oaa Ix complele, $8.75/sîarl Al applicants must hveqood wiffe5 Atractive Sexef il Package, Prof il Sharixg Company Fax: (M)>825-9709, Aile: DUNIu indoor Clean Air Services PERMANENT P/T TELEMARKETING POSITIONS 9:30 am- 2:30 pm daily. Allernafing Salxrdays. Hssrly cage & Bonus. Fax resume 905-681-8300 xr caîl 905-681-8103 Operated xxdeî' license agreement Ix Sears Canada in. MILLWRIGHT/ Fabrica- tion/Ilnstallation Firm. Serxicing Brampton, Missinsasgs, Gaelph and Kitchener. Requirus Licenned Millwrights & Experienced FittenI Welders. Permanent Positions. Gxxd Rates/ Benefila. Pleaxe fax resames Ix: Daxe (519) 853-3377 or Email - dliwde@apmbome.com TRAILIER Mecbanic Clans- 310J minimsm. Reqsired for instailing saspensions asies air & ligbting compxnextx on new tanker traiders. Also repairs and annual in- spections xx unils ix service. Bexefil pack- age, compefifive mages. Caîl 905-844-7314, las 905-842-0011 ~Ii I The Canadian Champion, Fniday, November 16, 2001-29 A husy commercial interior design finm in Oakville requirea an Intermediate Commercial r~ Thee x ixe ro Designer W O O )B N E I he ofv years xl relevant eoperience ix the ___________________________design business ix reqxired fer Ibis position. In addi- E N E T A1 NM E y ion rx being piflficiext in AuloCad 14/1M, fbe indu- Svidual mat alsx bu experienced in tht use of Jeta our dynantic teaml We are an lndastry leader ia the sports, ganlg, and entertulninent Microsoft Word, Excel and Ouf bah. Tht rigbf person busisess and are seeklng enllinslustic, career nrlented htdivlduls who are flexible and ceaaaltted must hae knscledge xl tre design process and ciii te coatunmer service excellence. " .be responsible for space planning and the preparafion xl defailed cxnkixg dracings as pari of Iheir job ~ ~ ' rv is r Idescription. Some Iravel is reqxired. A car is a deli- ez Kut e ,UAmLI'jgP7PS a - No fille musf. Mileage is reimbxrsed. Ye wUprviedalys~,...n elt,.els ý1 . Resumes, salarbi expeclafions and sssilability f0 bu dalysu tuh. an L i. empleyees ensuire lhima laxed: attention: Humax Resxurces, 905-338-3549 ao il prte ufes are eteaadn ffiand anner Respensiblite laclude work wlth e~ rs a4 Yeabenta. Able tafevelly supervise aslWrect staff, yen have durer years' experleace related te building and grends maintenansce as weil as a werkfng kaewledge ef relaued equlpasent. Yen have a valid Clasa 'G' drivers licence and accent te yeur nun transporfatlen and are avallairfe te werk shifts, weekeade, helidays, and everfime when requiredL Kaewledge ef WordPerfect and Lotus f23 weufd be an assef. Please apply fa wrltlng te: Weedblae llntertaitament Greup, 555 Rexdaf e Beulevard, F0. fies f56, Rexdafe, Ontario M9W 5L2 Fax: (416) 213-2129 e-matil: jobs@woodblaeenterafmeatcom Vxxx a icxned m a,"""gb u l mxa infe ra yxxi ma n slaiv e prnctA exal six xv y ofvalx plaril senîns Expe rk e rbes ig c r epiino ard f mvr5yainlfaînîxtrig aihrdcior xqvpeleuhanif msins laig e areipen, x ais ouehav ibradkle ainteane staf and machin ra iei ed enpmxxl Prandrabiyy aoie oxlu vke indîvidua eho l i xkr xan ieis ix wtre positid af. Main tenancanxîiinilnxYxmulasbeeiislcxkxnneashb Pieax aply v wrllngix umauReser ge RoX u c. ar 1 a ara ies D il ri veit a i lIeiv ernu. atrn xeiecpee in n nslaio pan sein. xprincd i . Bro tesh o sutiog ear nan manann l rdcineupenwt nepai nrttn eqimyua ATTENTION: SALES REPS If you are licensed in Real i Estate or currently enrolled in Phase 1. 2 or 3 of the pr-ie npro r, i Royal LePaageooýýfers, Competitive Commission options - NO Desk Fees - Extensive Training programs - The Exclusive "Homie-Lin" Pxvgram For More Information contact- Charlotte Forgef, Manxager (905)878-8101 ROYAL LEPAGE Moe m loye nt ee on th *ex I I I FMfURTNE & APPLUANCES STORE Maxi bu experlenced le FureItere Suies Pari-lime xvenîxgx/ days/ weekendx. Please fax resume lx 905-631-0527, Or appi> aI 1035 Plains Rd East, Buriingfxx *Anlloeflon uccuiiied matll Mu Semaaada xnc.i an eqa xppsrlsnily employer ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS'f'AN"U A smaii eneineering fixi ixcstnd in Milton is seekiiiy a muli-ixlrxted and dedicaied reaxa playei. Respxnsibilities ixciade reception, generai ofice administraion, axnd sxmx computer administration. Sbxuld pxssevc bieb aptitxde xxr computer software/ hardware. Expeniexce in MS Offie and NT xeiicxrk exvirxxmeni wxuld bx an avseî. Willing to train neig candidate. Fiente fan resume ta: 1905) 875.2062 ATTENTION: Jennifer Dumoache Stating experience and salary espectations. Onty saccessfaf candidates wil I be coetacted. This is a non-smoking eavfrinmeet. Deadine: Decemnher 41 ACCOUNTING CLERK/ ADMIN. ASSISTANT Fiequired pari-urnne for smail busy office locaied M ississauga / Oakville border. Main responsibilifies milI include accounis payable mifh job cosing cnl Business Vision. Knowledge of Exe & Word required. Applicani muni be defail orienfed wifh, good communication akilis and tele- phone mariner Plusse fax reaumne to: (905)855-9874 TUTORING Axailable Academic Adeancemenfs. Vax oas xabîecfs; ail grades. Please cati Jennifer Gunion M.Ed. sf1-905-464-5433. 'i onm Miss3 the veac for day 1a forda lr il ar Thuraday o Il amn for Fr1 ay. M 6 Attention: PARENTS AMD GRANDPARENTS SIf a special someone was born in 2001 and theîr bîrth announcenment oppeared in The Champion please contact us regordîng our lo 201 PECIA lADY If you wish to have your lIe ove's picture incladed please drap a pîcinre off before: Deailine: Decenîhr 14, 21 Pîcbores will be avaîlabit for pick-ep in thée New Ytar Don't Miss Toronto's Foremnost Bridai Event Janus Name- I Addrtss- ary 4, 5, 6, 2002 a National Trade Centre I I City __________Postal Code_______ i 1 Phone Wedding DateI ND1 THS O Send ta: National Brîdal Shows OR YOR 2 OR 1 c/o Premier Consumer Show MISSON CUPON 467Speers Rd. Oakville 1 FI. DC.14 201L6K3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 L--- IYIMln3wmrcl NMFWVnlunQL716H,17

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