Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Nov 2001, p. 8

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8--The Canadian Champion, Fniday, November 2, 2001 UR~H SUUO i6ruu nI /tUUtn s. /'WveseineA PRINTlNG INC. 73 7 Main Street East Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 Pro viding a fu It ra nge of Printing Services i Colour to 4 Colour Process Graphic Design Tel: 905-876-3793 Fax 905-876-1143 PO1NT! ! ISNOP REDIN Hieu SCIGO&M Mar Mak afam oie n Royal ReportRynPn The annual Honour Roll Breakfast and Academic Awards Ceremony celebrasing the academic excellence of more than 200 stu- dents was held last Thursday. Congratulations to the following award recipients fromt the Milton ares: Andrew Pepper - Student of the Year David Laughren - lst in Gr. 12 High Average Award - R.J. McCarthy Award Courtney Sansoin - 2nd in Gr. 12 High Average Award Jennifer Hunt - 3rd in Gr. 12 High Average Award Lucy Horvat - 2nd in Gr. Il High Average Award Kieran Cunney - ls in Gr. 10 High Average Award Laura Banducci - Bishop PulI Francis Reding Memorial Award Amy Prisniak - Father J. Fergus Duffy Award Allen Lourenco - Meco Poliziani Memorial Award Justin Mastranigelo - Aramark Canada Lsd. Award lu thc University of Waterloo Mathemnatics Conseas, B.R. had great representation in the top 25% of aIl contesta. Top finishers fromt the Milton area are: Megan Crawford, Kate Kelly, Mark Laframboise, Kevin Laughren, Matthew Mastrangelo and Cory Minkhorst. Kate, Matthew and Megan are alan commended on first place finish in their respective school competition. Bishop Reding's excellence bas alto becs shown by nec athlet- ic teama recently. Laat Wednesday, B.R. hnsted the G.H.A.C. and Halton Cross Country Finals as Kelso Conservation Area. In the Midget Boys' 5 km. race, Mike McGill earned a berth in the O.F.S.A.A. Champinnship with a 3rd place finish. Other notable per- focmances were accnmplished by Jamie Greenfield and Michelle Docîl in the Midget and Senior Girls' competitions respectfully. Thanka to ail staff and students wbn make the evens a succeas. The Junior Girls' Basketball teain bas earned a tast round bye in the playoffa with a cnnvincisg 39-22 victnry over Loyola. Great teamwork led thcmn to an 18 point lead as haîf time and allowcd them to moass to victnry. This set the stage for Wednesday's gaine versus St. Thomas Aquinas in the Battle of the Undcfcatcd. Kasia Sitarr ignit- cd thc gamte wiUi two quick baskets in the first quarter while Lindsay Furik led the scnring wiUi Il peints. Mcanwhilc, thc Junior Boys' volîcyball teamt played Uicir last game of Uic season versus Loyola on Monday. Unfortunatcly, despise a great effort, Uic term was unable to defeat Uic opposing Hawks. Gond luck next season. "Age doran't protecs you froin love. But love ta some entent prntrcts you foin age." - Jeanne Mareas DALTELI1NE D.D.T E.C. DD.T Hien SCHGGL Mogan louer Lynds.y Jones Rab Parker Hey, what's happening as E.C. Drury? If ynu donst know, we sure do! Read on su find oas is Uiis exhilarating and isformative editin of dateline Drury! "Erre îhnsgh 1 don't go to E.C. anymore, 1 stil! rrad Datelise Drary evrry week. You gays are so funfihlrd and excitingl -Nadia DeLivio, E.C.D. Alumnus Tnday Drssry welcomrd back our gradsases 50 particîpate in Drury's annu- al "Grad Day." This gave nur OAC stadents Uic opportstnity to ask ques- tions Uiey may bave about university and college life. Our Grad Day events will culminase tonight as nur commencement ceremony. We'll be Uiere, and we hope yoa will ton. "Dol1 like Dateline Draty? DO!I EVER!! -Dylan Hardy, E.C.D. Alamnus Two groupa Uiat have becs looking fnrward to commencement are these rnwdy concert band folk and Uic ever-melodical concert choir. Under the astute direction of Mr. Gayfer and Mrs. MacCrac, Uiese musical madcaps are ready tu "pomp and circumatance" it ap 47 1t2 simca... Serinusly. In sports news, Uic girls' baskeshall trams had mixcd resulîs in Mnnday's aggressive game agaist Q.E. Park. The juniors are currently srcurisg a spot in the playnffs, and keeping Uic wiuning streak going in Uic procesa! These young 'superstars' flsished wiUi an impressive score of 52-26 in Monday's gamte. Tlhe seniors, however, are os a streak of Uieir uwn.. Usfortunately, Uiey came up short of pointas Monday's match. However, donst underestimase Uiese ladies! They have Uie spirit and Uic braises to prove that Uiey wun't go dows wiUiout a fighs. "Rab Parker sure is liv'ing thse drram.. Nat anly dors hr grr ta write for Datrlinr Draty, but hr grts ta sprnd so mach timr with Lyndsay and Mrgan!" -Framinus T. Bandersnatcb THE PUCKS HAVE BEEN FLYING! Flying isso the ses thai is! Bath Uic girls and beys hockey trams have becs practicisg bard this week, in prepa- ratios for Uic rapidly apprnachisg arasons. There issuo doubt Uiai coaches Bamet and Mitchell will bave these tup-nosch players wbipped rigbt issu shape issuo time as ail! This pass week as Drury bas juat fluws by wiUi many fus-filled occur- rences! And yes, Uie ramor is tine: We're bere every week until Jane, su make sure yuu taIse anme finie out of your busy schcdule ta read aur informative ramblinga agis and again and once agis! have a greas weck- end! "Whrn 1 grow ap. I want ta writr far Datrlinr Draryl 1 think its prachy krrn!" -Local Elrmcssary Scbuol Studesi (Namne withbeld by reqaast) MalikMOusleh Joli VandevaIk EmiIy Willoughby MilTONl DISTICT Bie SCIGOL1 Welcome to anoUier edîtion of 'Mustang Messanger. Wr hope you al had a aafe, but tcry Halloween, wîi lors of Ions to bons! Herr ai MDHS, students les their Halloween apirit show shrough Uirir costumes and pumpkin cacving akilîs. The halls of MDHS wr filîrd with monssers, pirates, devils, the "Sailor Mon Scouts", wirards, babies, princrsses, ungcls, farinersaund even the hesdlrss horarman came ta clasa on Wednrsday. Thanks so ail Uic atudents who tonk pars in Uic costume contrat and congratulations to the winscrs. Claire Murray won for ber Crurîla DaVilîr cos- tume, Megan Lockhurt's headîrsa horscmnan und Tamera Bisson's Robot won for mot creasive. Nick Spore drrssed up as Dilbert and won for the funnirat costume and Sara, Selena, Katir-Lyns and Deanne won Uic prize for beat group costume - Uicy wcrc Uie "Sailor Mon Scouts". Way to go, and Uianka for showing your spirit. Congratulations alto, go out to the following classes for wmuning Uic pumpkin carving contrai: Ma. Cran's clasa won for a pumpkis Uiat lonks Uic mot 10cr un MD tracher, recrrasisg Mrs. O'Rcilly wiUi Uirir pumpkin. Mrt. Wcdele'a dlata won for the fus- sirat pumpkin; Mr. Hamilsonas data won for Uic scariet pumpkîs and Mc. Crantas class won for Uic mot creative pumpkin. Wc would like to remind parrnts again that Uic Mid Teri reports arr being distcibuted on November l4th and Parents' Night will be on November 22. Alto, ta, al senior students, your Pot Srcondacy Application forma are due on November 9, along with your pro- ccsaing fe. If you still nerd more information or have any ques- tion on the appropriate way to fll out your forins, please talk to guidance as son as possible. Now as abbreviatrd version of the MDHS sports updatr. The jun- ior boys' fontball scain won sheir game this puast week, 13-3. Congratulations for this outstanding win. Both football teams have made is to Uic playoffs, and faced White Oaka. There is unfortunate news from the two girls' baskctball trams, as Uiey lot both thrir games to T.A. Blakrlock, in the puai werk. Wc wisb thrm luck in sheir sexs gainra. Pleasre sent wrrk's "Messanger" for the updasrd scores. That's is for this wrek brr as Milton District. Wr hope that cvecy- onr will have a grrus and atresa-frer weekrnd. PaU44

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