Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Nov 2001, p. 10

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1l0-The Caasadtan Champion, Fniday, November 9, 2001 'Weiifeeaches a Boiling Point! We are troubled on every side, yet flot distressed; we are perplexed, but flot in despair; persecuted, but flot forsaken; cast down, but flot destroyed. Il Cornthians 4:8-9 A daugbter complained to ber father about ber life and how thifigs were so bard for ber. She did flot know how she was goiflg to make it and wanted to, give up. She waa tired of figbting arnd struggling. It seemed as onle problem was solved afld a new onse arase. Her father, a chef, took ber to the kitchefi. He filled three pots with water and placed eacb oni a bigb fire. Soofi the pots came to a boit. lI one, be placed carrota; int the seconld, he placed egga; int the third, be placed groufld coffee beafis. He let the ifigrediefits ait and boit, witbout saying a word. The daugbter aucked her teetb and impatiefltly waited, wondertng what be was doirtg. About twertty minutes later, be tumned off the burners. He fished the canrots out anld placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out afld placed tbem in a bowl. Then be ladled tbe coffee and poured it into a bowl. Tumiflg to bis daugbter, the father asked, "Darling, wbat do you see?" "Carrots, eggs and coffee," she replied. He brougbt ber dloser afld asked ber to feel tbe canrot. She did and floted that tbey were soft. He thefi asked ber to take an cgg ansd break it. After pulliflg off tbe sheli, abe observed the bard-boiled egg. Fiflally, be asked ber to sip the coffe. Sbe smiled as sbe tasted, afld enjoyed its ricb aroma. Sbe bumbly asked, "Wbat does it mean Fatber?" He explained tbat eacb of thean bad faced tbe same adversity, boiliflg water, but eacb reacted differently. The carrot weflt in strong, bard anld unrelefltiflg. But after being subjected to tbe boiliflg water, it softefled and became weak. The egg bad been fragile. Its tbin outer abeil bad protected its liquid interior. But afiter sittiflg tbrougb the boiling water, its inside became bardened. The groufld coffee beans were unlique bowever. After BANAI Informai Discussions eee, Wednesctoy eeenlng For ltol col: 905-878-tOI 1 Love 'If... mankind (were) to inhale the fragrance of fellowship and love. every understanding heart would apprehend the rneanlng of true liberty, an,,d discover the secret of undisturbed peace and absolute composure. Fro the Writings of Baha'u'lh 1-800-433-3284 www.bahai.org SeirPasore- (905) 8 a783358 ChUldren Mr*. Matchs Reala Worshlo Mr*. Estlher Iteastar Youth Rov. Gord Clark 9 amn - Earfy Worship Service 9:30 amr- Ssanday School - a)i ages 10.45 amn - Second Woiship Service ,0fl0[~ LýCoL (0Lp,7 5:30 par - Proyer conférence Iwvo Sssions - special sterling lime THE PRA YER OF JASEZ Kida Club (aaea 310 5) ida'- Pruise choir Grdes 1 la 8) Stuporvid Plasry& ynmi Chlldren's Ebenezer United Church 12274 Guelph LUne N., Camphellville ROAST BEEF DINNER &SILENT AUCTION Sat. Nov. 1Oth, Open seating Buffet Style 4:45 - 7:30 pm @ Ebenezer Church Tckets $12.50 - aduit $7.50 - student $3.50 - Child (5-11) Prescbool FREE For tickets/reservatiofls cati 519-856-9507 or 905-854-2423 SOMMSIE COMMUNIT CHUCH of The Chrisia & M*sioa Aliance (fonnrlyknow asMil»oMlianc Churel) 2850 DERBY RD. *Phone 878-5664 a Fax 878-6676 Senior Psstor: Greg MeCombs Pastor of Youth Ministries: jack Nmnaber 1O.O A.M. SUNDAT MORMIC WOItSHI SERVICE & «ABvENTuRELAN" for kid 3 - Gr. 6 (Nursery car provlded op lonage2) 700 P.ma. "THtE Pom<" For more info on our regular weekly oninistirien, please oeil thse chiurch office. tbey were in the boiling water, tbey bad cbanged the water. 5'Whicb are you?"~, be asked bis daugbter. "Wben adversity knocks on your door, bow do you respond? Are you a canrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"' That is a good question, isn't it? How about you? Are you the bard canrot that softens and loses strengtb witb pain and adversity? Are you tbe egg wbicb starts off witb a malleable beart and fluid spirit? Has deatb, divorce, breakup, betrayal, layoff or letdown made you bard and stiff. On the outaide, your sheil looks the sarne, but on tbe inside bas bitterness tougbened your once-tender beart? Or are you like tbe coffee bean? Tbe bean cbanges tbe bot water, the tbing that is bringing tbe pain, to its peak flavor wben il reacbes 100 degrees Celsius or 212 degrees Fabrenheit. Wben the water gets botter, il just tastes better. If you are like the bean, thon wben tbings are at tbeir worst, you get better and make tbings better around you. Are you a canrot, and egg, or a cottee bean? Wben people talk about you, do your praises to tbe Lord F 0 increase? Wben the bour is darkest and trials are Oc greatest, does your worsbip çlevate to anotber level? 120 50 How do you bandie adversity? 0 4( Tbe greateat part of our bappiness or misery depends 8 O on our disposition and determination - flot on our circumatafices. To leamn more about bow to bandle 60 adversity, visit a local cburcb this week. Consuit 10 the directory below for service times and -0 1 locations.0 Submitted by Reverend Dan Rogge, .1 Senior pastor of New Lîfe Church, Milton. 10~ ý>O We welcome you to... ST. PAULUS UNITED) CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton REMEMBRANCE DAY SUNDAY Sundaywrship 10:30 a.m. Church School & Nursery Sun. Nov. 18, 9 a.m. - Contemporary Worship Fri. Nov. 23, 4:45, 6, 7:15 p.m. - Turkey Supper Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofstefler juyHunter, Director of Music Church office: (905) 878-8895 (L www.stpauismilton.org MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontarlo St. N. a 878-3873 10:00 s.m. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Jesus said, 1 arn the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall neyer be hunger. John 6.35 MILTON Grace Anglican Church 'h avto SVNHDY317 Main St. E., MiltonTh Sa atn EVENT - the Ghurch on the Hillirn C uc CHURCHTel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 InvitesCURC yo oorwel abt evcsaIWW.welcome.to/Grsce. Milton Mlo Huga Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton e.D.MrMDrmn1:0a -MoigWrsp Sat. 9:30 a. n. -Sabbat), School SUNDAY SERVICES110ar-MonnWrsi Sat. 11:00) ar.. Divine Serice 8:00 ain - Holy Communion 11:00 arn Sunday School FREE BIBLE SCHOOL 10:00 arn - Sung Eucbarist Discaeer the amnazine Bible answers ta lifes peeplexing Churchi Schtxsl & _Csffee Hour 100 Nipissing Road, Unit 3 questions. and tbe secret ta, a happy hife. Pastor. Fior FREE BIBLE LESSONS, write. PO. Box 23012. THURSDAY Major Susanne Fisher 55 Ontario St.. Milton, Ont., t OT 514. 10:00 arn Holy Cotmmunion F~mr nomto bu u evcs n On the INTERNET, http:/lwww.vop.com and Frmr nomto bu u evcs n wissamnazingfacts.orglbibleschool/schoaol malnasp W helhiAcesTrtg PrigLtDos other programmlng please caîl 876-2420 PASTOR: Carlton O. Routîton. 416-82 _46t ( heeaeAcesTrtg aeigLttoe

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