The Canadian Champion, TueSdaY, October 30, 2001-7 By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion To better protect environniental- ly and ecologicatly-sensitive lands and natural ecosystems within the Conservation Halton watershed, the Greenlands Strategy plan was approved by the board of directors during Thursday's meeting. The strategy plan will identify a number of issues, including lands currently owned and managed by Conservation Halton - forests, wetlands and valley lands. It will also include regulated lands that aren't publicly owned, such. aa wetlands and val- l ey lands and lands that need environmnen- ""'prection. The goals of the Greenlands Strategy is to determine the natural heritage systemt for the watershed of Conservation Halton and the extent these lands should be in public ownersbip or protected tbrougb other metbods, to identify and protect envi- ronmcntally and ecologically sensitive lands through land acquisition, to protect or recreate histonical natural ecosystemas and to ensure Conservation Halton lands arc managed appropriately. "Once we cstablisb the land that needs to be protected, we will indicate the best way to proteet them," said Theresa Maguire- Garber, CAO/secretary-treasurer of Conservation Halton. "Wr have one year of work to identify what's out there and the bcst way to protect it." Board member Andrea Bradford said shte wasn't supporting the proposai as present- cd. "Ml'e goals don't convince me of where Ibis is gomng and why. Just by buying wet- lands docsn't guaransce protection. Staff should take an in-dcpth look into this." Ms Maguire-Garber said once a report is brougbt back to the board outlining the arcas nccdcd to be addrcssed, tic ncxt ssep would be to figure out thc bcst way to pro- tcct the lands. Board member Kcith Bird said the Grecnlands Stratcgy plan would lay thc road map for pieces of land that should be protectcd. "If wc don't do it, somne other group will. 1 want to start this now." TIhe process of idcntifying current green- lands witbin thse watershed and Uic consuls- mng fées for thc Greenlanda Strascgy will have a cost impact of $60,000 ini Uic 2002 budget. By March, 2003, a map idcntifying wct- land location is expcctcd te, be prcscnted to Uic board of directors. By November of tIsat ycar, a presentation of Uic Grecnlands Stratcgy to Uic board of directors is cxpectcd for implementation and approval. RCYRARY CLUB 0F MILTON Sr< Wac fo st on - Co e .0l 14 This year's Auction wilI help benefit: * A Rotary 3rd World Project *Variety Village projects in Milton *"Breakfast for Kids" So... If YOD are a business please consider donating items to the auciion for resale. or... If you are planning on bidding on items, you have iwo ways ibis year. 1. ADVANCE BIDDING - ta view items or to advance bid, visit our websiie ai & click on "auciion" 2. CALLIN1 - the nighi of the auciion you can bid by calling 519-853-9090. Ily do' yot Ioi Ihs Mito Iuiese an * Conservation Halton board approves new Greenlands Strategy 2002 NSTC 20' SESVSAE. 610 MANS. UTN8843 4~~~ "Cebraft 4(Yb .%nrary' VI IMW ±zJ Sss~~ opa'ayedeepsw Asdey ayss s e & setets s p s ehP sdsM f COas , Os ecsbsd, aoe ofes pooo, e 4 D bu)oao900o oea 1O<p àses M Is d20 0 2laeossadam ee2 es ae CL5 50 Sec urity increased -at water facilities Hlton Regis tairn peaustion- asy steps te enasire the local water supplydoesnt corn under attc. A"6"ina aecr measme are being mrplerncte St water SUpply facilities to astguard againa any allempa as tlatnpig with tht supply. fliere hae beau no sueb aftesupt made to dat. "ýSecurîtY at our water supply facili- tias bas always beau a top priority and we bave issceasad. osir vigilance, in fieh of recent ercnurtaneea," said Patrick Murphy, the Regious cois- uInssioner of planning ind public "B4it the useamiras arc strictly prc- caullouary. Halton'a water is as clean and safe to drink a atways." Police monitoring of water faeilities bas been inca'aased, as well as tlse Mnonitoring of vitto 101h facilities. Physical sescurty sueasures bave alto sean improvernents. How do you speli entertainment? Visil the evenîs calendar on our websile for details on these November events: Milton Players Theatre Group: Narman is that You? Milton Youth Chorus: A Salute ta Broadway Father Mark Curtis: Share the Spirit, The Baw & the BaIIad, Every Day is Christmas Milton Concert Presentations: Multon's Night at the Prams Milton Choristers: Britten's Ceremany of Garais Have a night out on the town - right IN townl 905-854-0443 --ffl