Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 2001, p. 26

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26- The Canadian Champion, Tuestiay, November 13, 2001 VClassil'ied MONA TO FF DY ALClassified AdsI 9:0 A - :0 PM AL apear at... 1 Ranch Myirbuno w l inrexcluive onnst Grave ao. Si4e on on,, 1/2 acr beaodiful iandscaped lot. Waiking ditac in donnto-on Milton. 3 plus 2 ber,n:4 bn.keors, oed lioeg/diningoon with gasfirepioo,mnifler fo.nilyrmn; imi cathedral oeiiig,leiihed bawmnith tone firrpiooe. Self oontainnd apartent/elficr aboer doobîr ~eee oef upgrades and xrs ENGAGEMENT COMING MARRIAGE FOUND-.Milisiti. Drive. Smal gre& white cal. [7C 7)1 9S8820 Elles and Ralph De Wolf of Moffat are happy to announce the engagement of their son 1dugtriait ta Naomi, dagtrof Tievor and Peggy Smith ofEoioe i1l 3 betiroora bungalow on country lot. Trafalgar & Steeles. Available im- metiiafey. Caîl for de- faits, Frances; 416-631- 1 9500 3 betirooras, grounti lev- Iet. Gara ge, heat & hytiro inclutieti Quiet ares. Dec. 1sf, 2001. $900 per/ month. Fîrsi & Last. Reterences. Tel: 905- 693-1687 NEW Tomohouse oni Main Street. 3 beti- rooms, full bafhroom, kitchen]/ launtiry/ park- ing. Ufiities inclutiot. AVAILABLE tf me eniAvailable Docomber 1. OFFICE spore for ront. of December. Beaufui $1 ,400 flrsf/ last. Wifh or 50 Steelos Ave. 905- large living room, extra mithoutfturnifuro. 905- 272-0648 oarge windows, propano 827-2117 fireplace. 1 betiroom, 1 stuio. Kitchen, 4 plece bafhroom, large patio. Separato entrarce. Vory quiet. No pets, no CREOIT Problem? Gel smoking. 10 minutes- heip nom wîf h securoti nortf, of Milton. $825. LARGE room w/sepa- VISAxs, tiebt resoltion, 519-853-1237 rate bath for rent to quiet1 anti cret ropair. 1-886- IN Miton, 1 betiroom son-smoking female. 548-1118 aparfmenfs from $860, Share kifchen inclutios argo apartreent, quiet utilifies, cable, use of buiinemiy tiecorat- iauntiry ront. Parking Wfo CoM '~ei.95 85-489 available. $450.00 first & lw .4IAGON last. Call Kafo 905-878- MILLSIDE TOWER 4977 -New in town? 82 Milisitie Drive, OMfrennrua *Gefing married UNDER NEW home. Avaiiablo imme- in 3 months or MANAGEMENT siiafeîy. $450/o n more? 1l&2 etroom Apts. clusivo. Colt Shannon *Having a baby? Deiuse Buiitiinq :519-826-7482 or 905-l *Establishi ng a Il dDt Tomn' 691-1823 new business? location 2 appliances ROOMS for renf. Useo0f PLEASE CALL US Launtiry failiftes launtiy No pefs. $125/ Utilifies includoti week. 905-884-9101 Community Welcome On-Sito Residont Uinda 905-854-1563 Managers 00n't Be Doris 905-332-4799 Open 7 tiays. Same "f nm Et ize 905-693-0313 day approval etI th Babya124 Dark! Don 't Trac y 905-876-4.330 <> ~ forget the MILTN Dwntwn: deadlines! Bridai MLTN Dmnon ,lanice 958831 Brighi secondi filo one betiroom apartment D alns BumInmm0PmleI%WU mifh largo living room, Lin 905-854-4100 separate kifchon anti oda C fl our pioce bath intiuting ALCOOLIsa2001 - No Pae Jan $73 ALCOHOLIC~S 2una - avalae Jan $75 fo1, esa monfhly indutiing helai. dion ANONYMOUS Forwardmrifewapplica- T usa c 24 hr. mnswerlng fions fo Bos 3006 c/o service The Canadian Cham- pionme ion 4 f1 an PhJn BStr 4, 191tarin 1-800491-482 L9T 4N9 giving tiefails 1-519836-522 of your reai requiire- monts. Mr &MArs Jame RobsonoMon are=a tm onnoune the upomingmarriaqeofhe o * Kenneth Robinson Io Reoee Pearson, FL\ doughte oM.& Ms John Campbelof oToronto. The enulday t tkeplac Jone 8h, 20aiS.Pu lnitd Cho h inMilon. Rceponinthe Dome in Oo le. Craft Sale &< Razaa At the Milton Seniors' Activity centre 500 Chiid's Drive Saturday, November l7th Doors open at 9:30 amn *Crafts - Bako Tableo White Etephant *Christmas Decorationa - anti more! FGrace Anglican Church Bczaar Lots offtables feofuring crofts, baiel gootis, newing, roffle, niions aucsion, show box raffle andi much, much more. And whlle yaure there ... don't forges to treot yourseff to the "best lunch" Lin town! S Scturday, Novombor 17 CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR LUNCHEON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16, 200f Crafi Fair: 9OOaan - 5:00pm Luncheon: f f:30amn - 1:30pm Artisan Coafio Gdif Shops TaWea-chance Rfl Hake saeand M,,e More Milton Disttnt Hospital 30 Dessy Road 905-878-2383 Son of Tracey & Mike. Thirti Granson for Nancy, andanohrforBil an Shaon cbnmtom and your eflil wilt b. Saby Edtin Jv 190 Ontarlo St., Milton 878-6522 Monuments Markers -Bronze Markers Cemeael Letterina Osh Kosh 19 and 80 much more... Childrens gentiy useti ciofhing ýAWESOME One Day Oniy Sale Suntiay, November 18 From12 - 3p.m. at The Boyno Community Centre South of Milton (25 & Britannia) Newborn f0 youth sizes Cash oniy Brand namie ciothing galore inciuding Osh Kosh, Gap, Oid Navy, Disney & many mare. Al n grt shape at terrific prices. ACTON HIGH SCHOOL'F> Gn ANNUAL CRAFT 5AE5 SATURDAY < NOVEMBER 17, 2001 10Oa.m. to 4p.m $2 for Aduits SChildren under 12 FREE MrRefreshments & Raffles Bake Table For more information contact "Acton High Schooi" 'Ail Proceeds go towards ,4clon High School Students" DUIGNAN, William (Bill) (President ai Fitzgrmld Insurance) Poacofully, at his rosi- donce on Saturdoy, November 10, 2001, Bill Duignan of Milton. Bolovod husband of Elizabeth Duignan (noe Fitzgerald). Dear fathor of Paftricia Anno, Jonnifor Elizabeth anti hor husband John Suglno John Fitzgeraldi and Victoria Jano and ber husband Robert Bordan. Brothor of Joan Haguo, Sylvia Woodi anti Dorofhy Gintor. Friontis miii be rocoîvoti ai the J. Scott Eau y Funera Homo, 21 James St., Milton on Tuestiay frore 2- 4 anti 7-9 PM. A Mass of Chnistian Bunial miii be hold from Holy Roaary Roman Cathotic Church on Wednoaday, Novomber 14th af il AM. Intormont to fil at Evorgreen Comotry Mitton. il deaireti memonl donations to the Heart & Stroko Fountiation muld be appreciat- eti by the famity. JAGER, Peter At mhe Milton Diatrict Hospital on Tuostiay, Novomber 6th, 2001. Peter Jager of Milton at the ag e ot 48, beloveti husanti of Mary. Loving fthor of Angola. Dear son of Elizabeth Huttar anti brother Osabe of Don Milîs. Son-mb of A gela andi the tate Eupilo Mel of Toronto. Brotornl of Liz anti huabanti Joe, Phyl anti husbanti Gianni, Tina anti bus- banti John, Angie anti huabanti Victor anti Patty anti husbanti Nids. Peter miii be greatly miaseti by hia uncto Teti, cousin Julie, many noeces anti nephews anti famiiy trami Ial anti Hungary. Family anti friontis visitet i 0 the McKersie- Koctier Fanera Home 114 Main Street Milton 905-878-4452 on Wetineatiay anti ThurstiayA Vigil Service was heiti Thuratiay atternoon. Th Fanera Mass mas ceiebratet i 0 Hoiy Rosary Cathoiic Church on Fritiy November 9th 2001. Memoria Donations f0 the Canadian Cancer Soiety mould be appreciatei by the famiy. MACPHERSON, Lorna -The family of Lorna Macpherson formeriy osf Toronto anti a resident of Heritage Houso, Guelph, aadiy announces her panning at Grand River Hospitai Freeport Heaith Centre, Kitchener, on Fritiay, Novera- pherson tiaughter of the telto James Bro- due Macpherson anti Cetia (Minto) Mac- pherson. Sinter 0f the late Doug anti Marg Macpherson 0f Milton. Dear aunt otf Doug and Gerri Macpherson of Carn- rose, Alberta, Bruce anti Sherrifi Mac- pherson of Acton, Lorna anti Bill Andier- son of Toronto, greaf aunt anti groat great aunt osf many niocea anti nephewa. Frientia were receivet at the fumerai home Suntiay frora 2 ta 4 anti 7 6 f0 9 pra. anti Montiay frtom 10 to il ara. Funerai service was hetti in the chapet on Montiay. Novomber 12, 2001 *af il amn. Intormont Fairview Ce- metery, Acton. Blue Springs Funerai Homo, 12 Church Street Est, Acton (1/2 block esorf Highway #25, 1 block soutti of #7.) (519) 853-2399 RMMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated BONUS!! ALLclassýed Ads W, a~pearlat. .. m

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