8-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, November 9, 2001 HIGH SCHOL REOR investors Nbmffup Financial Planning Career Opportunity Opportunities are available in our Milton and Mississauga offices for Financiat Planning Consultants eMust have OSO or Mutual Fund license. eComprehensive Training and Development Program commencing January 2002. Complete benefits package. Please send your resumne to Val Woolnough, Associate Regionai Director or Chuck Ealey, Regional Director a 1 City Centre Drive, Suite 1020, Mississauga, Ontario L5B 1MV2 telephone (905) 306-0031 ext. 211 or fax (905) 306-0039 or emnail valerle.woolnough@0investoregrouo.com ! BISNOP REDINOM 81O8 SCIGOL&9 Marin Rire kafroanhoi» yn Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne Tickets for the annual Senior Semi-Formal Snowflake BaIl are currently on sale 10 OAC students for $20. Grade 12 studenîs wilI have their opportunity 10, purchase tickets beginning Monday, and Grade Il sîndenîs on Wednesday. 'Me dance wilI take place on Friday, Decembor 7 fromt 7-1Ilpm. The grade 9 sîndenis participated un the annual "Take Your Ktds 10 Work Day" on Wednesday. Tbey mere given the opportunity 10 leam and experience the respontibilitiet of the working world mhile oblaining more information about the daily activitirs invoîved in their parents' occupation. Bishop Redingus 151h annual Talent Shom will he held next Thurnday. Hosîrd hy Adrian iewett and Justin Mattrangelo il will present a variety of musical and dance presentations. Tickets are on sale starting Monday in the piazza during 31 and 4" lunches for $5. This punI wrekend at Une O.F.S.A.A. Cross Country Running Championthip held ut Homet's Nest in Gloucester Binhop Reding was teelI represented. Mike McGilI, B.R.'s lunte entrant, finished 501h of approximately 240 participants in the Midget Boys' 5km race. Congratulations Mike on your nuccens in Ibis challenging competi- lion. The Senior Boys' Volîcyhaîl season came t0 an end following a disappointing lots lasI week. Facing the top ranked St. Thomas Aquinas Icen, îhey forced a third and deciding game but fr11 short hy 4 points. The guys demonsîrated great confidence and deterinination as they played their hest volîcybaîl of the season. Good luck nexi year. The Juntor Girls Baskethall ieam's minniug sîreak came 10 an end receutly against St Thomas Aquinas. Despite a srrong first haIt. the teans could 001 maintain its momennur in te third and fonrth quarters. Diane Cosme canard a double double mitîr 12 potnts and Il rebounds while Laura Pacevicins grahhed 5 rrbounds. The tram alto lost a rough 30-29 hatîle versus Iroquois Ridge hningiug their season record to an impressive 7 wius and 2 losses. We wish sîret luck as tbey host their quarterfinal match in our gym on Monday. Gei oui and support your Royals! ",Talent dors what it can; genins dores what il munt." DALTELI1NE DRURY Av E.C. DRURY Bien SCDOL Megan Bauer Lyndsy Jonos Rob Parier Here he a haiku We Write tIreurtioi ail of sou. Read on and eriioy. Hettt and melcome to anoîher eshîtaraig edition of Daietine Diory! This meek. me have decided lt hreak away from out usuat tonnai. and detiglit you sîih tomne ot uort poetie talent -Haiku style! Commencemcnt was fan Thte choir mas hantotiots Graduaies came hack. Last Friday ai Commencement. the sweet sounds tif tIre concert hand and choit fitled the air. Under tIre direction of Mr. Gayfen and Ms. MacRae. ihr.se musicalirop demoostaird ihai hard mork and eaely moming piactices DO pay off! Commencement gave the graduates the oppooauniiy tai refleet on thein espeniences ai Dmury as mett astIo share trncs fmom iheir item esperiences ai coltege, unîsersity or from the mork mortd. "My Kong Fa is simang Sa is my schmtl Reach talent We won toit ot gamnes." Fruminus T. ltandersnaich, Schmtl Reach Superstar Drury's sens omn irivia masters mere rcaching foc the top tat meek duning iheir finsi roumateeni of the year. Ahter an excellent dinplay of inreltectual uhrtity, the Schaml Reach Team finished ta second ptace. Currenily. these smanty-panrs Spartmns are trmilrtg the fini place ream hy a pultry 120 points. Good mark guysl (And gais!) Senior girls mon a game Baskeihalts wen i n the net Sadty. Season. Donc. Lasi meek the memhers of the junior and senior girls hm:keiballtreams had a sen rmgressise shoming ai White Ouks. The juniors came amay wîîh iheir toualh consec- arise min and the seniors dominuied ihese Oaksiltians hy a scotre of 35-20. ihus min- tmng iheir firsi gamne. On Monday, the juniors kepi thein isinniaf sîmeak alive. defeai- ing 0T. and secuning a spot la the play offs. Untontunaiety toi the seniors. despite a hard-tought mratch, thein seasor came ta, an end. Good ladk juniors! Peer stediation Fan piesesiation on Thaîn- Day. Huizah t'oi peers! Thatsý rîptît. tIre rime ha: contie frt Drurty t dite l'cet Mediato~~rs Imi iu heiistuff (ir ThunsdaN durnn rl pie Ortaîrssrt lina gRuip (if medtattsn aiion tiados -turire the preseniartoit. they ortl e a mocki. îedrrtrrs and leamn abosi the rtryniad oftih ni ques eorplisyed ai E.C. Dnrry -GOO Lt.CK MIDIATOSS Wtil, Blang! Kapoa! toosir! Wrrtier sporis aie underay Ft. NFILLED EXCITINO! This paît aeet.. the sporty Spaslans have becs workrng sens hard on pieltaratisi fr theoupconing srson. l'lhe siesileis has e sianied tînacîrse andi, are bathîsg themselve, sp durirg piaeiice. The zrts and botys hockey teaits have heen gerrsng inia shipe, on and off th tese. The bsoys havse carsttrs wisikssuts thts meet., and the girtt are mrrrking ai perfe'ctins hisse întamoas srtshsts YOL; SHO)W kEM SPARIANS! We'd dso lîke rIs rake arnomnt here ai Datetisse Diss tIo rerîrenihen ail ittisse wo sacririced iheir tises ru the mars tri shat me mrghi hase the avortd mie dis rida. Durng thîs tine ot irrite. ir s imprtant ta gise îhaoks tir vseihng yoo have Especiatly youî tosed urnes -gis e tontene y ou tiose a hag rodai and tel[t hem hom mach ihey arean ta tia. ",MUSTANG MESSENGER", MfaIik Mosleh Joli Vandevalk EmiIy Willoughby MI1lTON DISTRICT Bie SCUSOL1 Welcome to another edîtton of the "Mustang Messenger. We hope everyone had a great week. Students at MDHS are going thse extra mile this year toi put a smile on the face of a cbild in a war-tom country at Christmas time. Students have taken on "The Great Mustang Shoebox Challenge", in which they have ftlled shoeboxes with small gifts, like toiletries, school supplies, candy, toys and mitis for these children, which will be distrihuted toi themn aI Christmas. Although we don't have a final counit yet, we hope to put together a minimum of 500 boxes. Through the hard work of the administration here ar MDHS, we have found two separate anonymous donors, who will donate $1 each for ever box we assemble. This money will be passrd along with the thoeboxes to the agency handing them ouI. Way toi Go Stangs!!! Keep up the spirit and let's see if we can't heat our goal of 500 boxes. Next week, MDHS will be hosting a frete Olu shot clinic for members of the comumunity. Il will he on Tuenday, November 13", 2001, in our cafeteria. Influenza can he a serious iiiness for stme people, which will result in hospitalization or even death. Protect yourself and your faanily and come toi the clinic and gel the vaccine. Students in our ochool are alto raising money 10 buiid a school in Nepal. These students plan to climb Hamilton Mountain, not once. not îwice but FIVE limes 10 help ratse money for their cause. A reminder from the office that midterm reports will now be distrih- uted on Wednesday, November 1411 and that Parents Night bas changed 10 Thursday November 22"a. Students will be hringing more infortnation on Parent's Nigbt regarding appoinîmnent limes, as the night comnes dloser. The guidance department would like 10 tbank aIl of the graduation seniors for tbeir tremendous effort in geîîing aIl] of their posî-second- ary applications in hy the deadline. They know that il is a very liard and stressful process, especially 10 do aIl of the research you wanted to do in suds a small amount of lime, but you did il. Congratulations go out toi aIl of the MDHS sports teamis for their tremendonas efforts in the past week. The senior boys football teats dominated Wbite Oaks lasi Friday, wtnning îhetr gamne 24-7. Thts was their all-round besi game of the season. The junior boys also beat White Oaks lasi week I0-0. Boîh îeams ocilI bo heading itthie semi-finals, the jutiiors againsi Burlingion Central, and the sentors, versus Iroiquois Ridge. The juniors played yesterday, and the sentors wtll play ioday. The sentor girls basketball team was defeaied tn a down to the wire contest 34-24. l'ite girls are congratulaird for a well fought season. Better luck nexi year. Thai's il for thîs edition of the "Mustang Messenger." We hope everyone bas a greai weekend.