Mn tetfisiR a wide By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion A Mississauga man testified Tuesday he was scammed out of $35,000 in connection with deal- ings at the Village Pine Shoppe in Campbellville. 1n the preliminary hearing of fraud sus- pect Oriena Currie, Peter Caragioiu told Ontario Court (provincial division) in Milton hie met Chartes Currie, Ms Currie's son, in Marcb while serving lime at Maplehurst Correctional Complex. 4He (Mr. Currie) was very charming and nice to me," Mr. Caragioiu said, adding Mr. Currie told him lie was in jail for telling bad jokes about former U.S. President Bill Clinton. "He said bis famnily was very rich and they had a business dealing witb fumiture. 1 told bim 1 was laid off from my job and 1 bad no place to live. He asked me if 1 bad any money and 1 told bim no, but 1 had a $35,000 lime of credit. '4He told me if 1 put up die money, bis mother would post bail for me and would buy the fumiture cbeap and the tbree of us would split the profits when the fumiture was sold fromn the sbop. 1 said il sounds good." Mr. Caragioiu testified that Ms Currie posted bail for hlm several days later and hie moved into a warehouse on the proper- ty of the sbop. "She was nice to me, like a mother," bie told the court. 1I felt close to bier." During the next severai weeks, only a bandful of furniture items were sold fromn bis share, hie said. "She (Ms Cumre) started taking awsy my fumiture one day. Wben 1 asked bier wbere she was taking it, she said it was bier fumi- ture and she bougbt il witb bier own money. Wben 1 said wbat about my money, she Satiwd.y Nov. 3 2 - 4 pà.m. 784 Graham Bell Court JOAN TATTRIE-HOLLINGS In attendance Prudential Town Centre Realty Sunday% Nov. 4 2 " 4 pà.m. 479 Ontario St. #59 DIANE MAYNARD in attendance Royal LePage Real Estate Protessionals Sundav% Nov. 4 2 - 4 pà.m. 784 Graham Bell crt DONNA STARK In attendance Prudential Town Centre Realty Sunday, Nov. 4 2 -4 p.m. 1971 Centre Rd. $269,900 SUSAN RECOSKIE In attendance Royal LePage Real Estate Professionals Sunday, Nov. 4 2 -4 pà.m. 11036 Hwy 25 Just North of 15 Sîde Rd. BARBARA CROWE in attendance Royal LePage Real Estate Profeaionals said, 'Wbat money? "' ordering the fumiture. Mr. Caragioiu said bie spoke to M. "No, we were going to split the profits Cornie and îold him wbat bis mother had between the ibree of us," Mr. Caragioiu said. "He said tbey borrowed the money from Canada Trust. When I asked biru 10 give me back my money, hie said bie couldn't because it was invesîrd. 1 weni to the police because t realized it was fraud. l'mn stl paying off the $35,000." Defense attorney Peter McWilliams sug- gested Mr. Caragioiu actually made the deal solely with Mr. Cumre 10 splii the profits between the two of them and the only pars Ms Currie bad in the masser was insisted. Ms Cornie was arrested July 5 and cbarged witb fraud over $5.000. Charles Currie is also charged in the alleged fraud. but chose not 10 have a pre- liminary hearing, and will go 10 trial in Superior Court in January. Ms Currie's preliminary bearing, held te determine if enough evidence exisis 10 go to trial, will continue December 18 in Ontario court (provincial division) in Milton. The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 2, 2001-5 /,Woman's irauda chargye droppDed A charge of fraud over $5,000 against a Caropbeilville woman in connection witb the Village Pine Shoppe bas been dropped- Crown Attorney Andrew Goodman told Ontario Court (provincial division) in Milton Tuesday that there was "no reasonable prospect of a conviction" of the charge against Sheri Duif. She was co-cbarged witb Charles Currie and Oriena Currie, wbo arc currently before the courts in connection witb the Campbellville furniture store. TM/MC 2== J 1 IF ' dam~ At Sears, wie are big enough ta have what you want... but small enough to care who you are. KENMORE. DAYS, THE FINAL WEEK.1 SAVE UP TO 125% SALE PRICES START MON., NOV 5 AND END SUN. NOV. il, 2001,UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, WHILE QUAN-lTIES LAST IUSE YOUR SEARS CARD ANC UM DOUBLE MEMR CLUB POINTS ON AU KENMORE MAJOR APPLIANCES On approved credit. 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