-se 4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 13, 2001 vTj me to remember Jean Hasselfeldt (left) cardes the wreath for the Silver Cross Mother during the Remnembrance Day service at the Victoria Park Cenotaph Sunday atter- noon. At top right, veteran Dewart Downs takes timne te remnember fallen corn- rades during the mornlng service at Evergreen Cemnetery, The afternoon cer- emony bagan with a parade from the Legion to the Victoria Park Cenotaph. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE THEkfl] CORORATIMON~U OF THEOWN OF MlILTON~ TTY: 87 15 878-721 NOTICE DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT RECONSTRUCTION nea Tobwn cf Milton will begin rcocnstruction of various parking lots located ini Downtown Milton. In generai. this reconstruction work involves renioval of asphalt drainage improvernents, installa- tiosa of new asphait andi parking stall arakings. During fiais woalc pcsiod, flac designateti parking lots will be cosnpletcly closcd off to shlow crews te conaplete fiais work as quickly as possible. Wlacre possible, the work avill bc donc in phases te reduce incon- venience, te downtown residents, business owncrs andi their cua- tomnera. Irst Phase: Thse MMI Street parking lot, avili be closeti from Novemnber 8 te Nevember 16, 2001. Alternative parking cen be acconodated in the Mary Street parking lot CIBC Bank Machine parking-lot at Main andi Brown Streets and Town Hal parking loto Mary Street. Second Phase: The Mary Stree parking lot avili be closeti frein Novembot 15,2001 te Novcmber 22, 2001. Alternative parkinag avili tic available ins tie Mil Street parking lot, CIBC Banki Machine parkinglot at Main andBrown Streets and Town Hall parking lot on Mar StreeL Thse above dates ame stbject te aeather conditions. Durq Wof âm p«d4ooeuh4gparng wM b srnd#W #Mthe parhlugW htsuar eoutruct[au. NOTICE TO VEHICLE OWNEJ By-law 1984-1 prohibits parking on amy Town street during the winter months from Novembe 15 to Aprfl 15, between flic hoeurs cf 2:00 amn. and 7:00 a.n. MN.INEI I~at o n While this by-Iaw is in effeet Halton Regional Police will take appropriate masures t0 assiat us which can include towing. Your cooperauion is requested. This by-law la intendedti 1 assist Town Connmunity Services Dept. works creava in our effort te -renove snow during flic avnter months. NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Qf% An DU D12'fI QrVIT"WfWI . WATERNMN & WASTEWATERMAIN REPLACEMENT Mountaînvlew Drive froin Ontario Street to HIghside Drive and Elm Avenue from Higisside Drive to Woodward Avenue The Town of Milton ami thac Region of Halton will tac, through a joint effort, reconarncting Mountainview Drive fron Highsidc Drive te Ontaio Street and HM Avenue fron Highisidc Drive te Woodward Avenue. The avorit ailI include thic installation of sidewalks, curbs, storn seaver, asphalt roati surface, andi replacing flic cxisting avaterinain and avastcwater maain. A Public Information Centre is bcing helt 1 provide flac public avith an cpportunity t0 rcvicw project draav- inga ant 1 discuss any potential construction disruptions frena fla proposeti works. Towne of Milton, Region of Halton staff, ami flhc engineering consultant, avili be present te ansaver questions. Date: Wedmouday, Nevember 14ý 2001 Locatin: WJ. DIck Public Sehool - 351 HigIsld Drive 'lme: 4,30> p.aa. t. 8:00> p.m. Interested persons aremivited tedrop in dariag flac above-noted heurs terevîew asadconaenton the proposedl design. lihis project ia bemng designeti in acconlance avith flhc Clasa BnvirSneantal Assesamnent, Schedule A, for Municipal Re.flPrejects. If yeu are unable te attend fiais Public Information Centre nd aviah te obtain mmr informration or provide wiftten comrnents, please tâfisesa yor concerna te- PhllipAntaaiow, Coordinator, Engineering and Transit 'llawaof Milton 43 Brown Street Milton, ON L9T 5H2 Tel: 905-478-7252 (ext. 2161) Pax:90548786995 eoî attawn.mffou.on.ca Brenda Kigsnaii, Design Superviser Bob Rock, Projeet Maniager Regional Municipality of Habt MeCoenik Rankin Consulting 1151 BronteROMa Engine m QakvileON L6M XL1 2655 Nothi Sherida Way Tebl: 905-8M-6030 (ext. 7622) issagO LS2P Fax: 905-847-2192 Tel: 905-823-8500 Fax: 905482348503 enail: kungaadl@ngimnbaltonmc.a emil: mnkiipa*@=r.ca