Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 2001, p. 28

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28--The Ganadian Champion, Tueaday, November 13, 2001 505 505' SOS FIELD AUDITORS The Ministry of Finance, regional lax off ie, retai i sales tas sectio, seeks Iwo professionals la conduct field audits ni smail taspayers/vendors 10 ascertain and maximize comptiance mitti the Retail Sales Tas, Race Track Tax Act, ailier provincial tas acts, You wiii: prepare audit plans; determine audit appraach ta be taleen mii smail-vendor audits; detlermine entent of tests ta be conducted to ascerlain level ni compliance; caniduct/dacument in-depth audits; present audit tindings ta taxpayers/their represenfatives. Location: Misuissauga, milh avemighl travel, Qualifications. demanstrated erience in/knawiedge ai accounting, auditing principies, audit syslems; successiai campietion of leveis 1, 2 and 3 courses af thte CGA pragrain, or successfl compietian ai nine courses lrom thte CMA pre-pratessionai pragrars, inciuding three accouniting courses, or successfl compietian ai 10 courses ai a recagnlzed uninerslty/cammunity coliege pragrati, pkas/nciuding courses in intraductary/intermnediate liriaiciai accting and auditing; knomledg ai computer technaiagy; experience appiying legisiation, e.g. Retaff Sales Tax Acf, goad financial, analylical, verfficalion, evalualion, interpesanai and communication siis. Note: Prodof f designation/academic qualifications must be attached ta yaur resume in arder ta be considered. Applicanits must cIeariy indecate on flair transcripts mhich aI their courses meet the postion's academnic requirements. Applicants wha obtained their qualif ications outside ai Canadla must aiso submil: pronfthfat these qualifications have beeri recognized as equivaiencles in Canada. Saiary range: $838 - $966 per weele Iliums and covering imiter must ile recuived by Nov. 26, 2001. Ouoting file 2078, send fil: Minlstry of Finance, Humen Resourcos Brandi, 33 King St. W., 2@" FI., Oshawa, ON LIii 8H58. Far: 05-433-6588. We are expanding at Fr/PT Counter/ Prep/ Bakery Opportunities High energy team players anailable tai mark flexible houms, wili train. Individuals vvith a great attitude, eothuviaam and xtrang customer service xkills. Rlesumnea ta: 500 Laurier Ave - Milton Altn John: Fax: 905-93-0843 GROW WITH OUR COMPANY Fvurth Lergesi Pizza Company in North Amerîca sua hiring usggM sncd pizza stoe mngr for the ToronGTA. Must have ai leaI 1 year store manager experience witit a National or Regionai Pizza chain. Yox musi 6e a cusixmer-orienied manager who wants t0 aduance baseit on performance Ideal candidate mxxi be compeltîtve, detail orienteit. willing Ioxnari the business irsm 1he grouird up, and commitied lx leadership and management by uuample. Car reqairud- HANDS - ON! " Compeiive Benef ils and Compensation " Ouîsianding Aduaiscemefli Opportursiliex " Business Parineruhips * Future Franchising Opporlurrilies Sand lieur rastrna à campanstilon roqulrratti : Box 1879., c/o gerllngoa Pest, 2321 Fairvisu Si, Surlinuoe L7R 2E3 or lax 905-315-9527 CaRetiithe Hottine:s Milton: 878-4956 c&tor Gemmp Caaeh, suppiiers ai aulomno- five elecronics Sub-SystemnS s, l ooking ta I the fllowing manulacluring posi- tions: inspectons, Electronies Assemblers and Techniciens Proliciert in electronica compontents soi- derîng, inspection. asaembiy lai IPC-A610 Glass 2 and rabaties SMT equlpment oper- alion, computer. communication and teammork silils. Meferiai Coordinations: Knowiedge af elictranic parts, esperience in materiai handling, invenîary contrai nystema, computer, communication and teamwark skilin, larklift aperatian an as- set. We aller compethlive salsry, rates and company group insurance benefils. Quaified candidates are invited ta forward a resume in confidence by fax; <905-827-1512) or eael: Ateas #1 lapont dealer requires FULLTîME a Lube & Drive Ciean Technicien aLot Person/Detailer for aur expanding operalians. DtOP IN, FAX tESUME OR CALL GEORGE CAlE aI BURLINSTON TOYOTA 1249 Guelph Lino, Burlington Fax: 905-335-4048 Tel: 905-335-0223 LOCKWOOD CHRYSLER Ruguirex Immedîate/y Lic. Technicien 2r 41h or Sth Yeaî Apprentice Considarad. Pes fui bxsy, epanding dealersbîp K cyl joia a 5-star u y e cartlfled toma. Cali AI Banks, *Ns Service Manager. (905) 845-6653 FaDff -N 525 625 THE- RIiLl- FIT OilIR0 RT. Ni 11'.Y RIGHT NOW! We oilei iempxrvry assigriniens wih excellent pay aid eninlirs, Ai OlfiîcTuam, a g9matilre cijpPrluir ro is avaîlvble NOW EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Microrsoft Wurd, Excel aria PF iegUiiud DATA ENTRY OPERATOR Canîdidate muxi have 1 + years 0l expuerincu RECEPTIONIST Cianidaes muxi saxe la yuars il nuPerrercu Phones, tiliî & corxpu derice for beclîc ullîceý Contact us Il lui sure delails' Ph: 905-331-0456 Fn: 905-319-2095 5575 Nxrth Service Rxasl Barîrîgîon ON L71 6Mi Vivit us@www.officeIoalf.COm <Generai Offie Assistant - Milon Requiremets: Comaputer expernue *Fievîbîiliy, and wilingeeî to eai *Enîoy woking in a viil ivrxvria enivriiiiri Geeiatunting-Daa: nr *Acounxve evpeieuce - CILvumerre-rvioe eupenience Moduiv,,irihvai cupetiexc Fax n.m il nalary expetlalin gi 90l5-t7(Î-1106 Let Us Put Your Talents To Work lIn Your Own Commennity As the leader in financia ntaffing. iAccounlempa Burlington is recriaiting for the foliowing lemporary opportunilfes: AMR, ANP CLERK minimum 1 year euperience Minimum 1 year experience STAIFF ACCOUNTANTfS Minimum 2 ears experience. Ph: 905-319-384 Fx: 905-319-2095 5575 Northr Service lfxad, Buirlington, ON 1,71 GiMl burIIngton@acC0ultmp.COm laidâto Cleanv Air Servisa PERMANENT PI T TELEMARKETING POSITIONS 9:30 am- 2:30 pmn daily. Aliernatiîg Saluidays, Hvxriy wage & Bonuis Fax resume 905-681-8300 or cvii 905-681-8103 Operaied under limese agreement lu Seans Canada inc SOC Gaies, a member of the morldwde BOC Group, is v leading dlistiributoro incdustrial/medica/specia gases. wveidîng produicts. anrd supplies We requîre a. Payroll Administrator . Temporary nov will sandile a large Ceridiari Payrol lîrîcludîng berrefîrs, goverrimeirs rerrtances employee records, and updvtnn policies, proceduresl for multiple branches acros C anada Hours of work are lin 9 a n Io 3 p.m. riree days pir week. We olfer a corrpesitive saiary. Please àpply ro Humain Resources. SOC Gastes, 597! Faiboumae Street~ Unit 2, Mississauga ON L5R 3W6 Fax. (905) 501-1641 a-mail human.resourcasboccaflada.com We are io'rmîiteld to cr'pioymrerri cnuity LOr4 SO,13C Canada Umite< 25 YEAR 0WO MANUFAC TURING COMPA NY OF OUT11OONPROTECTIVE COVES C.Y.W.S luli part-lime. reqîî v~xrnrSausninî differentift al Thrs suelf iîxirualed vnplicarit must bu abie n aine iii wîth M.S.N. ai new and vnryrnu business sorrs and wilh diverse prîducl euisting Adolescent nus. Ihis ns au xliodurrnly Io grisa anil a well Renîdential prograrn in usrablishied cumpany in a groarng markt placu Haltos! Peel 'Regions. Plese endîeumeix hi als Msagr, Experience in reidn Pleae sed etimeto Aln ulu ufflr, liai setting an asuet. The aaGabsilla Sasua, Box 637 Post secondary educa- 1 467 Speen Road, Ga1l"aIla, ONLK S lion in Ghîld Gare or re- lated field required. Fax 905-469-6127 MODUYMAI Frnotsnnbliain, in hom nirnate Now you can r,,raii al 95877-3443brm Mien 1, viabeivn ,.. i ne Caw, Sheep, Goat Manume Mixed Triple Mix a Black Loam Salit Tel. 90S.826.1408 Tol Free 1.811177.21811.2448 Don't Miss Toronto's Foremnost Bridai Event January 4, 5, 6, 2002 *National Trade Centre Name .-' Address [City Postal Code________ i 1 IPhoneI *Wedding Date____________________ -Fax ________ Email SEDTISFR Send ta: National Bridai Shoms iO iOU i O c/o Premier Consumer Showm AD ISSO COPO 467 Speers Rd., Oakville BY RI. DC. 4. 00 L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 a ioin oi 1. th. paint and paper paople Part time Salesperson Hours flot suitable for student Apply with resume 475 Main Street East FURNITURE & APUANCES STORE n Bxrlrrrgtor cîsias PfT SALES ASSOCIATES MustIlle esperienced in Furniture Sales Pa't (ýme exerîrgs, éas eeex Pirsîarsi "n 905 buii(5iý7 or apli i1035 Piai: OcIat ii O ..4picallons acceptedl unlil Nov.19 S6à,sCa[e)i aru ] 53[lî rqj2 e* ( rh y Attention: PARENS AND GRANUPAIENTS If a special someone was born in 2001 and their birth announcenment appeared in The Champion please contact us regarding aur If you wish ta have your Itie one's picture included pleose drap o pîcture off before: Deadline: December 14, 2001 Pîctures wîiI be avoulable for pick-up in the New Yeor Pjt (anabiati 0tanpion 191 Main Steet East, Milton, Ontario 191 4N9

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