The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Novembar 16, 2001-21 vjo far packs 'lm in At i.ft, Ameli *)aro ietand Andr eaion of the Hitn SocIa Planning CowUn d Voluntar Cenftr man haie booth et the recent 'Mot Juat Anofhe Job FuIr' put on by 1h. Haiton youth Employmnt Partnarahlp et Milton Mail. At right Darcy Falrfisld of Job Connect diapisys Ignfomaton, uhila (obve) checldnq ount aomne brochures ame Meminy Hugo (loft) end Matai. Dugale. r Photos by GRA4HAM PAINE LUttLe HeLOff Gift Cerf ificates Availabie *$5 Brow & Upper Lip Waxing $10 Bikini Waxi *$20 Lower Leg Wax $45 Full Leg & Bikini Waing $20 Mancures/w paraffin $25 $25 Pedicures/w Paraffin $30 $20 H-lf Hour Massage L M.y *$40 One Hour Massage GOID SISSOR 876-2842 25 Comlmercial Street, Mil 1. Test Compoesuon and Spark 2. Change 011 3. Remove & Clean Caiburetor ow 4. InspectlBeft A Drive Sysem 5. inspect Auger Systemt 6. Adjust Friction Disc 7. Adjust Control 8. Test Run & Adjust Carburetor EPaiI Mi nt . W! MI AIL MAKES. 18 te v.Mîlo. (95)8'.22 L HOURCY i:i