Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 2001, p. 8

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8--The Canadian C~hampion Tuesday ýJic.ý 13 'Inh ofiday Sllowers o u ,Wýoman with Crohn's Disease says life better;9 looks on the bright side in dealing with illness By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Living with Crobn's Disease bas tumed Miltonian Sue Stomphorst's ife around, makcing her heaithier and happier than she ever was before. "Wben I was aick and before I was sick, 1 *would wony a lot. Now, I would say I live * moment by moment. 1 don't wonry, I juat look at things like tbey bappen for a reason," Ms Stomphorst told The Champion. ."It's actually been beneficial to my life - if that makes any aense. 1 just love life so, mucb nigbt now." When Ms Storophorst was diagnosed witb the disease in 1989, she neyer expected it to bave the positive impact it haa on lier life. In fact, sbe expected the opposite. Crobn's Diseaae is a gaatrointestinal disease that causes diarrbea, abdominal pain, fever, and rectal bleeding. "I tlsougbt, 'Wby me? I've neyer been sick a day in my life. Tbis isn't fair.' It waa very much a sbock," abe ssid. "It took a long time to move on fromn that. That 'wby mne?' waa probahly a good year." With the belp of lier doctor -including two surgeries - and altemnative treatments, Ms Stompborst bas sent tbe disease into remission. "I bave two kids and I knew 1 needed to watcb myself. l'mn 100 per cent healtby night now. t've Ieamned what it takes to stay tbst way. "I've leamned that by doing meditation 1 keep my stress level down, I exercise regularly and I eat properly. 1 know that if 1 do sometbing wrong, it's gomng to lie me paymng for it." Hsving recovered from, tIhe pain and discoro- fort aasociated witb tbe disease, she has found a new lease on life. kn addition to flnding more enjoyment in thse little things, Ms Stomphorst alto likes to expand on bier experiences - taking up new activities for botb summer and winter seamons. To, namne but s few of bier new hbbiies, sbe enjoys rock climbing, downbill skiing and borseback riding. "I bad to show myself that I can do stuif. I almost died a couple times and 1 swore to mnyself that I would keep life cballenging and adventur- ous. 1 just wanted to bave a new experience every year and grow," she said. Her encounter with Crohn's Disease has also left bier eager to help others. Going bsck to scbool, ms Storophorat trained and in now work- mng an a reflexologist. A large portion of bier Photo by GRAHAM PAiNE Sue Stomphorst, who has Crobn'a Dîseas., la the mother of two daught.rs Sarah (Ieft) and Krîsta. Ms Stomphorst maya her Mime with themn le even more valumble ince b.lng dimgnomed wlth th. dseame. clients suifer from Crobn's Disease and other ailments. "It's vesy rewarding to lie able to belp others. When someone tetls me tbey feel better after t've worked on them it's like giving mesa million dollars." Wben she's not helping others one-on-one, Ms Stompborst is pitching in on s grander scale - raising funds for thse Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada. November is Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month. Ms Stompborst is currently orgamizing s fundraiser that will give people the opportuity to sec what their options are in termis of altema- tive health. For $ 10, people wilI lie able to spend 15 min- utes with eacb of a series of alternative health practitioners who will diacuas reflexology, nutri- tion, acupuncture, massage and more. The Fehruary 17 event wiîl take place at the Ramada Inn in Oskville. For more infonnation on thse event or to book an appointment, contact Sue Stomphorst at (905) 876-2563 or e-mail sstomphorst@look.c. COGECO 14 Programming Schedule - November l3th - November l9th, 2001. Slo,m Mp Mpm PIqiUh! 75p IÇIII I F l i i, 5p,Ip 4 :m 1c PliqolIR! - iSpa Pm W ar Cau 5 0 6M Il 7M ?3 pa l l M- wap m à pu& l3p SgIl!- Tuesday Edion Uoudsiiiytaii IbwUaoy Edifu PSaint Li Wua*,n Ediiu Maiday t1i Sipm SIa hgwa53pm Osl.uh 6:3Opi Ob. Hum Io HuMpy msy. 5MEti tq Keeping you tumed41 346) :sMpr TVs wmo 6* el"Um NORTH IIALTON STUDIO CraMii ost fp 21 Main Street North, Acton, ON L7J 1V9 Watch for our new on screen fook! Tell us what you thlnk of Mt 519-853-4700 (519) 853-4700i- 1<

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