The Canadian Champion, Fniday, November 2, 2001-35» Daieline" gi 0from DATELINE on page 33 Do you have a new baby9 Calling New Parents, a free program for parents and babies 6 months and younger, meeta witb publie health nurse to discuss parentlng and infant care. The group meeta at the Milton Cornunity Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For More information, cal] (905) 693-4242,wao ext. 7899. Improve communication and leader- ship skilis with the Milton Toasimasters. Everyone is welcome to attend at tbe Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charle St (up level), ai 7:30 p.m. For furiher information, contact Brenda Stephenson ai (905) 854- 7227. Help for Parents, a parent support group, meets at Pinelandi Presbyterian Church, 5270 New St., in Burlingion ai 7:30 p.m. This non-denominational self- support group helps parents of children who are in trouble at home, ai school or with the law or who are abusive or taking . drugs. For more information, catI 1-800- 488-5666. The Peel/Halton Vaginal Birth After Cesarean-Cesarean Awareness Group q Wq (VBAC-CA) meets ai 7:30 p.m. For loca- tion or fuether information, calI Lisa ai (905) 469-8599 or Penny ai (905) 873- 2779. St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St. E. bolda St Paul's Community Kitchen from 10 a.m. to noon. Participants leamn about cooking practices, shopping tips and nutrition. For further information, cati (905) 876-4539. The Halton Down Syndrome - Association hosis the Family McFun Night in celebration of Down Syndrome Awareness Week. Everyone is welcome to attend the event ai McDonald's restaurant on Upper Middle Road ai Guelph Line in Burlingion ai 6:30 p.m. The Milton Fibromnyalgia Support...... Group meets ai St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St. E. ai 2 p.m. Visitors are wel- P AT L S comne. Pesticide Altemnatives for Milton YA O E (P.A.M.) meets ai 95 Main St. ai 7:30 p.m. New members are welcome. For more 1 information about RA.M., calI (905) 693-201 Cerlt 50 ikU 93. Wednesday, Nov. 7 919 og aoaEt a Halton Healthcare Services and the Canadian Mental Health Association pres- 19 odW ntrS ent a stress mnanagemnent semninar ai the 19 odEpoe 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall in Oakvitle ai 7 p.m. The free event, entitled 'If lits Not 20 odEpoe Working, Stop Doing It' is a hands-on experience in analyzing bebaviour. The199 Str event is led by Dr. David Posen. To reservelo199 Cer etGadPi a seat or for more information, call (905) 338-4379.196 GadM ru Thursday, Nov. 8 19 odEcr ao The Halton Outdoor Club holds an 19 ota rnpr information session to discuss the upcomn- ing cross country ski season. The group meets ai Burlingion Central Library, 2332 New St., ai 7 p.m. More information, caO * I (905) 634-2012. The Burlingion chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario (SSO) M meets ai Port Nelson United Church (in the library), 3132 South Dr., in Burlingion ai 7 p.m. SSO is a self-help group for frienda and families of people whohave schizo- e phrenia. For more information, catI (905) I i i îi , 634-6797.