12 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 13, 2001 If ou have any questions tiiesec professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" f c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 Specializingin Laser HairRemovai rk Rit B ,ND 7 v'v/KvCCE. CPE, ROT otrfN PHYSOTHRSPSTSRegriered Derniai Therapit Clinica Nutrition - Herbai Medicine 550 ONTARO ST S UNIT 6.H me aty u un ur MILTON, ONT. LOT 5E4 Tina Doney cyeerlss95 intStmeEast, 2 lo Contrie Francaz 86 Main St., Milton By Appointment: 905-876-1711 Mtn(905)693-9837 PHSOHRPSS876-1515 0. Whati s CSooGlideO Erilca Rlstok LA. N». A. The Cootilide systent presenits a revtiatiSn in Irais remtva. Using lechnology beySnd Q:whai can 1 do to pratoct mysoli againsi the tilu naturally? Q : 1 ould like t e start sorie w in er sports this year. Could y u please that otf iher lasers, the o olGlide an isab e irndreds of hair loures in ess than onSfl l.t k B AýN D provîde same advice? For exampie: shasuld t stop my regular exercîse second, and promises permanent haîr reductian. inflenza is a viral infection of the respîratany tract. Symptama r~~~~~ pgamntemnefiangnteernskatingor skiing? OurçCoilde hair removai systemîusa non-invasive laser speciticaiiy designedtIoeii- '* include fever, raeny nase, coîgh, heattache, achînasa, fack af nate undesired liait from ail pava of the body. The Cosictlitte systes genieratea intense, appetita, and fatigae. Camplications may deoeiep, eapecialiy en peaple A.- Wîntrsps Osanse ra highrnnvsknof interS if yu don'iiivkn the ie tivcndition iSna.-puised iîSt thrnugh an activeycnnled handpiece, which effectively disables unwarnt at rio tnt neyent distant. Genetaiiy, howevtn, influenza tans ifs and prepa youn body aheid of îîmn. , ed pigmented Saîr itilicles, Shus impainat their growtir. The lasers coid bandpiece as cnurse in thnee ta foin dayo. Wie si rts arcu greai fun but ia a semieus morieni in considen wheiher you arc nnady placed gte n th1e sivin and glides along as pulses of light are deliverai tram the laser. The natunapathic appnoach ta fia pneventîan invoives support of the and how o proparc Don' irake ion grainrd ihur bcause you cntrrued a regular exervrve When rhe light penetrates thre skin, t seiectiaeiy damages She trt fte unwanted Sait. immune ayatem. A heafthy immune ayotemn wiii make yau leaa sua- prognusn ail susses that pou as autonticalip neady for wiin sponts. Physioiherapist The ColGlide tan remove Soir iront ail] prs SfthSe tody înclodîng tire lace, legs, arma ceptîbie ta infections îciadîng fia, and apeed yaun recovery in the ne maop vvsierinjuries ui g msci viravor, ligusent upruins. vrsi, aokin ana viSer onderarma and back, us well as sensitive ureoo like She chesi, treastu and bikini line. vn htyud e ik fratures asviilas hack ynd veck injures. Avovarrig the visk of the spii iha ar partof v Are Shers any aide e0fects? vs sien spot vi kv vkvvsg. cn viaingvorsnow football vs imposvsile Sut tho rnhi undi- Shontteretsaide eliecta may inciude slight reddaning ofthSe akin or local sweliing. TSeae . Gaad nuttition ta pravîde your body euth tht essentiai building blocks vus ing can nnducv the odds oS inuryr affects rypicully last lessaru an Saur, but, on rare occasions may test aifew daya. In rare needed fan yaun defense spatem as a cotnonotone of natatopithic tHes are a fr wvys yuan prevant vinieons soinue. teonSre yvv nvn gei un the instances iSere say ha sose tioterînt canre. Gaad quaiity praferna (fîah, beans and iegiimes, nuis and seedsa soni r oicecheck roui equipseni anrd ciotivsg. Clovhvog shovid Se vaisn yod comioot Doas akîn colour muka a divferenca0 aay foada, and maderate amounta af meat and dury) pravîde ainS aSie vpeiseqipmerr souldSe eecke reeavreihaiiv ri yrrl Son maiir NS. wr55 CoorGlide's unique design ve hava the ilaaitilrtp to treat a eider variety 01 ski cd eeos frattd rdcto seta at r rca a tu ouios, performance, and proectvion. If vov orpovr chiidsrnanrereoavspor. likevskai typessatelyuand etecively. How any treatntentsarereuired? Theanumteroftreut- im mont system functianîoa, and cmn ha ottarned fro avi nase n d ing. vevi extna protection lîke She knee aod nihea pada vesm Sp rolise sauers. ~ ,ments you may requise for optimal rongtrrs teneurts dependa on the asea you wrah to aeeds, goad-quaity ails (rnciudrng flux aead oil yod etra-vingin olive Ipeur pour erisinonIrert! If peu are pilaning vo volk ourdirns. sake ivre povur ahvups rave trtattd, She hairtdanist and gaur hairsgtoeth cycle. Sou hait anSes in cycles und ail), coid-wuter fish, and legomea. urecienrd nd ire vu ie and vear regleurive ulorhrog ea Sur pou use visie. many factorn infloence ils gtothr Age, ethnicty, werght, hormones, diet, madication and Vîtamîns A, C, and E, aad tht minerais zinc and seienium aro crucial sertt alle treimnt olle cyac, trthmet thte% uttud la finund non a drett richit inha ak eaoimaipa pr nyu arslctotikns n eiine o eh imm n ar freatm Ai futse ipan veataies caSSit ing~S noma uctvîre opedutl 'Mis tecaîia hOIS grana and gaad uslsreuin sifrgaoaiityss Ae ans aodsrcton n y civtyale proteinsr ou retmn, heaeVatietyi detrChinogsicfethtutsan ekealswhl Sneuih. especialip if pou have vspyeuvai conditionv ou as asihmu. WSen pos have fin- racommand shat you use a specraiy larmuiated skin care product lire or prescrite a akînThearmnyatoptcteapetoddssuucerninz cd oviourexeacisir. dnt uegi v unoi ovaundvo iseuh.case regimen eapecraliy larmulated lot your skia type. The use of sun acrean is recom- infection. Antiviral tenta sacS as echinucea, astrugalua, gariic und Lsily. NO, de soi stop pour reguivi esescise prognues Panticîpare in a oegulus esencise mandad on any tsaatad atas expesed to the sun. As always, ir is a good idea 10 limit yout iaieal ih nies iusa urw edmme n ie prog;ani ail year round to keep "Fi"Ahigher reimi vif risionts vvili nedive your risk vof aui sensitive Saitic wl fGigtifungviues.Y r meadîîîaaattsan eld injury.~~~55t ISerapîs aoiero theira copnnso nutsi orpora.Te. nld eecssfr Hwîtiontecmpr ihohrharrmvlmtosfoeswl el ordc ih ee.Gne il otea pe str gh, leibiit an aroic xecis fr yurheat.Shvin, axig nd eplatrycramsar ai tmpoar mehos hic mst e epet- sto ac. pecfi ho eoaateasd cuuarer teasaas cnads 3006ia o DMTTthrait. Rd.Gid' W.,d Msth ameipiss and te yu CIi i asc~~ ilouc Centreog.ad/r 905e otctTnao on693-h Hle Cmunt e2400ai snaio.N local lnssavorpain metos stpclyrqrd oeptet Zaka Phassa Ieiie h M îptt nd acoupunuein e oa arel Cenctrce.n suffife.i.204 Massage Thiney Bi.RT Q htsa al ears Centre dont ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hn. hav busnes insrUTe acs iSy maS ae cosiered S i oi rgc. dis- Yo edbuses s ira c be a e m sS oeners eas mmdd Sau c Ts E S IO UseA E cass mm ye o edaie o n e hae a n hrd' p yia ea ft C endtwef? en ,s ca pot iies lacelimia unbuaiesa-rtate espsaro. Fo caes fnsion headach esrincde prgge psoinSe ref erramse cptceotnlmtuîy agaeadcgi iTae, a copie orn fa macines us e o uines a m deam- f por m cevia sulBSopsua Sea m nionna teg n deef pent, 2002cro akîts andl p readiea cagedin s o trmy, mhat bean futfy n theov ereasen t s dfi aSsau. la (ypt migiu eaadSendareatciengs'Vice- t tearn HlsCm u ySpotadIfrain conmded busiess ou p rpris ayb i .oa i ik pain iru n mans cormart ue o he hea. Thcaues y midhsa The fmain programal wf f be oeredta apnts n Atso, he bumeanes oicy dones ma cvrbsnslabit, epncae ringing ofs Se arafl resdeed thion, oud piraniSdis- caeteso on îde 0t er i) e re buinje ai urc homaue whit comewes esndutgbsi Referredpaie e use a nos com peuof resuithe Cofm eng- * aet rs cs hscle and tratntng soia moies plaur homans potuiy woutdate apry teaeW e o nsitise sseack m sioude ren.r int ra, sire ppereeoinl auiylnug adcgi ipeatce, a comie-braxe eaneprse ad ouiea n a the sm (choider ucle)tin istua tes n niomna iedvlpet omncto kls n ed paer insurane ca orae spfting hiverer busiss d sres symtm nd Stire a uetee nc nrd asSin orie- Sa *o and o. ntlrsucsadnomto cosieedbsies rp .dieeip ingger oinswrc ref e p a d Sie pe mays as- Th nrmattng about and lk ta oter eal peares aor- n pesonah oewes oidtsnt assois buits risk.iy epie c rigg oint e eaSire peni austesn(base ad ptire ssm)sefe c ies ofyugclde(0t6 arod) Bsines insue ror mayn prnvd mamy otr imp te oraes. pain upar tacueadepsae iedcetra ocntaey lterniac raraits tfcien eesrdatedu oe hl onutn betow- behind paheineye ad oe esSenduSa Sir tap af re head o u rg aet rehseurvces a ruraandstg rasa arh *rpe Acidntua diecphids coverage fsptighsor hrbusiness a dntdaly formactidonsai aV-brupe aunde lenk Sir front afl Haîtoner persnad sesa propen'. dvlptigrpit hc eespi eidteerit di e -i * Brode opromeSt trphy oeo ie neck) trgger points maS aniy refer tai pasn Sa Sire eus, temple, and *valunteer coordination services. *Loss of incarne coverage runSieeebumamiacuedziesdirenSamdtre The Centre wtlf be linked ta ather services tncludrng: *Extra xes cvrg synaptomas of trigesminai neuraigia. elhsrisocasrvesriesfrhldn *Contractual iabifiiy coveroge TresinenS af tension ireadacires miii include Sirarougir assesament, heth serci es, cald series ervtes inorh csfrni *Liability of employees while acting within Chu scope of Srigger point iirerapy, and irydroSirermpy Sa reduce pain mmd muscle wthseafeectdcrepvtrsnhecm n- Choi r empoySlOft. spasm, and incimase circulaion Sa campronssed tisse. Tire tiseraps ty, cammunity recreattan pragrams, pubftc librairies and Many entrepreneurs start thoit busimesses on shoestrimg bud- wii steScir uirortened muscles and encourage tise patient t0 te awmr schoals. guis and try ta cmi corners by koeping exponsus af a offand minimize cantributimg factors Pragram detailsadtm wl beavailable onour web- v minimum. But whun yau cansider what you gel, business Pkase aRyn r JaWedai theMilon Therqwa eMasage Ctoir, nfyuhave aiy site or by calting (905) 876-1244 ext. 10. insurance beomos a toat you can't affard ta mark mithout. questions concering massage tierapy or seouid hile tua book an appointaient.I aosacmmse oas fml 878-Mao. fitksacmuiy orieaaiy