Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Nov 2001, p. 4

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4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 9, 2001 Got a hot scoopn? We'd love to hear your story <7011 femloraliv? p)laque)i to IU&das. L.,d/i uur newsîoorn ai 8/b-234 -1, e>d. 2j4. -~Q~4~7C lidtq Opett 7Coiw OPEN HOUSE**Â*f11 -1*WEEKEND ONLY NovEmBER LOTH & 11TH 'Twas the Night Before C hristmas Musical Snow Globe when you buy ant .3 Hafimark cards (99o Cards Excluded Rect Price $3995 be replaced at Milton park Plaque celebrates Holland's liberation By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The Mtlton and District Horticultîtral Society will make a tangible tribute to tItis year's period of remembrance. ItîIl actually be made shortly after Remembrance Day. but will be no less significant to the Dutcb Canadians still residing locally. At press time yesterday, group members were awaiting word from town council on when they'd be able to officially replace a plaque at Chris Hadfield Park - commemo- rating the 35th anniversary of the liberation of Holland by tbe Canadian Armned Forces. Tbe original plaque. along witb a silver maple tree and 1010 tulips. was installed May 5, 1981) to mark the iusnîversary - but over tbe years il disappeared and now only the tree remains. "Ben Reis (a member of the club at the lime) first brought ilto 1Our attention back in the spring." explained Kay Bounsaîl. president of tbe local horticulture society. "Im not sure just when il (plaque) went missing, but it's been quite a few years. As for the garden, 1 guess il just wasn't kept up." With Chris Hadfield Park now a popular destination for area resi- dents and out-of-towners alike. Ms Bounisall and company feht t was important to restore this part of Multon's heritage. And what better time to do so than around Remensbrance Day? The plaque. and 50 pound gran- ite stone it's attached to. will soon retumn to its resting place ttnder the maple tree witb the inscription 1945-1980: Donated by Dutch/Canadians of Milton and District in Graleful Memory of the liheration of the Netherlandu'. Said Ms Bounsaîl, 'We felt pret- ty strongly that this should be acknowliedged. The Milton Millennium plaque and one other will be installed at the samne time, within the next couple of weeks. We've got to do it soon betore there's frost on the ground.- Region seeking ftrnds for affordable housing NO OST* OR O DowN, O INTEREST RECLJNING SOFAS 0 WJNG CHAIRS 0 RECUJNERS * MOTION SECTONALS SOFAS * SLEEP SOFAS * SOUD WOOD BEDROOMS * SOLID WOOD DINING ROOMS * TABLES * LAMPS * ACCESSORIES BURLINOTON POWER CNTR EI Q.E.W. & BRANT STREET (905)331-7600 Halion's health and social services com- mittee is calling on tbe Province to match federal funding for the proposed Federal Affordable Housing RentaI Program. The programn would sec $680 million across Canada dedicated to dealing with housing issues. Ontario's share would be $244 million. "We need t0 gel the Province and federal govemments involved in gel- ting credible, affordable housing.- said Regional Chair Joyce Savoline. -Housing tmuly is an invisible issue and we need to draw the Province's attention to il. Also endorsed by the commnittee was a request for municipalities t0 be included in the design and delivery of the programi. Regional council will address the issue Wednesday. 9 ne9OJ49-3-9 (~b~ Canabian Cbampïn 6ee14ýe 04e e Hello, my name is Ashlee Jamieson. 1 started the paper in August and it is ail right. Fniday is very hard. With the money 1 earned 1 bought clothes and 1 arn hoping to get a Nintendo 64 at the end of this month. My littIe sister helps me ail the time, so 1 split the money with her. She is nine and 1 arn twelve. Thank Voul Winning Carriers receive a large 3 topping pizza courlesy of« Ta loin aur delivery team cai 905-878-2341 Dirmer speeias % b75-3776 336-,4274 336-0172 0 4 1 sawr*w

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