Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Nov 2001, p. 29

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TIsa ranailias Cn,,snfrsa rii<tas, bnk, O 0uifli~'Iê MONAY O RIDY Classified Ads [L assified 9:00AM -5:00PM ALL appear at... tANuaS IN vop iilu BIRTHýýDAY Jfppy S3ai3ria y Sarah acro lot. 3+ bedroorrs, 1 1/2 bathas, partiatty fir- ished baisemeit. Locat- ed in Moffat. Asking $299,900. Please cai 905-854-4170, aven- ilga. MILTON New De- tached, reverse ranI tri own, $210K, 519-853- 0894, Michael Wan. Broteer. BEAUTIFUL 3 badeoom semi pie lot or quiet crascent. Firaplace, 2 tiereil dace, pacenniel gardera, etc. 705 Mid- Mton. 905-875-1177. Open House Sundsy 2 - 4 pm. $179,900 OFFICE spae tor rent. 50 Steeles Ave. 905- 272-0648 $$ GOVERNMENT Fards $$ Grenta and boans information tri atarI and aspard yosr business or farm. 1 -800- 505-8866. CRIEDIT Problem? Gel heip roc with securad VISAs, debt resolution, and credit repaie. 1-866- 548-1118 Classtfied Houe Monday to Fridjay 9 am to pm z-i rierroor aspart- maints. Availabte De- cembar 1. $775/ month. tIn Downtricn Miltoin. Cati 905-875-1110 est. 247 DOWNTOWN Milton: Smeii cozy bachelor apartmanl avaîlabie Dec. 1 - $560 morithiy înciuding heet.' No Pets. Cai 854-0401 cith par- sonal and coek rater- ancas. IN Miltorn, 1 bedroom apectmerits f rom $860, tacrgea apactmant, quiet building, riaciy dacorat- ed. 905-875-4989 ROCKWOOD by park, surny spacinua hacha- lor, on 2nd floor, bail ny, upgreded, ami building, $595 inclusive. 519-856-4900 SCIQUS 1, 2, &l 3 bedrooms. Feeshiy painted, bright. Com- petitive riant. Butiriglon high-risa. Watt-main- tainsil. Convenaent loca- tion. 905-333-9846, Noon-S pm. MILLSIDE TOWER 82 Mitliîde Drva, Miltn UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 1&2 Bedrsomr Arts. Deluxa Buîilding IOea 'ODr Towin" location 2 upytieces Lasdry tecîlttes Utilîtras ircluedi On-Site Raurilant Managers Open 7 ilsys Sae <loy prreoal Cali: (c05) 876-1249 3 bedroora bungalow on country lot. Trafalgar & Steeles. Availabia im- mediatley. Cati for de- laits, Frances 416-631- 9 500 level. Garage, heat & hydro includeil. Quiet area. Dec. îst. 2001. $900 per/ month. First & Last. References. Tel: 905-693-1687 COUNTRY Retreat..3- bdrm chalet style home on, 16 ac. treed, pond, trails, triple + garage/ workshop. Available Dec. lut. $1,800.00 par mo. rat. required. Campbellville Realty Inc. 905-854-2294 NEW 4 badroom 2385 aq.tt. esecutive home in .new" Hawthorne Vil- lage, Mifton. Ideal tor corporata tranater. Non amokars. No peta. Avait- able Decambar. $2,200.00. Application with rafarancea. Cati Mare Mallaliea, Com- monwealth Real Estata Sarvices Corporation. Privata lina 905-876- 0633 (leave mesaage). 3 badroom towrihouaa. Garage, tinished baae- ment. $1200.00 par month, availabla Febru- ary l/ 02. 905-878-6643 BRAND riew 3 bedroom townhouaa. 2 1/2 bath- roma. 3 appliancaa. No pea aMOkara. Avaitable January 1. $1200 plua utilities. 2 preelous rat- erencea requîred. Cali Angela 416-658-9140 LOVELY 3 bedroom townhouaa. Sunny aat- in kitchen, t 1/2 batha, appliances, cozy rec room. $1300 par month plus utilities. Phone 905-271-8883 or 705- 437-4614 NEW Townhouse on Main Street. 3 bed- rooma, fll bathroom, kitchan/ lasndry/ park- ing. Utilitiea included. Avial ecember 1. $1.400 tiraI! last. Wilh or wîthout fumitura. 905- 827-2117 LARGE conm w/sapa- rata bath forcrent tc0 quiet non-smoking temala. Share kîtchan includes utitîtias, cabie, use rit laundry roora. Parking availebie. $450.00 firat & lest. Cati Kala 905- 878-4977 ROOM for RanI, in tocrihousa on Bronte andl Hesirip area. $425/ montb, avaitabla imme- diately. Cati Pet 905- 876-3164 ROOMS tr Rent. Steit- ing f rom $375. Utilitres included. Quiet gentle- man pratecrad. 905- 878-3632 ROOMS foraint. Usa rit taundry. No pets. $125! caak. 905-864-9101 MaR&O&T puEDEiG %UPu»o«>MW MEDELA PRODUCTS - SALES & RENTALS (~ *Breasî Pampa # Baby Scales * Breast Feeding Products , Botter Living Home Health Care Inc. 25-B Commercial Street, Milton 905-875-2458 F- DAVIDSON, Mark & Pal and big sistees Leanne and Heather ceicoma Caltlyn Sheîby to the famiy. Bom Ocîriber 26, 2001, ceighîng 6 ha, 12 oz et Ostevilia Trafalgar. Many thanka to Dr. Shacrna andl bis staff. 31,111c~ Ofer <-1aufil eai esieor tJxeUL. mrio, - ea M1itrnnms r ooms sacludi geourd Majis pefei. 40 0-84 0359, avaenga FeaCrar g * ak alWife Eanlehn & hita Decetioriesanmoa Chid rvders, Toeaher P1rn0 Sunday, Novembe I Ilo asiej 5o p.m. 6t0 Snnyv te temndos Garage SePees Ae EeretowncOt. 9054~78-2936 Osh Kosh and so much more... Childrens gently used Clothing WESOME One Day Only Sale, Sundey, Novamber 18 Fcom 12 - 3 p.m. et The Doyne Community Centra South of Milton 2287 Drîtannie Road (25 & Dritennie) Newbomn to youth aizas Cesh only Brand neme clothing gelore \% including Osh Ilsh Gap, Old Nevy, Disney & meny mors. AIl in greet shepe et terrific pricea. tIn Mamoriams in the formi of Sdonations to The Cariadien Cancer Society ara deeply apprecieted. Ders0 Sacura BC.erncl af ilton Disrdc Funra Hoe 146 Miii St.N., ton onr Tu s a 2-e r d 7- . F n r i S r i e c hs allR ft ro ciedoe r4 01 Ured Chrch on Wibierinsday Don ation tove heiband Unfe Charchtor ta Heart anil Stok ayn ndati couf b a rc ofteg Smt ap ios riton ympa nd at Bil REMEMRACE alo ibdeLing the fr of daions tri Thnoue an Milto Disrictan [t HosPitl Fntein arle pperate J LoveM~vommy, on & Curnteffe mon" 'ýf, , P- - - McDONOUGH - James welcomed brother Liant Stewart, on Oclobar 1081, weighing in at 81b, l oz and cent wait t ba's bit enough to wrestla. Son nf Tracey & Mite. Ttird Grandson for Nancy, and another for Bill and Sharon McKeown. JAGER, Peter At the Milro District Hospital on Tuasday, November 6th, 2001. Pater Jeger rit Miln beioved husaend rit Mary. Loving ftaer of Angela. Deer soni of Elizabeth Huilar and brother Ceaba oil Don Milla. Son-inlw of Lîz and her husbend Joe, Phyl and huaband Giarini, fine and husaerd John, Angie and husbend Victor and Pat8y and husbsnd Nrck. Peter wll be greetly misle by has uncle Ted, cousin Julie and many niecea and riephewa. Famty anid friands visited et the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home 114 Main Street Miltonr, 905-878-4452 on Wednesday and Thursday. The Furiera Mass cii be celebrated et Holy Rosary Catholic Church 139 Martin Street Mitro on Friday, November 981, 2001 et 11:00 arn. Meani Donations to the Canadien Cancer Society would be appreciated by the family. JOSS, DIIya Il ls with great sadriesa the family announcea the passirig of Dilys Jos (ries Hughes) on Mondey, November 5, 2001. She wil be grealy milae by her huaband and basf friand Donald and ber sons David, Dean and Douglas. Witt also ha milse by her sîster Glenys HIs brother-mn-lac Harry Oussoren and nephews Joal and Jeremy. Cremaion has laken place and a Memorial Service will ha held fcom SI. Paul's United Churcb, Milton on Frîday, November 9th et 1 PM. As expressions of sym- pathy, donations to, the Milton District Hospital Fouridation, Heart and Stroke Foundcation or Canadian Diabatas Association could be appre- ciated "!the famiy. Arrangements through the J. Scott Early Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milton. ..Our Il isl Heavens gain." IRAKUSH, Walter William Passad acay November 3, 2001 wîth his loving tamly by hîs nids. Walter cas loved by ail who knew hîm and wll ha sady mîssad. "Until ce meat again J SESSWOIIT, Edward Loane - Unespectelly, ut the Joseph Bruni Memorral Hospital, Burlîniglon, Ontario, on Wedneslay, Novembor 7, 2001, Cil Segscerth of Brrnir age 63 Tsars. Ilr hIl bundl ut Diurne (Ire Henry) Segscorth, Devoted andl loued luitir et Tutu arnd Murihewaund his cite Wenly, ail of Burlîngion Sun ut the lais Boss andl Jennie Segsworth andl brother rit the, laie Marlone Hall. Osar ,o n..... lacot Fleorce Henîry ut Mileertor oeil neplîew of Buth Pale ot Gueslph. Cil cul aise be mîssed hy hîs sisters, huethers-ir lac, rinces, nephscs, cousins anil 'nis. Ed wos active en comnurity orgaffizatiors allot hîslite. He cas port presîdeot et the Ontarie aeil Haillon Feilerateens ot Agriculture unil puni chair oft he Haltos Agrucurîtrusal Adiîory î.,urîmuftee Forner cap- taie et tise KilBride oluinteer tire OSiers, a nuember ot the Haltoe Agricoitil Society, the Hialton Cersaiuotion Authority oend a repiîent et the Cariada 125 Meilal (1993). Visitatieon if SMITH'S FUNERAL HOME, 1167 Guelph Lire (one stopiight rerth ut OEW). BURLINGTON (905-632-3333), on Frîiloy 3-5 andl 7-0 p.m Frîssils are iruîtsil tei lois cîth the tamin ily for a Sernuce et Bemembrarce ai Lecuille Unitedl Chesch, 5801 Guelph Lire, Burlîsgton or Saturday Noemner f0, 2001 ut 2 p m tf desireil expressions ot syispattiy tu the Heoil oeil Stroke Fourdatior ut Ontario on Lewvilie United Church Memuriai Fusil ceulil he appreciatel by the tamly, I..t Noice C nin e on thene '.ag mummme /;.4 /V0u.4, 9/01 5- 9yO &ts-i, V'es10. 07

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