4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesdav. November 6. 2001 be buit ahead of sehedule Construction bumped up to address safety concerns in area By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion The creation of a new walking path between Brookville Park and the Churchill Estates develop- ment is being buit ahead of sehedule. According 10 Churchill Estates project manager Ron Young, the timeline for the pathas construction was bumped up when hie heard of a girl struck by a car while walking 10 thc park along Guelph Lisse. Five-year-old Sarah Boucher was struck and killetI by a car "lCertainly since I was miade aware of it, there lias heen more of an effort for us to try and get it in as soon as possble."1 September 24, 2000. "Certainly since 1 was made aware of il, there bas been more of an effort for us 10 try and gel il in as soon as possible," hie said. The two-metre wide path has already been cul, and is awaiting the spreading of fine stone that will coat the walkway. When it's complete, Uic path will link Brookville Park 10 Inglis Drive, pars of Phase 2 development in the subdivision. 1I juss need good weather andI no rain 10 finish it off," Mr. Young added. The property tha thei palh runs through was handed over to Uic Town of Milton during Phase 1 of the development. While the lanid is currently being used to store top soil for Phase 2, the property will become part of Brookville Park when Uic develop- ment is complete. "The timeline was bumped Up, but it (path) was requested early on Uirough the planning of the subdi- vision in order to allow people liv- ing south of the park 10 gain access," said Ken McAlpine, Milton's coordinator of parks and facilities development. "Pathway improvements will assist in minimizmng potential safe- ty problems." iliton 2000 Committee members recogsnized for ail their hard work Members of thse Milton 2000 Committee were recognized for Uieir efforts by Uic Town of Milton last week. Members were presented certifi- cales of appreciation October 29. Beticeen February 1999 and July 2001, Uic committee organized Uic flower gardent in Chris Hadfield Park, Uic Millennium gazebo, and other projects. Among the recipients were: Bruce Carlin, Val Ewan, Mary Long, Sandra Murphy, Dartene Wasilkowsky, Albert Cassin, Leslie Fitch, Cathy Miller, Kirsien Pederson, Monica Cassin, Sean James, Jennifer Mirosolin, Paul Scherer, Val Derrien, Elizabeth Kiddle, Jean Morrison and Diane Spremo. »OWNTOWN PARKING LOT RECONSTRUCTION 'lie Towns of Milton wili begisi srosrsctios of various parking lots located in Downtown Miltotn. ins geeeal, ths recotnstruction woeic involves resmoval of asphalt, drainage isoprovementa, installa- tien ofsnew apsaltand parking stall mafkiflp. During thiswor*perod, the designtdlparkng lots wlll bcemtpletely closeti off ta aflow erews to compte Ibis wosl as quickly as possible. Whe= possible, Uic wodc will be donc in phases lu "edce inconvenience ta downtown residents, business owncss and thcir cuatomers. Firet 1'haa: The MMS Street parking lot, wlll bo closed frotu November 81te November 16, 200 1. Alternative parking cao be accoenmodaftd in ie Mary Street parking lot, CIBC Bank Machine park- ing lo t Main and Brown Streta and Town Hall parking lot on Mary Street. Setonsd Pisas: Thas Mary Street parking lot will be closed froos November 15, 2001 ta November 22, 2001. Alternative parking will be available in Uhe Mil Street parking lot, C1BC Bank Macbine parking lot at Main and Browen Steets, andi Town Hall parking lot on Mary Street. lie above dates are subjeet to weatiser conditions. Dtrlng bots of these perlodit, -no overnlgisi parking wll las permitteti wlthln thse parking lots tender reconstnttction. Thank you for your consideration and patience. REQUEST FOR BIm Prliting & Copying Outsordng Service 01-061-P Sealcd Bida on fornis aupplied by the Town of Milton will be recelved by Purchasing Services until 11:00 a.m. local lime on: November 21, 2001. Specifications and fonins may be obtained at the Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario, Cotporate Services Departmcnt, 2nd Floor. During normal business boura, Monday tbrosagb Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pan. Th=r is a bld document fée of: $26.00 ($24.30 + $1.70 GST) Payment can be msade with cash, cheque, Interac or Visa/Mastercarl. Information can be found on the Town's web site wwwowmiJtn.o <n . or inquiries may be direct- cd to Purchasing at (905) 875-5404, If you would prefer that this bid bc couriered to you please cern- plete Uhc Rcquest for Bid Document forni on thse Town's web site: www.town.milton.on.c Plan tak- ers and current and upcoming bids arc also postcd on the websitc. PUBLIC OPEN BOUSE Milton Council and Town Staff are reviewing developmnent options for thee significant public facilities in thc Town of Milton: - Town Hall -~ Arts & Culture Centre - Public Library An open bouse and presentation will be beld on: Tiesday, Noveosher 6tb, 2001 Hugbi Foste Hall 5:00 Pmn. b 8:00 Pan. with a brgef prosentadoni frou it coaaukants at 7: 00 p.ae. Wc value your inpuit and hope that Milton reaidents can join Town of Milton Staff on November 6di. to roeive an overview of thse options ta date andi provide inpss into tdms fuiture.significant cli "- 905-878-7252, xt 10