12-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, November 16, 2001 W flAI~ Pasta Bar Dwsar ON I N ____________ N ie____ 201 MainSt._E._905-876-4899 U COME DINS ACF .o ~ AT THE Eat more, win more with the KFC Chicken Scratch Game. You could winW I one ofllen huge $1 million prizes and theres millions more in cash andD I K N food. Every card in a winner. See in-store for details. 276 Main St. 878-4171 189 Mill Street e 878-6680 yJ The Grand Chalet Exceptonal Casual Dlning è Autbentlcltalisn Cuisine SA. NOV. 17TH Every Wednesday Night POOL TOURNAMENT Siuc ih Starta at 2:00 pm SiucNo Wednesday Night Entertainment Our fanous sigatuesh 'm #f/ Sean Brush Barbeque lamd shish kebob Thbursday Nlights - SLandscape Ontario HORTICULTURAL TRADES ASSOCIATION 7856 Fifth Line South, RR #4 Station Main, Milton ON Tel: 905-875-1805 e-mail: landscapeontario.com real estate office The Century 21 building on Main Street was broken into ovemnight Sunday. Computer hardware valued at $2,000 was taken. Woman fled A man sleeping ini his base- ment apartment on Main Street November 6 woke to find a woman fleeing through the window. The thief made off with cash, cigarettes, a jacket and a cel phone charger. The value of the items is estimated at $250. Home broken into A residence above the Knight Police Blotter Cap on Main Street was broken into November 6 heiween 6:30 a.m. and noon. The latch was broken on the door and the suspect made off with several CDs. Gum machine stoien A gum hall machine waa taken from Vito's 2-4-1 Pizza and Chieken on Steeles Avenue Sunday at 1:35 a.m. The machine is valued at $200. Counterfeit money seminar Tuesday,. Tîred of fake bilas landing in your place of business? Halton Regional Police, in conjuniction wîth the Bank of Canada, will presenit the Counterfeit Money Senuinar Tuesday. The seminar will be held at the Bronte Legion, 79 Jones Street, south of Lakeshore Rd., in Oakviile. Seif-detection and information kits regarding counterfeit bilas will be provided. Busineas owners and inteoeated community mcmbera are wetcotne ta attend. For more information, cal Const Shane Crawfoni at (905),825-2737. rverv year trie miairon UOnser-VanOTI seii iiOiKS Mu iiep raise inîîmey ror ineir different coniservation areas. Tîsis vear A proceeds will go issants; helping the new visitors cetntre at thse Mountsberg Conservatioin Area near C ampbelvlle. This book contains guides to natural areas & parks, 160 spectacîtiar Photographs. 16 coloured maps & 2 fold-out rnaps. For more information please caul 336 - 1158 You xviii love this book and it xviii be a great help to you and your family. 191 Main Street East, Milton L9T 4N9 emaii: 905-878-2341 emi:champion @ haltonsearch.com 1