'1-7Region stili wveighin g J infrastructure bids By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Regional counicil was reluctant to spend $240,000 on an infrastructure management system (IMS) Wednesday, saying an alter- native bid of $140,000 needs more consid- eration. The marser was deferred back to the administration and finance committee, which recommended awarding the project to i.D. Bamnes Ltd., the higher of the two bidders. "It's hard for me 10 tee how the $ 100,000 (différence) is justified," Burlingbon Mayor Rob MacIsaac told counicil. 'fhi ][MS would pull together informa- tion from various planning and public works projects t0 make onc database. The database would be accessible to both field and office staff. 'Me staff recommendation to go with the Banes was the only company with expe- rience 10 bid on the project, Mr. Murphy previously told the administration and finance commrittce. The company is currently installing a similar sysscmi for the City of Sauls Saint Marie. "We have donc the evaluation. As part of that process, we did interviews with hoth companies. We feel (i.D.) Bamnes bas an added value," Mr. Murphy said. "We are quise confident with thse report, with the recommuendation and we sc no reason 10 defer this masser." Several memnbers of thc commnittee ques- tioned why thse masser would bc rctumed to themn, as they have already made a rccom- mcndation to council. "I can assure you a lot of time was spent on this and 1 feel quite confident in the staff recosumendation," said Oakville Councillor Ailan Elgar, a memnber of tic The Canadien Champion, Frnday, November 16, 2001-13 [ 0Y.- r. e B. [c '.1 15 110 Il et .111e ~ee Uc asce Milton-area groups recensly received more than $62,000 in funding througji thse Ontario Trilijus Foundation. The Milton Community Resource Centre rcceived $5,100 over two years 10 help promose thc 'I Love 50 Read' Milton literary festival for children. Funds were alto allocased to thc Halton Agricultural Society, which puts on Uic Milton Fail Fair. It received $52,000 for renovations to Uic Milton Fair Grounds. The Halton-Peel Highland Games Association received $50,000 over two years 10 market Uic Gieorgetown Highsland Gaines. #?sarch shows that eole who worc with a'finan- cial platiner are more 1ikely to reach their goals, han thos who recefre littie or no advice.,A financial plan- ner cati help you to set your goals, as well as develop a dlversifled plan induding mutual funds, that will get you there. More itprtantljý a, fluancial advisor can kepo ontak throughi uncertain markets around the world and -uncetin, times in your own lufe. i Wether you want -to' retire to the cottage, to Arizona, or to your garden, I cao help, you get there. My naine is Melissa DeBrouwer, aTd I'n a Certified Financial Planner. Financial Planning is ail I do, full time, year round.. I understand that everyone has a unique vision. Tbat's why each plan & portfolio I prepare is cus- tomized to Ireflect that individual or family's situation and goals. A comprehiensive financial .plan addresses ail posible contingencies, so that when life throws you a curve bail, you'Ée, ready. Cail jackie today to book y'our, initial consultation. We look forward to meeting you. 575 Ontario Street South, Milton (905) 875-1000 www.bickfinancial.com Il m PIeus m a Mutue Ftasd' slmpWls pospoctus caretully Snd consula CeUfls Fkinaclil Plame befoe hweedntg. MO utuflnde ame fot guareed; 1' ~ #r Vals olusfIuen ltors may .xpelsfica pin or kem whan lh.y «0U~l faU w9b In ymutuu fun. j ~~1 proceas, said Patrick Murphy, commission- When Uic issue retums to Uic commrittce eutn s R.rmonoe F ...usirl er of planning and public works. November 28, representatives fromn both Bun Bed E>unkI LIV J.D. Banes scored higher Uian Cuesta companies will have an opportumty 10 Syssems Isc. in seis of experience. state Uisr case. etwithl a $ 4 8 3i ILocal groups get grants lo~~roerwnmefnh ý 15-yr. BICK FINANCIAL SECURITY CORPORATION