Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Nov 2001, p. 11

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Berrv's job was to w~it<i' for German submarines 0 from FORMER on page 3 Three people from his clans of 100 were appointed to destroyers. During his time on the Kootenay, Mr. Berry and his shipmates escorted convoys serons the Atlantic Occan and patrolird the Englisb Chanonel watching for German submarines. "It was a very exciting time for me because 1 had a big job, controllmng the plot whicb kept track of where the submarine wss. I would inform the captain on the bridge as to wbicb contacts were real and where tbey were. "One time, we knew we had a subma- oine, but in order to keep tbe continuiîy, 1 was up for tbree days and two nights with one speil of baving a brief rest. If someone new cornes iii. you sometimes lose everytbing. And it wss very difficuit toaintaining contact with the submarine.- Near the eod of tbe war, Mr. Berry was ordered I0 transfer to the aviation division of the navy, flying Firellies. But be neyer lont bis love for the ses, switcbing between the tsvo divisions several times -rising tbrougb the ranks -beibie he finished bis career as commander of the dtestroîyer I-IMCS Algonquin in 1964. -I becamne very fed up witbi wshat was happening (raitu the dosvnsizing of the navy). We spend aIl these billions of dollars aiad air crew and stuif like that and it's aIt gone. Just like that, he saisI. Belor i ttlîng noobh of Milton in 1965, Store owner speaks out *from STORE OWNER on page 1 Christmas.'* Tbis isn't the first time the jewelry store bas been vandalized. The front window han been broken twice. "The first time was two years ago and iben agamn in April," she said. Ms Mangotich decided tu speak out about the damage to ber propcnty to let otber store owners and residents know what's happening in town. "If we ignore the problem, people won't notice it. If we bring it out, tbey will notice it. All day people bave been coming in say- ing tbey can't believe wbat bappened to, the planters. I want tbe public to be more aware as to wbat goes on, maybe form s neigbbourbood watcb." Halton HuIs Fine Jewelry wasn't tbe only store on Main Street to be vandalized Tuesday nigbt. A plastic flower planter belonging to Tony's Barber Sbop was also destroyed. 'We keep tl outside and sonacone pulled il out Io the mniddle of the sîdewalk and broke it,- said sbop employee Charlie Graci. 'Il was filed wiîb dort. We've swept most oflit up. We were jiîst waiting for win- ter t0 come to bring il back into the store." Mr. Graci said before Ibis incident, bis store badn't encouniered a problemr witlî vandalismn. "Its unfortunate. Tbey iHalton Hilîs Fine Jesseliy) obvîonîsly got bit barder tban Det. Kim Duncan of' 12 Division in Milton saîd vandalism iin tbe downtown area isnt a common occurrence. '*I is a concem because Cbristmas is coming soon and ici h ligbts wiIl be up. We send extra paîrol in the downtown ares for tbe Cbristmas season." She said it's imperative if people see or bear somnetbing t0 calI Police. -Community tivolsement iv very impor- tant." Mr. Berry worked at the Royal Canadian Air Force staff college in Toronto. It was tbere that be leamred of tbe ricb farm land that surrounded "Hog Town." "I bad always wanted to farm and 1 real- ly didn't like Toronto, but there was ail ibis farrning bistory so close," bie explained. "TMat's bow I came to tbe ares." Bob Lee robertlee@aztec-net.com The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 9, 2001-11 that you pause for a moment of silence Sunday. Human Resources Professionalsý * Association of Halton i M * As a chapter of the Human Resources 4 Lt Professionals Association of Ontario our mandate is to provide programa and services to our member- ship who either lise or work in the Halton community. As Human Resources Professionals we play a key role in influencing governmest legialation and creating and supporting awareness of employment and workplace issues tor the employers we represent in industry, business and government. Through regular monthly breaktast meetings we are able to provide our membershîp and guesta with a broad range ot human resource best practices rangîng trom compensation / benefits, labour relations, employes relations and strategic HR. Our meetings are held at the Burlington Conterence Centre, 5420 North Service Road from 8:OOam-9:3Oam. Where required, the tîme is varied to ensure adequste transter of information. We welcome interested business community leaders/ managers to attend our monthly sessions to network and lears from those that have 'bees there and done that', to assist you in: Attracting and Recruitlng Great Candidates Retaining talent Increasing employee and customer satisfaction Enhancing and managing employee performance Uip-coming Ca-lendar of Events Nesember 13, 2001: Workplace Stress - How ta siessure ard nioritor iti January 8, 2002: Strategîc HP February 12, 2002: Round table Netwsrkisg Event March 12, 2002: Succession Planning April 9, 2002: Performance Assessment Tuai - Myers Bnîggs May 14, 2002: Aainuat lieneral Meeting - HP ProducW/endor Display If you wîsh to attend a meeting please RSVP wîth Sarah Paul. For more information regarding our Association please contact an Executive Committee Member: Susan Scott, CHRP Jane Filîpetti Sarah PouI President Membershîp Dîrector Secretary 905-335-2742 905-825-4747 905-337-0293 Est. 248 Est. 5102 Kim Mitchell kim2@castle.on.ca 245 Commercial St. Milton, Ontario. L9T 2J3 Fax: <905) 878-3692 Wac o e t en Soe-S Cal 14 *oem e 28 fro 6 - e. This year's Auction wilI help benefit: *A Rotary 3rd World Project *Variety Village projects in Milton *"Breakfast for Kids" So... If you are a business please consider donating items ta the auction for resale. or... If you are planning on bidding on items, you have two ways this year. 1. ADVANCE BIDDING - ta view items or to advance bid, visit our website at miltonrotaryclub.com & click on "auction" 2. CALI IN - the night of the auction you can bid by calling 519-853-9090. Wh on' yo in ohs Mlo buiese an * Mito Irjcs .al Joh (JP 00-r t o -e a . spno at 90 7865 or emil 1.000.basee ne R.ESP,'S Lic. wîth MI What a GREAT Chrîstmas GiC th C«s d Edouwiln bs iIngl LE.S.P. Ie!Tired of Always paying into the aa Covernmen.? Why flot have the Government pay you!!?. With An RESP this can happen!! *20% Government Grant on First $2000. each calendar year. For More Information Please Contact Us At: Robert (Pie) Lee Insurance Agency (905) 878-5786 .1 à1îîâ&ýàk

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