Bax enjoys dream evening >/Sr. Mustangs toppled at Saturday's Super Finals in semis bv the Ridge *y BSANDRA SNYDER Special ta The Champion John Bax raced four horses in three Ontario Sires Stakes Super Finals at Mohawk Racetrack Saturday night and went home with tbree wins and one second. The Peterborough horseman opened the $2 million Gold Series Championship with a one-two finish in the two-year-old trotting filIy event, when Nataahas Kiss held off stable-mate Pepi Lavec to score the 1:59.4 vie- tory. Rax trains Natashaa Kisa for AI Libflcd of Pickering and Sain Goldband and Mai-vin Katz of Toronto and shares ownerthip of Pepi Lavec with Camnpbellville's Glengate Farina. "The order waa a surprise. 1 own part of one soI1 waa kind of hoping it would be thc other way," Bax quipped after the race. Bax clearly did not cornaunicate bis pre-race thoughta ta Milton driver Cli Chriaîoforou, who put Natasha Kits on thc front end juat paat the :27.4 first quarter. Once she gained command of the race, the Balanced Image laas rollcd through fractions of :57.2 and 1:28.3 en route ta a three-and-half Iength win, which shaveti more Uian three seconda off her persan- ai best showing. Said owner Marvin Katz, "I would have liked ta tee hcer sit in thc hale a little longer, but Chris knows what he's doing. He said she felt really strong and he was confident thc wholc mile. One racer later Bax, Libfeld, Katz and Goldband were back in Uic winner's cii-cIe when Duke 0f York capturcd Uic two-year-old trotting colt Super Final. ln rein ta regular driver Paul MacDoncîl, Uic Breeder's Crown champion surprised bis connections by reacbing Uie front just past Uic quarter mile marker and cruising arountheUi Mohawk aval ta a 1:59.2 tri- urnpb over Wbitesand Titan and Lockkeeper. The win added $125,000 ta Duke 0f York's $546,142 bank balance and may be Uic lasi time Ontario fans sec Uic talcnted trotter before Uic star[ of bis sophomore seasan. While a final decision bas yct ta be made, Bax Uiinks Uiey may opt oui of Uic Canadian Breeders Championabip and rest on their w laurels until 2002. Howcver, fans wilI sec Bax in thc Canadian Breeders event with his Uiird Super Final winner N4 Northecr Bailey. 'Me Balanced Image son took full advantagc of Uic absence of Breeders Crown champ Liberty Balance ta score bis second straight victary in what bas been an erratie and frustrating season for Bax and bis partrers Brian Parkinson of Sharon and William White of Peterborough. Veteran trotter Goodtimes also made Uic trip ta Mohawk Saturday N spending bis evening in Uic Fuji Film booUi inside Uic grandttand. The $2 million win- ner happily posed wiUi more Uian 300 fans cager ta make bis acquaintance. Donven Promise kept sire Balanced Image froin sweeping Uic trotting diviaions with an iinpressive 1:56.4 victory in Uic Uiree-year-old trotting ftlly con- test. The Promise Catch daughter and tramner-driver Tom Strauss tailed division-leader Yankee Fribble into Uic final tuan and Uien fired off ta score a twa-and-a- haif IengUi win. In Uic pacing events two-year-old filly Preciaus Delight extended bier win streak ta 10 wiUi a 1:54.1 victory for owner Peter Heffering of Port Perry and tr-amer Duane Marfisi while favourite Pacifie Titan could not bold off a late rush froin early-season star Camystic in Uic fresbnian colt event. Camystic and driver Sylvain Fillion caught Uic pace- setter aithUi wire ta eke out a 1:54.4 win for Newmarket's Millar Farina. Fembank Fiona scored an upset in Uic Uiree-year-old pacing filly division when she exploded out of Uic pocket and sprintcd by pace-setter Run Around Jate ta score a five-lengUi 1:55.4 victory. Stittsville's John Fleischnsan bred and owns Uic Camiuck miss. As expected, Uic Uiree-year-old pacing colts delivered an inipressive finiah wiUi Youmnustbekidding prevaîling for a 1:53.4 victory on behaif of Black Horse Racing of Lebanon, New Jersey. The $2 million Super Final Championship wrapped up Uie 2001 Ontario Sires Stakes season, wbich once again sbowcased some of North Anierica's finest two and three-year-old standardbreds. Sv $ME L.8S.ANC l77» Champion The Mustang coul only holdtheUi flootigate, ahut for so long. Overmatche in us ier two acanifinal play agalisu hast Iroquoais Ridige Frday, ?Mo Dmet High' senior foall team exiteld aIl of it resours just koigteoperüng haIt clos. Hopefor a coimcvitoy - or at 2ayside h oeew1wsua s the jasioré aC eua#y dlkxm of 47-14'.gt Ao .ftMai vd semii t lead jtwat onfmssive m die cksdRyas Pageant eJobd &arin gave dl thes hailhi shaacod taclazo oby ani large thos te s e j Please fax ail of your team reports and sports story ideas to Steve LeBlanc at 878-4943. RO TARY CLUB 0F MILTON'sr This year's Auction will help benefit: * A Rotary 3rd World Projeci *Variety Village projecis in Milton *"Breakfast for Kids" So... If you are a business please consider donating items ta the auction for resale. hs y'ear. i f didn't mesre up to the versatile at oflen explosive hasts. A 27-O whitewash afler hlI dian put things way out of reaca for Uic under- dog Mustng. Iroquois Ridige scored juat minutes lista the dam! quuaier andi flixn tlsere tuset up dmc Isat for the balanc of the aflernoo cl"s OeaeTD fer Dpa MD' b ct-u osess ns inr die operg haff edecqW ê i oa lney S*c seic bst iviot mark an tot ta ic sina*lul l dall*eI Brd Bs l en d e. W