28--The Canadiaen Champion, IFrita. November 16. 2001 MASTERS, Donald Peacefully, at his home on Noverober 14,2001, Donald Masters in his 94th year. Beloved husband af Marionie (nee Waflker). Dear father of Margaret and her hus-ý band John Helder, Jane, Manyi Mn, Lais and her husband Tonry Whate and Charle and is ie Judy. Graniddad af Maqanre, Mary Jane, lina and her huaband Loren, Sarah, Rebecca and Don Helder Enca and her huabanid Jasa, Rad Whate, Malt and Suzie Masters. Predeceased by hie brother 'Gordan and hie sister Peggy Wallace. Donald wats a l Uge professor af Canadien History ai Unitad Collage, Winn=ieg, Bishap's University, Lennxvile, Qebecsndflnal the University of Guelph, wheme he was namaed Professor Emeritus. As s believer in dhe Lard Jesua Christ, Donald was alsa active in the Anglican Church of Canada as a laynain, whare ha was named Canon of the Cat*ea of the Diacesea of Nagaa. Friands viil be recelved at the J. SotEryFunerai Home, 21 James St, Milton on Saturday tram 3-5 and 7-9 PM. A Funeral Seralc mil be heid tramn St eae's AnlcnChurch, (7051 Guelph 3Lhe ust naferarD Rioad), on Monday, Naember 191h1 sti 1P. Interment ta 1010w ai St. Georges Cemetryi. As expressions af sympa- th>r doinations mati be made to t*r Chrisain Blind Mission. AL emortes are like threads af gald They nee tamieh or graw aid. tuL ont 1mDad and Lee HEATIIER ELSPETH HUXTER In Laving Memary af aur Swaa t Girl i who passad away November 101h, 2001 An anigel ie whst yau more meant lo be Not a day ces by thst vie don't Vaur love livet in as as we're sure yau car stee Sittingaon you clud in tee sky s0 blue yOur pr0<bêie Auntia Elapeth, Amy, & Da I. 81 ~ oflsostef, Carers Creer NOTICE TO CREI)ITORS AND O IHERS ln the Esrate of ROY WALTER FABIANITS. deceased; Att ctaims againsi the Estute of Roy Walter Fabianitis, lare of the Town of Milton in thie Regional Mrmicipality of Hatton. who dies on or about the 24rb day ot Octobr, 2t001, mus( kc fdled wjtb tee undersigned peesanat representa- rives on or about the 3 t st day of December, 2001. Thereafter the andersrgned witt disteibure the assets of tee estare having regard onty 50 thie dlaims Ilsen fited. =rda Novembr 16te, 2001 Douglas A. Quiet. Holden & Quiet Bareisters and Solicitors 196 Main Street Miltan, Ontario L9T 1N8 RE: THE ESTATE 0F ROY WALTER FABIANITIS Anyone having knowlrdge of a Witt for Roy Walter Fabianitis. lare of Milton, Ontario, who died on Octobr 24, 2001, ptease contact DOUGLAS A. QUIRT, Soticitor for thie Estate. 196 Main Stret, Milton, Ontario, L9T tNS. Tetephone (905) 878-8421, Fax (905) 878-8422 4AR7 TAnio AnutAio em R7R.9RI 5 foot patio door. 1 glass m/seing. Beat reasonable aller. 905-878-7142 APPUIANCES - lridge, 2 door; Stase; Maytag auto- matic waslrer, dryer. Aiea apartment tnt. Under virr- ranty. 905-637-8328 ATTENT10N INTERNET USERS Unlmîted Accssl1 only $15.95,geatI Ilocal service and 1supportteom1 SURF THE NET 905-873-2602 r C o CARPET 1 hava several 1,000 yrds. af new Stain- master & 100%/ nylon carpet. Will do iivingraam &I _________________hall for $349. Includea carpat, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 j Borb Reene CHRISTMNAS Sale. Direct TV Satellite Systemai. I would like to than MY RCA 4220 Duel LNB DSS $449. HU cardae $299. and il a thse f ~ - RCA Receivar/ card $389. Instaillion programming family an-l ft unilooping, pricas good while stock lsls. 905-877- w/sa attended my çr 2807 7I t qaSu i ~ .L ~ FANTASTIC Savneget No GST! Love youe lumilure, uua s BU1 i iIrtdt7 PrAY. h ale your colours? Soie & metching chair îrom For ail the lovely cards, guifs $788. Loveseels lrom $488. Chairs leom $199. Sec- i or discount. Free Estimeles. Pilds Oualily Custom -& flowers. Your presence was ~.Uphaislery, 9-9 (905) 875-4427 j the greatest guif of ail. .- FREE Estieaes... GaI mobbly orebroken chirs? 5Bless Y, ing wood finishes?. .. Ten cat ilds for at luri- tBarb. t ura repaire and custom mood relinishing. 9-9 daiiy, -,(905)875-4427 j JOHN CERALD "OERR'" McBR9'DE HEATHERS Antiueus baya estale items, lumitura, Sheia, Glen, Erin & Mjchaela would like - ta exreo rsece xrcrto fh rail dntal 905-703-1107 the lr s caritable doneatios, cards and ex-pressions of sympathy in the ~,WANTED Ail-China, Sîlver, Crystul, seming me- *passing oi a loving husbasd, Pather ursd-,ý chines ..Douftan, Moorceoil, Ou/uts, Giass, Walcbes, gr-ardfather Jehn Geraid Special tharsksf camnerai audioi aqsipmanl, dale, painlingu, coi/eht- ta Michelle & Erin af J. Scott Earlyo . bien, asIates. John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 .~Funeral Home for their compussionate t cure. lb Rev. Rod Lewvis for his healerg T~service and for givirsg Gerry s eulogy - pryou koewvhim sowell. A special note ofthanks to Wla& all AUCTION - my colleagues ut Suie & Sounsd for the ~ SnaNv1 p a mtmlno farstustic luncheon and ta ail my ! -OTELLO'S BANQUET HALL I neighbours & frretsds. 2273 Rle Windsor Dr. Ou/m o T h arr y e n a l & i E W ex it Fo rd D r% ,Suth t e o a i W i d s o rN W co rn er )COD BLRSS hmlbeiIl- Exla. Equip.- Paling, fZ tsld s(A ffer e er dies unrtil Hoalîbeider; Univorsai Teeisau & other maeos. AIse: the# are Itrrgoeter) Air meikees; skiers, bikes, complteo gyms, oe. Pe - - , * aIma Coupol- est/que, somni antique, ste/tem, sm/to, city, villuge, le/but, ail hesd knsod Att s/sos, isci. long. runsorsilenyI ettee ta s.Ns tosomoes. Ç We would like to thaouk ClFAX FULL USTS. Lunch Avallabla Don & Loreen South, Aacllon exai. aqaip.lpm sha. Bugs-2lp iim & Ruth Ford for thre wonderful E Teems:ilebit,Vi, MC.Ca. M 8UYR'S PIIEMIUM dinner, tluey hud for our Rabort Ilackboard Sr AucisnooilO-894-2984 - 50th Wedding Annir'ersary - S Also 10 our family for the - -~Surprise Party they held for us ut- thne Legion. Also to our many - friersds w/no attentded & for aIl FREE: Piremood Construction multetisis 2x4, 2x6, t/ne carde and gifts. - 2x8, 4x4, 3x6, etc. Sonne caSino ruquied. Cames un it was a total surprise ansd a 20x8x8' bini. Detivery ea/tiable. 905-875-2455. uiiy ioaaea wnn i.-, D playar, power wiind- ws, power locks. 35,OOOkms. Askisng 9,800 080. 905-693- 856 SALES&A LEASIN NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITII FAMILY VALUES WE - IUY - SELL -LEASE LORGESI SELICTION OF OSED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 Make it RICHARDON To lease or purchasa your carrtruck Hey 25$S. et Ne"r Rd. 878-2393] ALCOHOLIOS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phono 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 Sales Career with a Future! Be Part of a Growing National Industry Leader D-f.~LU$ ?kCiZ~ SUPERPAGES.cA Wa continua ta aspand aur moriotorca and are saarcring for asperiencad autaida sa/as protassianafe to jain in aur giowt and succas. Advertlslng Sales Executives Hiring in the areas of. St. Cathares, Niagara Falls, Hamlton You are a se/l-malivatad, enargetic, positive sa/as prolessiona mini a sounot mark elhîc. Vos theine in a compatitîve market place andt play ta min. Along with your poat secondaey aducation, you bord etrong communication ski//s, hava a succasatut sales record. prasentation asperiance and can leverage your strong business reationehipa. Vil are Dominion If ormation Services Inccc (formeriy TEL US Advuriising Services), part af the global Varizon tamity sod a warld leader in the promotion and sales aI business actvertising direclories. Wa produce the TELUS PagasTM, Canada's second largeat yellom business diractoey. Dominion Information Services Inccc allers a vast array ai escaptionai benet, pralessiosa devetopinent and opportunities, aIl in alfun and dynamic work enivironment. vie are an aqual opportunity employer, committed ta diversity in the monoplace as ma/t as promoting wark/tite and wetînesa initiatives. Ready totl lonth wînlng teare? Il so, pieuse submit your rasume by Novamber 23, 2001 ta: Dominion Iniormation Serves Inc. Hamac Runnurcun Spuciaiot Suite 102-ea89 Durry ad Mississanua, ON L5T 2J8 Emnail: careesadnmovnoninln.con Fan: 905.566.0287 FIELD TIECHNICIANS TIRAINEES Canada's teedîng on-n/te Heat-Traating company lu seaking eel-motivated personnel lac training as Pild Techniciens. Yaa muet ke mi/ling ta tranel entensivey, mark usprediclubte shifts with euh- nIant/ai anertima and hoid a vaiid drivers license. Saccessfla candidates wif f receive training and certification as Heat Trealing Techniciens par- larming Triermal Peocessing service mark ut Power Plants, Relinonies and Industri Failies teroughaat North Amerfica. We pronide a starting rate $12.00 par hoiar cambinad mitri an ul/afeance ta hlp caner espansas whiie mark/cg octalf toms. As me/i. apon saccennfi compietion of trie pro- bationury parioot, e madicai/denta andi retirement savinga plan wiii ha made avaîlable. Pîese fax reoumnea 10 (0051 500-7074 Aile Oparations Manager LIGHT MANUFACTURING TRAINEES A U.S. owoed, Heat-Trealment Manatacturing tacifity is to/cg ta, bu apanin in Milton, Ont. Thie company aiI reqaira a nambar of assemb/y tecri- nicians, a/sa reqairnu wiii bu a shîppar/racaivar, t/g me/dur and panai m/ring personnel. This ns an opportanity for s/lf-motivatad individuae ta gain naparianca in tria manalactarnot nectar. Wv ie e a startîng rate oI $10.OO/Hr. As wa//, apon sac- ceenfui complation of tria probationary pariod, a comprahansina dents// madicai and retrrment navingu p/an wi// be made ana//abie. Pieae fas reaumea to (905) 569-7974 Atte: Manutacturlng Manager ALur0 ta1 a campas-. e? Wark et home an- lina $500 - $1500 par monlh part tile, $3000+ flitlima. LaOK for the Holiday Olter. www. ruacheblasu c- cess.com 1-888-373- 8503 FREE training. Drive 4 Us. Schaol Bus Drivars Wentad. Cati (005) 877- 4448. Lsidlem ns an aquai opportunity Cam- pany. KASH King in opnning a Milaon location lar psy- chaqua lase, criaque cash/ng and incama lac. We ae laoking for fll and part lima tex pro- pareil, taiiams and loas ollicars. Fax resumas & covenng ltsar mite sel- ery neede ta 416-289- 2208 MILTON Sunaco bu/cng far part lima meakende. Pieasa contact Tanys at 905-876-1054 em Ontaeio and Michi- ? an, esperience pe- eeeed, home meekende. Cati Beet Trantlee (519) 853-5773 est. 6 or 1 - 800-862-1470 est. 6 WANTED Paîltime and part-lime espeeiencad caoks and mail staff. Marc/no cleanne ais masnd. Appip in persan la Yehooz Mut/c Ge/ill - 121 Chishol Drive. WANTED Ssampiam deivee and loader opeea- 10e. MusI have espeti- ence and ha rel/ebia and m/lt/cg ta mark ns- tended houes. Local mark. Excellent houe/y eatee$15- $18 mite min- maum yeaeiy gusean- tees. Cati 905-854-1670 HEALTH AND SAFETY SALES EXECUTIVE SaletyCare tnc. is an international company mhictr praduces and distrîbutes lis own rangeaif saeis Training Videstapes and Mentale. Worktng ont 0f10cr Burlington office, me pravide campanies thraughact Canada wittt qnelity aide ta 11819 train their staff in health and satety. Wie are looking te edd oe mare sales person tei aur saccesefal teem. Th1e position involves selling 0cr praducte ta existing cnstomters s viel s develaping new business. AIl th1e sales activity is done over th1e phone. Th1e persan mie are laoking for does set need specilif qualifica- lions, but lather shoaid be able ta demonstrete a stable hietary mith e personel or business background thet indicates persiet-ence and determinetian. We aif e e basic selary, pins commissions and healtb benetits, witb potentiel liret year eseningo ai $30.000- $40.000. Il Ibis position intereste yeu, plIse ceil: Ed Aasman et SAFE CARE INC. (905)631-6070 We are exoanding at FTIPT Coun7ter Prepl Bakery Opport nities High nniergy team plaMers available to mars flexible houes, wilI train. Individuals mith a great altitude, enthysisr and strorsg cuntomer selice ekilîs. Reaum 9 ta: 500 Laurier Ave - Milton Atin John: Fa 1905-693-0843 2355 Tr:talfrRd. Donut Baker Peit-time Muffin Baker Fait & Parltlima - Dey& Attorroon Shits Storefront Cuti 905-257-1294r- Pan't forgeto plac voix clauded alil Ca z be (anaian (tiamion M-M"141, 90-541510 «i fax os at 90-4 f>DOMI NI 0N- "To bu trie alimate soarce of ,nformation brngn bayers and settera tagefhur anytîme, anywhure..