McBRYDE, Gerald Suddenly, on Tuesdlay, BROWN, CHRISTOPHER October 30, 2001, Geraid McBryde of Milton in In loving memory of my darling grandson who 1 his 63rd year. Beioved husband of Sheila. Dear passed away father of Glen and his wife Ern. Loving grandffa- November 3, 1997 ther of Michaela. Will be sadiy miaaed by his 1 do flot need a special day Chrin brother Campbell and hswife Bett in Canada, 1! To bring you to my mind fistere tria, Janet and her hasband Phil and The daya 1 do flot think of y05 brothers Howard and Derek, ail of lreland. Also are very hard to find misoed by his nieces and nephews. Friends wiil Within my store of memories be received at the J. Scot Early Fanerai Home, you hold a place apant 21 Jamea St., Milton on Friday, November 2nd For no one else could ever be 487 Laurier Ave., Milton 878-2881, from 2:00 PM anhil the lime of the Fanierai More cherinhed in myt heart Service heid tram the Fanera Home Chapel ai 3 May the mmnd of love blow gently PM. Cremation to fo110w. In lieu of f lowern, dlona- and whinper no you can hear tiona ta the Hesrt & Stroke Foundation mould be How mach I love and mina you appreciated. by the fnmily. and winh that vos were here. PENSON, Helen June Peacefally, on Wednesdsy, October 31, 2001, Helen Penson of Milton in her 78th year. Beloved wife of Wilfred. Dear mother of Carol Fendley, Harold and his wife Beverley and Margaret and her fianoee Peler Kremer. Loving grandmother 0f Hoity Fendiey, Jennifer and her husband Shawn Dîckenson and Christopher Pennon. Frienda will be receivedi at the J1. Scott Earty Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Milton on Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 PM. A Fanerai Service will be held f rom the Fanera Home Chapel on Satarday, November 3rd at il:00OAM. Cremation lt foltow. An exprea- nions of sympathy, donations ta the Milton District Hospital Foundation wouid be appreciat- ed by the famiiy. WOODS, Lanny On Three Mile Lake in Munkoka. Lanny Woods, loving non of Richard and Carolyn Woodn of Milton. Dear father of Rayon, Jennika and Aeriei. Brother 0f Doaglas and Daniel. Family and friendn may vinit at the McKersie-Kocher FaneraI Home 114 Main Street Milton 905-878-4452 from 10:00 am until the service at 11:00 am on Friday, Navember 2nd, 2001. If desired donations to Knox Preabyterian Church 170 Main St. Milton LOT 1 N7 woald be appreciated by the family. ZWOLMAN, Teresa (Terri) Pescefally at her residenoe, surrounded by her famniiy on Tuesdsy, October 3Oth, 2001 in her S2nd year. Terri Zwoiman, beloved wife of Bert. Loving mother of Lee and Julie. Dear nîster of Mike and Barb Morgan of Milton. Dear sinter-in-lsw of Ingrid and Jim Bailey, Roy and Ann Marie. Marcel and Mary. Terri witi be missed byt her niecea and nephewn Paxton, Kirk, Blair, Nicole, Bsn and Brooks. Famiiy and frienda vînited at the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home 114 Main Street Milton 905-878-4452 from 2-4 and 7-g pmn on Tharsday. The Fanera Mass will be celebrat- ed at Holy- Rosary Roman Catholîc Charch 139 Martin Street on Friday, November 2nd, 2001 at il1:00 am. Memorial donations ta the Milton District Hospital Foandation or the Victorian Order of Nurses would be apprecisted by the family. LPick Up your copy today. 191 Main Strst East, Milton 905-878-2341 le CET BROWN, CHRISTOPHER in loving memory osf aur dariing son, father, brother and uncie who panseri away 4 years ago on November 3,1997 C is for Confident, a dear young mas H is for Hanent, as wan aiways your plian R is for Rare, as precioas as Gold 1i s for imaginative, sach fan to behold S is for Speciai, your sngeic gaze T is for Taiented, you simpty amaze 0Oin for Outstanding, yoar whoie Ifs through P is for Personality, SO precioun and true H is for Happy, a bright shining star E is for Exceptianal, the bent by far R is for Radiant, preciaus and rare Christopher, Beyond Compare With ail our love toi aour preciaus ange, wie miss you more than yoa coaid ever know. Forever in our heerta, Mcm, Dad, Josh, Kelth, Cindy, BrIillany, Troy and Hayle L oti wilI neyer be forgotien Chris because t love you dearly, J Big Nenny ZWOLMAN, Teresa (nee Morgan) In lovîng memory of oar daughter, ninter & aunt Teresa Alwayn remembering The good timen we hsd. Voar spirit wîli live on In oar hearla We wilI always be glad Oi aur lime spent together We wili miss you Unlil we meet agan. Mcm, Ded, Dave, Sendy, Mike, Barb, Tracy & Julien, Chrie & Jeif, Brooke SOCIY*DU CANCER In Memnoriamns in the form of donations to The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. Thank you Milton front Ç~ Williams Orchard for your faithful, rain or ri Sshine patronage of the Saturday Farmners Market. a To Lena, of A CateredîAfair, thank you for availing gour facilities to the f~ farmers and vendors. Sandra & Eldon Wilams (The Nadalin Family would like ta express our sincere appreciatian for ail the cards, donations, meals and * expressions ai sympathy in the rspissing ai aur wife, mather and Nana, Evelyn Nadaliîn. Thanks ta the Lions Club for the >, * lavely lunchean and ta J. Scott Earl Fueral Home for yaur c0ompsinate support during this difficuit time. "What litres la the heart neyer dies" Sn , an7 ant Jef& ae Rrad & Brenda i7vcflersie - koVcfer fFuneraU (ornu-e Dedicated vo meetng vvar needs snce 1953 Doag Rocher Caroline Kacher Andrcw Kvcher - 24 Hour Service * Pre-arrangment Options * Grief Counseting Services - Cremnation Services 114 Main St. Milton 878-4452 GARAGE SALE Girls Bedroom Suite and a bit cf everything 742 Frobisher Bivd. Saturday, Nov. 3 8 a.m Weather Permstting $"mm.. moIsu Veut huai la tulst Mmd nuohm- ît»s Veil ellesuts flulomu veu te Calu. Ibm 0.60isole tev dveuts nu ae tedmyl41 3x6, etc. Somte cutting required. Cames sn a 20x8x8'bis. Deiivery availabie. 905-875-2455. ATTENTION INTERNET USER Ustimilsi Accean osiy $15.95, greai local service and suppert from SURF THE NET. 905-873-2802 The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 2, 2001-S31 ACCES 10a coput-MECHANîC helper/ tire persan for mediam sîze er? Work at home on- truck fiset, apprenticeship avai. lo qaifled appic- tins $500 - $1500 per ant. Must have valid drivers lioense and transporta- monlh oart lime,1 tion. Paid beneffts, mage negohable. Cc-dt for ap- $30 ' utim c pontment aller 2 p.m. Buc "itiamnon, (519) 853- for the Holiday'Offer. 5773 est. 5 or 1-800-862-1470, est. 5. wmw. reachsables uc- 'WANTED AZ drivers. Fiat bed work for Soulhem cenn.comn 1-888-373- OnarioandCMichîegan, esperience preferref, home 8503meeknda Cai Bet Transier (519) 853-5773 ext. 6 FREE Internet Job or 1-800-862-1470 exil.6 Search Training! If you LOCAL company tooking for people lai work on a are unempisysi and part lime bssis sn dry ice bis deanng. Sandf bisI- mant 10 learn how touase ing or mater bissting saperience as asset. Musi hentretaheip you have drivera abstract. Cai Kerry 905-875-2182 est. wîth your job sarch, 30, Fax 905-875-2681 cai the YMCA aI (905) 881-1140 for more infor- Buck ore lsss Canada', ivreri dollae stue retati chain mafias. cas îlfe, empivymesi eppertnvies ucrus, the country. FRE Wvare cuïTeniiy ivuktvg for stree set uptceus fue vue FREiraining. Drive 4 iuativ vu 95 Ontario Situer Svuth vn Miltvon Bucker Un. School Bus Drivera Tee stvres ufier tbur cusivmves a fue sbvpping expert- Wasted. Cai (905.) 877- en,,e ýbeause tbey prvde vvieng ne xcv ,coss 4448. Laidiaw s an tentiy beiter values and a .supeeee selecties of mer- equa oppertusity Com- chavdise! If yen arr an roretic indisiduai witii pany, irladership and costuer srrvice skiiis and ment le, GENERAL Heip wsnted be pari nfia winning iram inten pirate fax us your for Golden Fish & resume wiih saiary especietions lus(905) 738-068 Chips. Part ime pesi- Our benku t,, at but vtiy qtutlifed candidaes, wil bu coesue.d. lion. Bring resume in persos 10: 388 Main St. 1GENERAL W RHOUSE PERSON Est, Milton. 905-878- :1Due ce as isceeasmei e ksesis asti continet gmwt 13921 wichin ourMotion and CeeetrDivision, there is an ,mmedate neci te fitl epesisgs edtkie vue Dz riv rs~ eva es,ner.iment. OZ Orvers rienacyjebtdue iteuie eýperative of at olr wantadin t he area af beupl.inofvoerste.peithmeteof stock andi Hey#5 & #25 (Painran eeaiiabvurtduie. Yard) or winr 1Yv ideal c.andidate meust bc able te ,vvek uuth Yai)orirar mvu uepercvttveand ptueutgondvegaeieativeal and aperatiana, anvepiaca, covmmeunicution ukilis. A suuti kv,,svidge of1 thte sanders, eIc. f,duct lie v:vuid bu a Jefinite axe. Experionce suan use. aurker Havetîle Canada t: an equai vppouîc,,uv John Eek & Sec Ltd emtployet. Tel: 905-775-4321 Please testi resune te: Fax gg-75-W. PARKER HiANNîFîN CANADA a485 PARKHILL DRIVE MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 5E9 ATTENTION: SOPHIE KOVACHIS dl ,, Human Resources Protessionals Association of Halten -éM As a chapter of the Humas Resources L - O Professionals Association ai Ontario aur mandate is tai provide programa and services ta aur member- ship who subher tivs or mark in the Hailon community. As Humas Resaurces Proiessionals mie play a key rate in inftuencing gavernment legisiation and creating and supporting amarenesa 0f employmenl andi morkptace issues for the employers mie repre- sent in industry, business and goversment. Through regutar monthly breakfast meetings mie are able la, provide car membership and guests milh a braad rasnge ai human resaurce beat practices ranging tram compensation / besefits, labour relations, emplayes relations and slrategic HR. Our meet- ings are heid ai the Burtington Conterance Centre, 5420 North Service Road from 8:OOam-9:3Oam. Where required, the lime is varied tai ensure adequate transfer of information. We meicome isterested business commusity leaders/ managers ta attend our monlhly sessions ta netmork and tsars tramn ihose thai have 'bees ihere and dose that", tai assisl you in: ~-Attractlng and Recruiting Great Candidates ~-Retalinng talent I- ncreaslng employees and custonmer satisfaction ~EnhancIng and managing employas performance 1Upccmlng Calendar of Evants Nevember 13, 2001: Workptace Stress - Hom ta meunure uni monitor iII Jaeuary S, 2002: Strutegic HR February 12, 2002: Round table Networking Event Mardi 12, 2002: Succession Planning April 9, 2002: Performance Ansessmest Tasi - Myero ttriggs May 14, 2002: Annual Gesera Meeting - HR PmoductNVendor Dinpluy If you mish ta, attend a meeting piesse RSVP mith Sarah Paul. For more Information regardlng our Association please contact an Executive Commitiee Member: Susan Scott, CHRP Jane FilipeBi Presidenit Membership Direclor 905-335-2742 905-825-4747 Est. 248 Est. 5102 Advertising & Promotions Asst. An esiry lovel position sn our Marketing DepI. soisto for a motivulsi , malth-tank individa. taperiesce uni creative uhiiity sn pro- motions sn the 056 seclvr is un ussel. Sailuble uppli- cant aitl have puni secsniary educaliuv an marketing or udvertising und evperience wilh an ai agency sr ar- hsuse marketing body cssrdiînulîng production uni cumpuign elements. Compter skillo in MS Word, Excel, Desk Top Publishîag (PC) uni kasaleige ai meiau uni prinling terminalogies are essenlîsi. Comynlîlive sulary uni benef ils Please aen your fesume le: Director of Marketing AFTON FOOD GROUP 3380 South Service Rd. Burlington, Ontario L7N 3J5 Sarah Pui Secretary 905-337-0293 1IVI 1-LM AUDITIONS ACTORS WANTED Aduila & kîda (2 & ep) needod for TV& Film assîgneots Na Feesi No Counses. 416-221-3829 Dm.. -m ... We're H e Arnoldi Brus Trasport Lrd. has meved tv Mileve and we cuerently have the folewing empîvyment vppvetuvtes: junior Rrceptionist Please Forward-Resume to Juie Francis 8 100 Lawson Rd., Mitton, Ont. L9T 5C4 Fax: 905-693-1668 alve hiring AZ Linehaut Drivers v/e andi Company minimum 1 yeae OTR exerience Cati Jane at 800-567- 3656 MILTON AREA $13.00 per bout Lube Bay Attendant This vob teqetees the eppliant te bave is wn basic ic,,d voIý The appicae eI] be tespot:sibe for the ierformin routine oftrucks and tier. $11.50 pet hesse Wash Bay Attendant 1ie job requires appieats tvnasiim,.is wiiia,d ivusesvand trailersusng an a,,tmatedirollivsersvashvmace ee,,a ,edvvr tvasibay. Ail inteeested applicants pirate fersard applicatin er teseme te: Fan: 905-693-1576 E-tenl: testerrresrcsehntnail.cem Or, Mail Te: Tester Renrcs. 55 Ontarin st. ou 23022, Milten, ON. L91 0e4 Or apply je poes betsren 10:00 ans and 3:00t psu at 8201 Lamnen Rd., Miltes, ON Ask forjantir ai reeptien COLONIAL TREE SERVICE Tree workerllaborer Aeiriat bucket operator 2 FlULL-TIS<E POSITIONS REQUIRED experience an asset but wiil train. vir offer cempetitive salary plus ententird hralth Înnurance. tinterested candidates cati: 905-877-8591 or fax reshime to 905-873-4602 MITN&WATER)OWNLOCATIL& i Top Pay Guarateed -Starting 0 $9./hr + commission & honunen for qaalitying ntyintn ,Escellent Benolit Package I. tnaîpment provîdeif - Ns clientele required - Avanced upiating -FT & P/T, flexible aerk boums Cail Robert or Brenda ai (905) 319-3155 AZ Owntrr Cbperatnrs fo UA (300 t. via0 mile $1.055 per mile INSURANCE AND PILATE S l'Ail) AZ cempmne Highsay Tran Dirleer. sp in $'48 per moite SCHEDULE RUNS AZ Cnompany Single Drivers up te $.38 per mile for US trips SCHEDULE TIMII OFF TRANSX A. t:q..i Or Cee,,v Eni,,ve, CA LL Shotr G.tiiss Tol Free 1 877-313-3312 Fas. 905-362-3616 7225 r.nÇ rkCt Misnimno.a, ON LaS lmO . A