20-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, November 16, 2001 Of h, Christmas tree Milion Kinsmen Club members (from lefo) Richard Malboeuf, Fred Tucker, vic Wllymafl, Ron Furlk and pierre DeBle carry in an artifciel Christmas trne and decorations for one of il lndlvid- uaiiy-decorated Christmas res ta be raf~e off. The flfth annuel Kinsmen Festival of Trnes, whtch ralses funds for the Miltion District Hospital Foundation, kicks off today and wiii continue unti December a Inside Milton Mail. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE I a ~ a a The Ultimate Spa a MILO SPA SS-892 e 92»x92'x38 e 400 gallons a 5 person e.25 hydro therapy jets e aromatherapv e single pump * 9040 turbo charged Cm I*O UI e 93'x93»x39.5 *400 gallons à@ da n * 5 person e 45 hydro therapy jets REG e aromnatherapy e 2 pumps *waterfall $10.79 * B9005 turbo charged ThisoWeelrenhl OnIyi Ovel' 40 X $423 Avaikuble %5995 FRENw with every Spa.: î.~J* $I5 O O 0 COVER LIFT e STAIRS *OZONATOR e CHEMICAL PACKAGE *AROMATHERAPY * Snrs $600 e OFI ELECTRONIC BREAKER USD0 e DELIVERY & INSTALLATION DIII NO one beats our pricing or quality... bave $1000's u n " WhY Pay Retal... whefl you can buy Factory Direct! e Manufactured ln Ontario - NO Freiglit Costa cit Dowfl Financing 90 Days FREE a Get designs - e a u UI U Idep seating s Mini miser circ. systenit - quiet &efficient é Bulit-in grab rails, fibre optic iighting, ~Mar ei exclusive white water fitrtion sysefl, 90 sq. ft. handcrafted desue cedar cabinet * ouaiity tourýihydrotflerapy from 21-65 jet systenit @ Eiectricai Instaliatitns avaiiabie c1 r.HouRS: Friday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m., Saturdav 10 a.m. - 5 P.m., Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. '0 HARRY PO«TIfER scff FiStà Sun.2:00 p.ml OMONSTERS INO. 1 DuOWy645&9:00 Pl1 Fri,Sat& Sun 20 tIOp O SHALOW H L~ Dally 1:41 & 9:006 p. Fri., Saot & Sunt. 2:00 p. r»&@i~ Ps*naal abM 8t ReMa 1 -Big, Sisters, Brothers groups Stil separate National amalgamation doesn't involve local Halton organizations Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Canada Joined forces laat week, but tbere'll be no amnalgamation locally. The Big Brothers Association of Halton - wbicb services Milton - and the Big Sisters Aasociation of North Halton witl remnaln teparate entities, said Claudia Scobie, executive director of tbe latter orgallization. "To service nortb Halton, it's of no value for us to join," Ms Scobie explained. "We bave our own issues bere in north SHalton, in terms of transportationi and so i forth." Even though there won't be a local amnal- gamnation, the combining of the national agencies will likely lead to increased coop- eration on a local level, said Evelyn Rea, executive director for Big Brothers of Halton. -We n'y to, work witb both the agencies aa bet we can. And 1 think down the road we'Il look at feaaibility, service and pro- grams and talk about how we tee ourselves strategically in the next three or four years," she sald. ",At this point in timne it's really bard to say what will happen a few years down the road." Agreed Ms Scobie, "t think there's always been a cooperatiosl." Watch for your flyer (selected areas) for the o~Q~~tçŽ7a Ca1 on November 17 & 18 from 1-3 p.m. Meet Doug Laird in Person ý4zrrcp (!iadterg 345St.Is Ae.E.milon (905) 878-8161 ONTARIO SPA DISTRIBUTORS 1368 Plains Rd. E., BLit'litlgtOn e 905-634-0970 1